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About looking geeky for the her role (2007): "When I was 9 or 10, I would get really upset when they tried to make me look geeky, but now I absolutely love it. I find it's so much pressure to be beautiful. Hermione doesn't care what she looks like. She's a complete tomboy."

2 Scans & Translations // 16 October 2006

Hello to everybody! 🙂

Thanks to Maria and Julie for these two scans:

Once again, a big thanks to both of them for the translations as well, and also to Nicole. Here they are:

Translation for scan 1:

Which one is said by Emma Watson?

A: ” I really don’t have a bottom. That’s why I really look weird I’m naked!”

B: ” A new partner has to go through my test first. If my dog doesn’t like him, nothing’s going to happen…”

C: “Older guys don’t stand a chance with me. With older guys I mean, guys that are about 25 years old.”

Answer C is right

Translation for scan 2:
Though she may be a famous star all over the world, that doesn’t mean Emma Watson can get a boyfriend easily. “I only meet two kinds of boys: Boys who are scared of me and boys who laugh at me because of Harry Potter. Can’t someone make a potion, so that they will start to like me?” By the way, this isn’t Emma’s only problem. She isn’t actually sure whether she’s going to be in the last two movies about the wizard.

Now one last note before I go for the day, I’d like to remind you that Emma has not decided about doing the last movie yet. Nobody needs to freak out until Emma says it’s for sure. 😉
[ Shannon ]

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56 Responses to “2 Scans & Translations // 16 October 2006”

  1. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    WHOA first?? silly i know but it's the first time i'm first lol!!!!

  2. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    Why is Emma so depressed? I thought she could get any boy at anytime she wants too like everyone else.. but it turns out that she's having an awful time with boys! Personally i think that if Emma had to chose between -leaving HP and returning to real life and be HAPPY (because she doesn't sound cheerful, does she?) and between -staying and filming the last movie and being as unhappy and pissed off as she is now, I would really want her to leave as soon as possible before it gets worse. I'm seriosly worried about her.. she seems such a sociable, full-of-friends, happy girl but i'm starting to change my mind…

  3. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    SORRYSORRYYSORRRY for the TRIPLE post but OMG what's wrong with me my enligsh SUCKS today!! w/e… WE LOVE YOU EMMAA!!

  4. maggie says:

    i liked the scans!!! 🙂 and i think emma will return for the last two movies,but im not willing to bet on that.but wasnt the contrack for all 7 movies???

  5. [ Shannon ] says:

    No comments on private pictures, everyone.

  6. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    yeah i knew you were gonna delete everything I just couldn't reisit commenting about it 😛 sorry!!

  7. Sarah says:

    Well…. we'll have to wait and see. just wait and see… 😉

  8. Michael says:

    So Emma is 16 at the moment and according to her NO guys 25 years older (age 41) stand a chance with her. Does that mean that she would date a 30-year-old? God, I HOPE NOT!!! P.S. Based on all the pics we've seen over the years, QUOTE A will NEVER be true! LOL! 😉

  9. dook says:

    Michael, I think what the article did was really mess up a quote from the Newsweek article. She said there were cute guys working on the crew, but they were like 25, so she wasn\'t interested in them. So, no, 30 would definitely be too old.

  10. Angelo says:

    Heyhey! Quick question…Anyone from England..What time is it there? right now… 🙂 And Shannon, watcha mean by no comments on private pics? what private pics? 😉

  11. Michael says:

    I know I posted this once before but I never really got a response to it so here it goes again. Emma has: ears that stick out too much, a huge forehead, a pointy nose, thin lips, and an odd jaw-line. Somehow, this all adds up to the most beautiful girl ever to come from the U.K.!!! 😛 😛 😛

  12. Michael says:

    Sorry, forgot her weird eyebrows. BUT SHE IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆

  13. Angelo says:

    i'm in another it really 5 am there? or is it just with this chat server thing…

  14. Michael says:

    No, it's 11:24 PM here in New York City. So it's 4:24 AM in London.

  15. Molly says:

    i hope emma continues with the HP movies. i t would be stupid if she wouldnt. 🙁

  16. Angelo says:

    Ahhh…thanks mehn 🙂 so it must be with the server thing then coz when i posted "i'm in another country….." it said that it was already 5:18 am…btw, whats with the respect emma banners?

  17. -->Melanie_x says:

    Okay!! Emma is the prettiest thing ever!! So why hasn't she got a bf?? 😥 That is soooooo sad! Also, I ain't worrying, coz if she decides to leave, it IS her choice, but if she doesn't…….YAY!!! Haha! Anyways, that Molly girl, what is your last name?? Cya xx (Plz Click On My Name!!) Lol, Nah, You Can If Ya Want! Cya Y'all!

  18. Hannah says:

    I hope Emma continues to do the Harry Potter movies they would suck without Emma!

  19. Aaliyah says:

    I'm betting that if Emma quit, the press would have a field day and all HP fans and EW fans would send her letters telling her to come back… 😛

  20. kety says:

    Why are boys so stupid? if i was a boy i wold be merry her!!!

  21. Aura says:

    I am sure she will do the movies, I can't imagine Harry Potter with other actors.

  22. Sharky says:

    That article is clearly a fake… that quote is certainly not in Emma's words. This article is no reason to believe that Emma is unhappy, or poorly adjusted at her school.

