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OotP Trailer Release Date // 11 October 2006

Hello everyone! 🙂

Guess what??? We finally have the release date for the first teaser trailer of OotP! It’s gonna be on the 17th of November, and it will be a minute and a half long and played before WB’s new animation Happy Feet! And as informed on the official Harry Potter newsletter the teaser trailer will be only shown in theaters.

I’m sure we’re all excited about it and can’t wait to watch it! I’m sure our girl will be on it! Thanks to VTM for the tip.

As usual don’t forget to vote for Emma, and make sure to take part in our Christmas Project! 😉

K-Zone Awards

Have a nice day! 😆

[ Carol ]

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100 Responses to “OotP Trailer Release Date // 11 October 2006”

  1. Adam says:

    I am first. I am so excited. What happened to watson weekly. I havent seen it after the sixth issue

  2. Rachel says:

    Awesome! I can't wait!! 😆 WOW, finally first 😕 ^.^ cool I bet OOPT will be great like the others!

  3. Rachel says:

    Not first 🙁 XxXx Rachy

  4. hehehehe cipa says:

    eeee I noy first 😀

  5. Rachel says: for Emma! ^^ XxXx Rachy

  6. ani says:

    emma watson 4-ever 😆

  7. Danique says:

    OMG, I'm sooo excited!! 🙂 But we DO get to see it on the Internet, don't we?? Screenshots and the teaser itself? Or do they really only show it in the theaters? I hope not 😥

  8. Teresa says:

    oh!!!~~ i have just noticed that there is a new VotW update!~ thx so much, it's a nice video!

  9. Katy says:

    I'm sure it will be available online, just not right away

  10. ***L3 says:

    😉 🙂 HI everyone! thank for this site! it's my favorite site! thaks! bye!

  11. caroline says:

    i cant stand hoho!!

  12. Skyler says:

    Wow so that's when we see the first one, I bet they'll be flowing in after that! I can't wait until the movie comes out, I think it will be awsome to watch and enjoy. I'm already asking Harry Potter fan's if there going to go and see it already. Lol, I just can't wait to see the teaser trailer either. I do hope that you guys can some how get it on here, something tells me a lot of people are going to be watching it over and over, lol. 😛

  13. Me alias Hermione says:

    Can´t wait for the trailer! 😉

  14. Harriet says:

    Only in the cinemas???? I hope it appears here as well, I don't know when I will next go to the cinema. Can't wait in any case, I'm sure it will be fab, if it's anything like the others, it will have me in suspense till the release date in the cinemas, and that's not until the summer next year, OMG 😥 😥 Looking forward to it! Thanks guys!!!

  15. mashiat says:

    Can anyone tell me when is the latest issue of Watson Weekly going to be published.

  16. Deux says:

    Gosh, I'm so excited!!! aaaaaahh, I coudl run around in my room and scream!! By the way, I'm sure Carol had wanted to tell us, that not our, but our girl will be on it, too (little mistakes happen!) 😉 *running around in my room and scream*

  17. Kat says:

    OMG soooooooo excited about the trailer – probs wont show much, but will still be awesome woohoo! 😉 😛 🙂 😉 😛 🙂 😉 😛 🙂 WOO!

  18. emma's# ONE fan says:

    AWESOME can't wait!!!! 🙂

  19. r/h fan says:

    I'm excited now!! When will it be posted online??? Probably a few days after November 17.

  20. r/h fan says:

    I'm eager for the R/Hr moments. Also, nice pic of the day!

  21. - -?- - says:

    omg…I can't wait!! 😛

  22. greendayluver says:

    they had better put it on the site!! ooooh i cant wait!!!! ps. im new and greenday roxx!!!

  23. Steffi_german says:

    d a m n i t ! why does it take so long 😥 i can't wait. i'm sure it will be the best hp film ever at all, and best film of the world, and… of the universum and….. 😆 looking forward to check that out!!!!! lg's steffiiiiiiiiiiiii

  24. Steffi_german says:

    sorry guys i didn't mean "at all" 😛

  25. Steffi_german says:

    so bye bye kissess good night!!!!

  26. Steffi_german says:


  27. Ashlee says:

    Awesome! I can't wait to see the movie and for all of the new pictures of Emma when she's travelling! I can't wait!

  28. Barış or Baris says:

    woow!!I m looking forward wait OOTP trailer'!!!! 😆 😆 😆

  29. wil says:

    When will the forums be up? Anyone know?

  30. RonandHermione1Fan says:

    Same here r/h fan

  31. Brittany says:

    Don't worry you guys, it'll be on the internet. I just went to veritaserum and it said NOTHING about only playing in theaters so I dunno where got that from. 0.o

  32. Nico says:

    i cant stand wait for see the trailer.

  33. Carol says:

    Brittany: Just go to TLC and you'll see where we got that from 😉

  34. Sarah says:

    AAHAHAHAHAA i can't wait to the trailer… it's fantastic!

  35. nick says:

    seee, me too. yo tambien. please ad me, only from england

  36. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    DAMN that's AWESOME!!!! 😆 omg i can't wait i'm really excited!! whoaa…. OF COURSE Emma's in it lol 😆 that's the best part of the trailer lol thanks a lot *jumps*

  37. Jeez says:

    What the heck?

  38. Watson Never I mean Watson "Weekly" says:

    Where is Watson Weekly is no one going to answer me? This is becoming riducluis! I undestand its hard, but y have it if you are not going to acutally do it! It is nerve racking! 😡 😡 😡

  39. Brittany says:

    Carol: Oh ok. Sorry if I sounded rude by saying NOTHING, lol. On mugglenet, it said "don't expect to see it immediately", so I guess it'll be posted online later on. Ah well, I'll prolly be seeing Happy Feet anyway, it looks cute. =)

  40. Aaliyah says:

    Excellent! I can't wait! Only a few more weeks to gooooooo….. 😆

  41. Hiltje says:

    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! i'm sooooooo excited 😛 😛 😛 I'm going to watch the old ones now…i always do that 😉 xx

  42. Carol says:

    Britanny: Again, it's not on mugglenet, it's on The Leaky Cauldron ^^

  43. keira says:

    why isn´t the forum working anymore? 🙁

  44. Adrienne says:

    Hi!!!I like Emma so much!!!I have a question:Who saw her in real??Please writing to:[no advertisement].See ya!!!!

  45. Em Watson says:

    Hello!!This page it's really fantastic!!I'm so happy that You like me!!It's really nice,thanks so much!Bye!!

  46. World's BIGGEST Emma fan EVER says:

    SO cool!!I can't wait… :lol:this is going to be fun. loveyouloveyouloveyouloveyou Emma!

  47. ~Roni~ says:

    That's awesome!! Can't wait 😉 And what's going on with the forums? 🙁

  48. naro says:

    PLEASE ANSWER where it's supposed to send my lines for christmas project? to the e-mail of the site? 🙁

  49. lilliane* says:

    yes, the forum´s are off???? 🙁 😥

  50. dook says:

    naro, follow the links to the Christmas Project page and there is a form to fill out. Or just go to