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About older guys (2006): "I think, "Yeah, he's really good looking, but he's like, 25! Come on, help me out here!" So, no, that's not really happening (laughs)."

New Scans // 05 October 2006

Hey everyone!

Once again thanks to UHP we have some new scans from a french magazine called Magic Academy (Hors Series) but apparently there’s no new information on them so I guess we won’t need the translations, right? Anyway here they are:


I’ve added to the gallery only the ones with Emma, so if you wanna see the rest just click here! And as usual keep voting for Emma!

K-Zone Awards

Have a great week! 😆

Edit: Thanks UHP for letting us know that Globet of Fire won for “Top of the Box Office” and “Best Video Game” at the NRJ Cine Awards thanks to everyone who vote!! 😉   At UHP you can also watch Dan’s acceptance video!

Also today Emma’s good friend Tiana Benjamin is turning 22! As you might remember Tiana plays Angelina Johnson on the Harry Potter films! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tiana!

[ Carol ]

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58 Responses to “New Scans // 05 October 2006”

  1. Rachel says:

    where's today's update? 😕 XxXx Rachy

  2. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Are you going to announce that Emma has won the CBBC poll this week!?!? That is important! 😛

  3. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Also, Watson Weekly has baseicaly turned into Watson NEVER! 😥 😥 😡 😡 🙁 🙁

  4. Remek says:

    Emma is at the top of the CBBC charts again 🙂 and they added her lovely pcs 😆

  5. Barış or Baris says:

    wht happen today s update 🙁

  6. cl says:

    Yeah UHP rocks! Happy birthday Tiana! 😛

  7. kayla says:


  8. natacha says:

    hi i'm frend and have bought this magazine and there is "news" 60% of the population think that emma should be more pretty i mean that they sometimes don't really like her style I just translate bye ps:my website is his in french but well maybe someone know french oh and…this website it's absolutly my favorite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTINUE 🙂