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About the HP set (2007): "You will be in the canteen and there will be all these witches and wizards and ghosts and ghouls queuing up. I get a reality check whenever my family or friends come and a centaur goes galloping by. They will be sitting there staring but I just don't see it because I have never known anything different."

2 Scans & Translations // 16 October 2006

Hello to everybody! 🙂

Thanks to Maria and Julie for these two scans:

Once again, a big thanks to both of them for the translations as well, and also to Nicole. Here they are:

Translation for scan 1:

Which one is said by Emma Watson?

A: ” I really don’t have a bottom. That’s why I really look weird I’m naked!”

B: ” A new partner has to go through my test first. If my dog doesn’t like him, nothing’s going to happen…”

C: “Older guys don’t stand a chance with me. With older guys I mean, guys that are about 25 years old.”

Answer C is right

Translation for scan 2:
Though she may be a famous star all over the world, that doesn’t mean Emma Watson can get a boyfriend easily. “I only meet two kinds of boys: Boys who are scared of me and boys who laugh at me because of Harry Potter. Can’t someone make a potion, so that they will start to like me?” By the way, this isn’t Emma’s only problem. She isn’t actually sure whether she’s going to be in the last two movies about the wizard.

Now one last note before I go for the day, I’d like to remind you that Emma has not decided about doing the last movie yet. Nobody needs to freak out until Emma says it’s for sure. 😉
[ Shannon ]

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56 Responses to “2 Scans & Translations // 16 October 2006”

  1. Alex says:

    I hope she doesn't become one of those "Where did she disappear to?" types. I would simply hate that. Some of you may argue that we have to respect her decision if she decides to quit acting but, for me , if she does it would be the most depressing thing on Earth. Sure she'll probably get a great new career,but that doesn't cheer me up. I'd never see her again. It would as bad as if she were dead.

  2. ritu says:

    hey emma just chill out n relax.n i really wnt u 2 continue the hp movies as thy will be nothing without u .hv fun 🙂

  3. -->Melanie_x says:

    That's it you guys!! You are totally fussing!!! Come on, we haven't actually heard, and yeah, I heard these news before, but I wasn't fussing, I mean, I've decided to support her on her decision, and if that's what your doing, then great, but stop worrying about it aye!!!! Anyways, cya xx

  4. Blacksmith Rose says:

    I wonder if 'about 25 years old' applyes to someone whos 20 years old? I feel like a dirty old man 😆

  5. Sterre says:

    Yes I did Iris :).

  6. Jenni says:

    i think the answer A is right she dont have an ass 😉