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On Maggie Smith and Rupert Grint dancing in GOF (2005): "It's very, very funny. I mean, what a fantastic mixture! Maggie Smith and Rupert dancing... It's brilliant, it's absolutely brilliant! And they do it so well..."

Video of the Week // 17 October 2006

So did Emma ever change her Mum into a chicken? Find out in this weeks video, Fact or Fake.


[ dook ]

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75 Responses to “Video of the Week // 17 October 2006”

  1. -->Melanie_x says:

    YAY!!! I'm Like The First One To Sign!! OMG, The Clip Is Great!! Cya Everyone xx(Click On My Name!) LoL

  2. Elena(Romania) says:

    Yes, I saw it just a 5 seconds ago!!! So cool 😉

  3. Elena(Romania) says:

    YES, FAKE!

  4. NtB says:

    Definately Fake :razz:. But nice video anyway 😉

  5. Aaliyah says:

    Completely random but totally cool! Dan's HOTT 😆

  6. Daredevil says:


  7. Sharpay says:

    🙂 very cool

  8. Haidy says:

    What About Watson Weekly???

  9. Barış or Baris says:

    very great.thanx for video.. Yes Fake 😆 why not change PotD? 🙁

  10. priya says:

    uuh, thats a hard question, i really don't know! FAKE!! 😆 great video!

  11. Cat says:

    okayyyyyyyyyy lol cute vid 😛

  12. Kat says:

    thats such a random video! xxx 😛

  13. caroline says:

    fake of course lol gd video

  14. maggie says:

    yeah,what about watson weekly?? 😕

  15. maggie says:

    is it really 6:25 in england???

  16. evy says:

    yeah..thats strange

  17. Martin says:

    OMG, I loved it 🙂 The Clip Was Great.

  18. Julie says:

    yeah, right… what about watson weekly?… 😕 anyway the clip was really funny and great… 😆 loved it…dan looks really cute… 😉

  19. Alex(Russia) says:

    Oh!That was reaaly great!!!!!!!I saw it just a minute ago.I want to say THAT'S COOL!They're nice gues.It's amazing to see them,they're so young but have a fame.I respect them.

  20. Alexs says:

    Can someone tell me what kind of cell phone does Emma has? does anyone knows? specially de one that shows in the Misc gallery, the picture called "EmmaStreet" Thank you!

  21. r/h fan says:

    SOMEBODY HELP ME! I CAN'T VOTE ON CBBC! IT WON'T LET ME! ____ I've already seen that video b4!

  22. r/h fan says:

    Nice pic of the day! 😛

  23. Harriet says:

    I've seen that video before, it's funny, and weird!

  24. emma's# ONE fan says:

    okay okay cool 😛

  25. matheus says:

    y'm not english. i'm sorry? 😥

  26. Natalie says:

    Hahahahahahahahaha! That's funny!

  27. r/h fan says:

    Very funny!

  28. Lizzy says:

    I am so afraid that Emma is not going to continue the moveies. Today my coach who I thought knew nothing about harry potter said that Emma is not continueing the films. Now I know it has not been confirmed yet but if my coach hears news like that then it must be serious. i dont think i could forgive Emma if she didnt do the last two films…thats selfish but i cant help it.

  29. Michael says:

    The girl wants to prove that she is not all looks and talent, but smart too. If she doesn't continue the role of Hermione, I will stop watching the films. BUT I 100% support her desire to attend college. Emma is the TOTAL PACKAGE!!! 😛 😛 😛

  30. Leslie says:

    That was funny.Fake Duh!very funny.cute. 😛 🙂

  31. Caleb says:

    FAKE!I think she just wants attention for herself and I agree with that person Michael 😉 😛 😛 😆

  32. Sarah says:

    why would emma turn her mother into a chicken? that's too silly 😆 but i loved the video. Did you notice that they copy paste Daniel saying "But that would be interesting?" about the triple bus and the magic school… arrrrrr so i'm wondering if they really asked him this question about the school. Although, he really doesn't go to a magoc school. Or is he? 😕

  33. Lizzy says:

    Emma can do both the last two movies and go to college. Those two things dont even collide.

  34. Aaliyah says:

    Good point Lizzy but I guess she wants to go before she's 20

  35. Julie says:

    i don't blame her. if it's too hard for her to do both(far from being easy), than we should accept her choice… we are her fans and we could be her fans also if she doesn't continue hp , we could see her in other movies 😉 of course, hp will be ' empty' without her, but that's another story

  36. r/h fan says:

    The CBBC Poll works! 🙂

  37. Barış or Baris says:

    where are HP TRAILER 😆 😆

  38. karahan says:

    I LOVE EMMA 😉 😉

  39. Erin says:

    Oh my god that was too funny! 😆 😛

  40. Rachel says:

    LOL, loved it! 😉 nice pick of the day.. xXxX rACHY

  41. Smiled_Girl says:

    I'm sure she did 😉 Greetings from Poland! ;*

  42. Skyler says:

    Ha the VotW was cute, fake. I agree I think they did copy that part about Dan and just replayed it. And I know even if she wants to stop playing in the movies, I'm with her all the way. It's awsome that she cares so much about school! 🙂

  43. maggie says:

    i wouldnt really whant to see anyone els doing hermione but emma,but its really her choice even if we dont like it.i mean,how would you like it if every one in the world whanted you to something you dont whant to do???but i sure wouldnt whant to be the next hermione,i mean it would be cool,but who could live up to her(emma)??? 🙂

  44. liz says:

    duh! fake 🙂 first of all, i don't really think emma would ever give up with hermione's role… never. i reckon she's said that just to warm up all of us 🙂 it was quiet around her last times so it's not a surprise she mentioned it, but i'm sure she can't imagine anyone else as Hermione, she's never gonna give it up 😉 anyway, i don't adore her that much (although i like her!), but I also can't imagine an other girl as Hermione. too much comparisons to emma it would bring… great update! where's Watson Weekly???????

  45. r/h fan says:

    Nice pic of the day!

  46. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Cute picture of the day, wish I had that outfit! 😛

  47. Gia says:

    That's one of my favorite Emma Watson videos. It's cute and funny.

  48. -->Melanie_x says:

    Haha, You Guys Sure Love To Fuss Over Her Leaving, But Think About It, If She Does Leave, We Will Still Be Her Fans, And We Can Support Her Through Her Decision! If She Doesn't Leave, Well, We Would Be Happy As Ever!! And Yes, I Loved The Video, Soooooo Fake, LoL, And Yeah, When Is Watson Weekly Gonna Come Out, Also, I Still Can't Vote At The CBBC Poll!!! Ah Well, Emma Is Probably Winning Anyways, LoL, Cya xx P.S Cute Pic Of The Day!!

  49. Cool4ever says:

    The video is cute and FAKE! OMG! I'm so close to crying if Emma leaves Harry Potter. 😥 But I will be strong (hopefully). Anyway, remember to support Emma for whatever decision she makes. Emma is very smart. And if she chooses college, I will support her 100%. This is so tough for Emma. 🙁

  50. Lizzy says:

    Listen, if Emma does not do the last films than either two things will happen: the new actress will do a lesser job for the role, hurting the movie OR she will do better than Emma and Emma will be criticized and forgotten. if she stops harry pottter she might stop acting altogether and we will no longer see and appreciate her she can do both harry potter and go to college. thats period. its kinda awkward to back out on when she's already done five.