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Rupert Mentions Emma… Again! // 19 October 2006

Happy October 19th, everyone! 😆

As you may have already noticed, we have yet another mention of Emma from Rupert! Thanks to Emma is mentioned when the interviewer asks Rupert:

Interviewer: Do you think Ron will ever hook up with Hermione?

Rupert: There are rumors going around, especially about the seventh book and what’s going to happen between them. I don’t know. It would be quite weird, actually. I’m not sure I’d be looking forward to it. Emma Watson’s like a little sister to me. We’ve known each other for six years! It would feel kind of strange.

You can read the rest of the interview here.

Have a nice day! 😉

[ Shannon ]

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62 Responses to “Rupert Mentions Emma… Again! // 19 October 2006”

  1. Import_nights101 says:

    I read the interview and ididnt understand..Rupert had a sex scene in Driving lessons?…wow

  2. jolie says:

    i was watching E! news (im a dork) and rupert was in NYC learning how to eat pizza, get a cab, and jay-walk, while promoting his new movie. he's soo multi-talented.

  3. kelli says:

    ooo sex scene? but then again, he's already 18 years old. it's just hard realizing it's not Ron Weasley.

  4. Cool4ever says:

    Whoa! He did his first sex scene? @Kelli, I know what you mean. That must have been hard to watch with his family. 😆

  5. Sandra says:

    Rupert had a sex scene????? WOW! Umm… that's real big news, LOL!

  6. j♥sweetheart says:

    he did what? sorry, but is anybody besides me kinda against that? you know, doing that on camera with someone you're not married to? i still love rupert and all, but… i know, you all are going to say i'm closed-minded and stuff, but that's what i believe. it's part of my religion. anyways, that's sweet that he said emma was like a little sister.

  7. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    aww, so sweet! he says she's like a little sis! and i agree w/ j♥sweetheart

  8. Bebe says:

    Rupert did have a sex scene but it's not what you think they just started kissing and it cut to them lying in bed. Anyway sweet interview!

  9. r/h fan says:

    I knew about the sex scene for a while. And I've seen the interview b4!

  10. maggie says:

    wow!thats not really what i thought he would be doing 😥 anyways,when does DL come out in the usa??

  11. r/h fan says:

    It came out in only LA and NY last Friday.

  12. Ashlee says:

    I was gonna say….Sex scene? Did it cut to them lying in bed then?

  13. Ashlee says:

    He's mentioned Em a lot recently too I've noticed…it's cool!

  14. [ Shannon ] says:

    Ok everyone, a sex "scene" means a fake sex "scene". It's a scene for the cameras. It doesn't involve real sex. 😉

  15. Michelle says:

    None of you guys knew Rupert did a sex scene in Driving Lessons? Good God.I knew about it for a while.Rupert is so sweet when he says Emma is like a little sister to him.What a sweetheart! 🙂

  16. j♥sweetheart says:

    yes i know its not "for real", but i still wouldn't even do that! its like, i dunno, not exactly christian-like. though i dont know if rupert is a christian so…

  17. Kinna says:

    "He's mentioned Em a lot recently too I've noticed…it's cool!" because the reporters are asking him about her not comming back the HP. That is all!

  18. sweethermy says: has ANOTHER interview (besides this one) available where Emma is mentioned AGAIN. Wow, she's being brought up in alot of his interviews lately. Check it out though, its so funny, the interviewer and Rupert joke around about calling her and demanding that she stay for the rest of the series. Yeah! 🙂

  19. -->Melanie_x says:

    Omg, he has mentioned Emma a lot, he must totally love her!! Haha, nah, and about the clip, I can't be stuffed watching it, lol, and I'm so glad it is the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, Cya xx

  20. raluca(romania) says:

    Rupert is a nice guy but I just can't imagine him having a sex scene I don't know why but I just can't. I'm still thinking of him as harry's best friend.Oh! he mentioned Emma again 😛 . Even tough he's saying that she's like his sis' I think there's something going on. He's mentionig her very often.

  21. Amy says:

    Oh come on Rupert be ready to kiss the gitrl 🙂

  22. Jaana says:

    Oh Rupert! Stop acting like you don't have even a slightest crush on Emma… 😉 If I was Rupert, I'd be thrilled to get a chance to kiss someone as beautiful as Emma! 😆 I'm not saying that Rupert is ugly or anything, definately not. But if I was in his shoes I wouldn't let a chance like that pass me by. 😛 Oh, and by the way, PotD is really nice and the VotW is very cute! ^^

  23. r/h fan says:

    I knew it wasn't a real sex scene. I just can't believe he did a FAKE one. @Bebe, how do u no? Did u see that film?

  24. Doma says:

    yeh, we don't know what will happen in 7th book. but maybe…ron and hermione? nice nice. by the way, i'm doma(dominika) from poland and i'm 15. write to me, all fans emma and hp:):)

  25. emma's# ONE fan says:

    LOL, it would be strange 😛

  26. Julia says:

    Well, if he's asked about Emma he's gonna mention her isn't he? Rachel Hurd-Wood to replace Emma if she leaves.

  27. ~Roni~ says:

    Awwwww he's sweet. But he should be looking forward to that coz R/Hr rulzzzz 😛 😉 lol

  28. Marie-Jo says:

    haha lol, swee answer, I really like the way Rupert treats Emma! Little sister, that is nice… anyway, I want new pics of emma so i hope she will be attending the DD premiere along side with Dan!!! Cheers everybody!

