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About Daniel and Rupert (2007): "You can't really explain to someone what this experience is like. I'm glad that we have each other. I would have been so lonely if it was just about one kid. When I was younger, they used to tease me. And now they're quite protective."

Rupert Mentions Emma… Again! // 19 October 2006

Happy October 19th, everyone! 😆

As you may have already noticed, we have yet another mention of Emma from Rupert! Thanks to Emma is mentioned when the interviewer asks Rupert:

Interviewer: Do you think Ron will ever hook up with Hermione?

Rupert: There are rumors going around, especially about the seventh book and what’s going to happen between them. I don’t know. It would be quite weird, actually. I’m not sure I’d be looking forward to it. Emma Watson’s like a little sister to me. We’ve known each other for six years! It would feel kind of strange.

You can read the rest of the interview here.

Have a nice day! 😉

[ Shannon ]

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62 Responses to “Rupert Mentions Emma… Again! // 19 October 2006”

  1. BEBE says:

    The clip was hilarious,Rupe's a really god driver.His laugh is so cute!

  2. Ana Alex says:

    They would make the cutest couple!! 😛

  3. Evol says:

    no Dan and Emma make the cutest couple! The media loves them!

  4. Sarah says:

    I don't think that ron suppose to think about what he will feel because it's not him… it the person that his playing… i think that Ron and Hermione should be together! 😛

  5. h/hrfanforever says:

    HAHAHAHAHAH! I am with you Rupert! Ron/Hermione is WEIRD!!!

  6. kelli says:

    ooo more talk on the sex scene, i see? fyi, most movies SIMULATE sex, when that romantic moment comes along. so it's really nothing to worry about. whether ron and hermione get together in the book or not, kissing a co-star is just one of the many jobs of an actor.

  7. Tara Driscoll says:

    do you have sibligis like brother's or sister's 🙂

  8. emmafan1 says:

    awww thats so cute! 😛

  9. Eva says:

    Hello!!! I'm french, but I love England and Harry Potter, I'm the bigger fan of it!!! I think It's a good thing for Hermione and Ron!!! PS : Sorry for mistakes ( if is there it) I'm not English!!!!

  10. Ana says:

    Rupert is really sweet 😉

  11. cris says:

    Oh !! I love him !! 🙂