  23. Sharky says:

    Oh an Michael… Emma does not have thin lips, a strange jaw-line, nor weird eye-brows, for that matter. Emma's lips are full and her high forhead is very beautiful (forheads of her kind are classically considered very becoming on women). "One picture" can make anyone's features look for the moment strange or odd!

  24. Alex says:

    Everyone is treating it like this is the first time she made such statements. She's been saying the same thing in every interview since Chamber of Secrets. It's a pattern and the outcome is totally predictable.

  25. Baldahir says:

    Hi… there are a few mistakes in the first translation… Here is the right translation: A: I really don't have a bottom. That's why I look very stange when I'm naked! and C: Older men won't get any chance from me if they're about 25 years old! Not older!

  26. Alex says:

    What Emma's fans sholud really worry about is whether or not Hermione will die in the last movie.

  27. Michael says:

    Darn, I'm 22. Guess I'm outta luck! Not 25, but close. When she's 18 I'll be 24. Maybe then? P.S. Sharky I didn't base my physical judgment of her on ONE pic, but ALL of the pics over the years and the films. But my point is that all those imperfections add up to the most gorgeous face I've ever seen. 😛

  28. iza says:

    well I hope Hermione won't die in the last movie… 😥 anyway,JKR didn't say nothing about who will die and who not! and I don't think she won't leave at the last HP movie… I hope! Nice PotD! 🙂

  29. Alex says:

    Actually, J.K said that one character who was supposed to die got a new lease on life while two who were supposed to live wound up biting the dust. So I think we should prepare for the worst.

  30. josh says:

    emma really should not think about guys right now,its just a distraction. now when the time is right i will sweep her off her feet and change her mind about guys in there 20's, thats when shes 18

  31. Julie says:

    i don't want emma to quit harry potter, because no one can replace her… 🙁 if you start something you should finish it… 😉 ahm.. Carol said she will post some great graphics… where are they?… 😕 🙂 nice PotD 😛

  32. Julie says:

    i don't understand her… why does she want 24 years old guy ,when she's only 16 years old? 😕 anyway she's still cute and funny and nice 🙂

  33. Dieter says:

    That's right no one can replace her!!! 😥 😥 He has to stay in the movies, or they aren't fun anymore!!! 🙁

  34. Julie says:

    right 😆

  35. grace says:

    emma's not getting a guy? yeah, i guessed that might be.. ok, so dan says that any guy who says he's never felt awkward around a girl is lying.and emma watson being who she is the guy's gonna get even more awkward and they're scared PUH-LEASE!!!!(i know thats not the spelling) i know guys who are TOTALLY casual around girls.i went to camp and those who went with us, the guys, they wouldn't think twice before ordering you to wash their utensils for them.SERIOUSLY.and they more often than not, can always abuse a girl if she doesn't listen to them. i really have advice for emm-come to my country the guys won't laugh at her, they won't be scared of her.they wouldn't even notice her-unless someone goes and won't bother them even then. some of them are abusive, some idiots, somejust too quiet and some intelli.the last group is the best.they're really patient liteners, know how to converse, are polite,intelli., are not awkward around a girl, totally do not abuse her, they'd even say sorry for triffle matters, they are just TOO GOOD.and of course they know how to crack jokes so they're fun guess i'm just describing SG there. all the negative stuff i the first part-people, i've been there, i know it and i'm sure they weren't just prtending to be cool.

  36. r/h fan says:

    I've already seen them!

  37. r/h fan says:


  38. Michael says:

    All I have to say is, I really hope that I don't log on to and read in the latest news section that Emma is dating some guy 15-20 years older than her. If so, it would be because she is YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, and RICH, not because of LOVE. 🙁

  39. Mike says:

    Emma should have no problem getting any guy. She just needs to let one know she is interested. They make fun of her in potter films because, guys tease the ones they like. It makes it easier to break the ice. She did say she likes Brad Pitt before and he is over 30. I think she is very nice looking for a youngster. By the way, If she ever wanted to date she could keep her money. Already got my own. But I can't say I look like Brad Pitt. Maybe his brother. lol Cheers

  40. emma's# ONE fan says:


  41. r/h fan says:

    [EDIT: No advertising other sites please.]

  42. r/h fan says:

    Sorry!! 🙁

  43. r/h fan says:

    Is anybody going to help me???????

  44. -->Melanie_x says:

    Awwwwww, poor Emma, she can't get a guy to fall in love with her!! So :cry:!! Also, yeah, when is the Watson Weekly gonna come out, I have been waiting!!! Also, I can't vote as well 'r/h fan'! But I'm not stressing! :razz:! Anyways, I'm off, cya everyone!! xoxoxoxoxo P.S Luv Ya Emma!!!!!!! And please do not leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. r/h fan says:

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one! I wonder what's wrong w/ the site? 😕

  46. whatever says:

    what she means is that she take a chance with a guy that is 25 yrs old, not 25 yrs older than her!! HELLO, do the math people!!!!

  47. Anna says:

    I would really like to know this boys who laugh at Emma because of Harry Potter 😡 She's such a sweet girl and I hope she will return for the last two movies. If she doesn't come back we could do a project or something like this to show her how wonderful she is.

  48. Sterre says:

    That scan from the second one is a translation of mine! COOL!

  49. Iris says:

    the second one is Dutch! Did you translate it by yourself? really fun de first one!! doeii 😛 😆