  29. Gup says:

    I think Rupert should stand aside for the last film and let me play Ron for that one scene. Or let me be his double for that scene. 🙂

  30. pahola says:

    he doesn't have any feelings for emma.. like he said, she's like a sister.. so it must be weird for him (and i imagine for emma too) to think aobut them having kissing scenes.. that's all.. besides he's not mentioning her, its not like he just randomly starts talking about emma, he's been doing alot of intervieuws for Driving lessons and the reporters etc ask him about harry potter too, so they ask him alot about what he thinks of emma leaving.. and what he thinks about the romance between ron and hermione.. so he just answers.. thats all 😉

  31. Rachel says:

    Nice! 😆 He's like..mentioning Emma every1, lol. And what's so strange abt Rupert's sex scene? it's just a scene! it's NOT real sex i guess 😕 so..yeah..i really want to check it out 😛 I guess it's a bit weird for Rupert to kiss's like kissing a little sis (like he said) x_X but..she's pretty, lol 😉 Nice pick of the day and video (like always) 🙂 Post son! and keep voting for Emma people! XxXx Rachy

  32. Steffi_germany says:

    hey guys the film driving lessons is not gonna be released in germany, is it 😕 you're all talking about THE sex scene 😡 i wanna seee that, toooo!!!!!! 😥 😥 😥 anyway, who knows perhaps rupert doesn't like emma as much as it's posed.. haha, he really is no bad actor 😆 no, joke!!!!! ohhhhhhhhhhh it'll be soooo infinitely sweet if ron and hermione get together 😉 kissing each other…… 😉 okay i should be more realistic, we don't know what jk rowling have made up 4 the seventh book 🙂 but nevertheless I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE kisses from germany steffiiiiii cya

  33. Rachel says:

    ugh -_- i mean soon* and not son..sorry 😛 XxXx Rachy

  34. Steffi_germany says:

    and sorry, my english sucks…. i think!!! nevermind!!!! i alway see my faults afterwards!!! at least i see them 😆 just my third year in school…. 😛 lol

  35. Steffi_germany says:

    das n

  36. Steffi_germany says:

    i meant: jk rowling HAS made up… not HAVE!!!! omg what a silly fault!! we're gonna write an english test tomorrow!! yeah we've school on saturday… 😡 so cross ur fingers!!!!!!!

  37. fjlsdkl says:

    ugh people, you don't actually SEE the sex scene, they kiss && then you see them lying in bed the next morning . Nothing more. Jezus. x

  38. rock 'n' roll says:

    i sure hope emma will go to dan's premiere!!! cos that would be really unfair!!! 🙁

  39. s says:

    oooo i never thought rupert would do that kid of thing. but then again he is eighteen…. i wonder when his first kiss was…. anyway really sweet with emma being like his little sis. cute xxx

  40. s says:

    oh sorry *kind not kid 😕

  41. Moyo_back says:

    HE IS NOT MENTIONING EMMA out of the blue, he is mentioning Emma because the reporters are asking him about HER, otherwise HE WOULD HAVE NOT MENTION HER name in his interviews. I think the reporters are more intereted in knowing everything about HP than his DL movie.

  42. Nexitah says:

    Heyy!!! Julia?? Weel its true what Julia said about Rachel Hurd – Wood in HP movies if Emma leaves the film?? Weel.. Rupert is a sweet with Emma.. it would be good to see they kissing each other! 🙂

  43. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    Must be so weird for him and Emma but hey, Emma may not be around to do those romantic scenes in films 6 & 7. Keep voting for Emma btw. Don't give up on her just because they've changed the poll.

  44. Jo says:

    Oi all good? I wait that yes. I am here because I admire you, you are very good actress and that also since that I see to you in the films that my bigger desire and to know you and to be your friend truily. I do not know if you go to read my commentary, nor I know if you go me to answer, but for less you are namely how much I admire you and how much the taste of you as actress. but it adored to speak with you exactly that it was for little time but at least being your friend and we can in to contactar if always possible. I wait that you read my commentary and that you answer I I am Portuguese but we can speak in same therefore I I perceive English. It is fofos kisses well I wait that you answer me. Debtor hermione for beings as you are. It answers me please. 🙂

  45. raluca( romania) says:

    Sorry to disapoint you santos, maybe I'm not the right person to tell you this,but this is emma's fans site, not her own one. I don't think she visits it , and if she does I don't think she would like to unveil who she is.I'm sure she doesn't have time for it and she wouldn't do this.

  46. raluca says:

    emmas, sorry, it happens 😛

  47. Karin says:

    Nice that they are like sisters and brothers in the film, but it could be a little bit funny to explore some love to. ;)… 😛

  48. r/h fan says:

    I agree w/ Moyo_back! He mentions Emma b/c they ask about her. And I agree they want to know more about HP than DL! B/C HP is more popular! 🙂

  49. r/h fan says:

    OMG! I just watched another interview w/ Rupert. He mentioned Emma again! U can view it here: 🙂

  50. BEBE says:

    r/h fan I did see the film. it's not a big deal really they were just lying in bed and Rupert had his shirt of.