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About the LancΓ΄me ad (2011): "I was involved in the concept for the [ad] film and the tag line "Catch my heart if you can". The hat [in the ad] was my hat, which I bought at a flea market in Paris. I was very involved in the script. It's been really fun for me. It's funny, the guys at LancΓ΄me were like, 'You need to be directing, Emma.' I had ideas about every aspect. I'm sure I drove them insane."

PoA on ABC // 26 October 2006

Howdy everyone! πŸ˜†

I have some very exciting news for those who live in America and have ABC on their TV program list. Why? Because Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will be aired this Saturday (October 28) at 8/7c on ABC!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban:

While attending his third year at Hogwarts, Harry learns that the infamous Sirius Black, who had been accused of aiding in the murder of Harry’s parents and is practicing as a dark wizard, has been escaped from Azkaban Fortress and is believed to be after Harry. Things are thrown into chaos as hundreds of supernatural Dementors are sent to protect Hogwarts, while Harry continues his quest for the truth, both about Sirius Black and about his own family.

And you’ll see, of course, our favorite witch punching Malfoy! So keep your Saturday free, Americans! πŸ˜‰

Edit:  And a big thank you to for awarding us their Site of the Month for November πŸ™‚

[ Christel ]

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95 Responses to “PoA on ABC // 26 October 2006”

  1. Christine says:

    OMG I just found a song about Emma! Listen to it! It's the first one in their player! Totally cute! πŸ˜†

  2. CNJ says:

    Hey. I'm from Argentina and I live in the American Continent. So, please, don't say "Americans" if you refer only to USA people. We all in the Continent are Americans. You can use: yankees, usakos, or just invent a new neologism like "unitedstaters". I know, those imperialist yankees do not even have a real name to call theirselves.

  3. matkap7 says:

    emmma πŸ™‚ emmma duy sesimi

  4. Jessica says:

    My sister and I already have the DVD (as well as the other 3: PS, COS and GOF) so we needn't worry

  5. fatih says:

    emma duy gari beni I love you

  6. fatih says:

    aerfasfsa 😑 πŸ™

  7. mel says:

    Um, whatever Someone and R/H Fan! But listen, I love that movie as much as you do, but all I'm saying is, who would wanna waste time watching that movie once again because of some deleted scenes! And also, I wouldn't be obsessed about missing one little deleted scene! I'd rather do something else! Anyways, what's the point of saying anything else, I live in Australia! And it's the best country yet! Woohoo! :P:P Anyways, awesome, can't wait til the layout aye!! And I love the PotD!! Cya xx

  8. jasna says:

    HEY LEYLA….. well..i love chatting with people from different places, as i said earlier……. everybody likes to make new friends……and i am from india but i live is S.A…….

  9. jasna says:

    hey leyla…….. πŸ˜• i love chatting with people from diff places, as i said earlier…….everyone likes to make new friends…………….and though i am from india i live in SA

  10. jasna says:


  11. Jaana says:

    Love the pic of the day! ^^ Oh, and gongrats for the SOTM! πŸ™‚

  12. R/H fan says:

    @mel, that's ur opionion. I haven't seen the movie in a while and I want to see it again. So it isn't wasting my time. πŸ˜›

  13. runescape!!! says: omg theyve got a song about emma!thanx for that Cristine!! soooo cool! ive only seen it once and but ive read the book countless times! πŸ˜› And btw ppl i live in england. im only carrying on the subject!lol. πŸ˜† ye so er bibi

  14. Marion says:

    Hello I'm French πŸ™‚ I don't speek english very well πŸ˜• but I want you say : you website is great πŸ™‚ I'm crazy about Emma Watson πŸ˜€ πŸ˜† harry potter 4 gonna be great πŸ˜† bye bye πŸ˜›

  15. runescape!!! says:

    ye ive only seen POA once sorry πŸ™‚ oh and i agree i would like to have a change of layout! with emma in the Driving Lessons premiere πŸ™‚ oh and gd for u all of you who live in america! enjoy πŸ˜†

  16. NONAME says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAGH! I love you all people. And I love Emma. <3

  17. runescape!!! says:

    oh ye did i mention how much i loved that VotW? omg shes sooo cute..and her little brother is sooo cute too omg?! πŸ™‚ yeeees so thats it! keep posting ppl!

  18. ~Roni~ says:

    The first television premiere of POA? They show it on TV all the time here in Israel haha πŸ˜› And congratz for being SOTM!! ¢¾

  19. kety says:

    hi i live in israel too!! in tel aviv! hahahaha πŸ˜›

  20. heh says:

    in Denmark it is only the 1 movie you can see on TV! how are you lucky

  21. iza says:

    great updates… πŸ™‚ I just read the news… πŸ˜‰ and the PotD is absolutely great! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

  22. malu/indian says:

    hey……….this can't be the first tv premiere :???:i've watched it loads of times on a channel called pogo!!! :razz:am i missing something here????

  23. ~Roni~ says:

    Hey kety I live in Tel Aviv too :O lol.

  24. ***L3 says:

    [DELETED]Abusive comments are not allowed. English only.Banned, for a few days at least.:mad:

  25. Classified says:

    Um why are they showing the PoA thing when its like 3 years old? just wondering.

  26. Olga says:

    Hay I from Poland. πŸ˜› I like you, this forum and Hermiona. I was Your fan. My friends too. :cry:PA. TERAZ PO POLSKU TROCHę… Cześć będe tu często komentować. Papa πŸ™ πŸ˜₯

  27. Sarah says:

    No offense but emma looks like a guy on the under picture… πŸ˜• and NOOOOO! i'll miss the premiere (although i live in US), because i have my homecoming at 20:30… arrrrg at least i'll see the first 30 minutes… πŸ™‚

  28. Sarah says:

    Oh… i seen the movie already nevermind πŸ˜›

  29. Louisa says:

    i live in new york.(usa) let me explain this. this is not the first time poa has been shown on television. it has been shown on hbo and other cable channels. this is the network television premiere. (regular channels that everyone gets) cable is a thing u have to get separately. and poa isn't 3 years old yet and they mostly make their premieres on network channels after the movie theatre, hbo, other cable channels to the regular channels in two to three years.

  30. raluca(romania) says:

    omg! don't be so upsett because you're not americans. Louisa's right: it has been shown hundreds of times on hbo and probably it will be shown on the network channels from other countrys soon, I'm sure. It has been the same thing with the other 2 movies.God! What's so hard to understand?

  31. raluca( romania) says:

    Did you see rupert's look in that picture from PoA( I'm talking about the picture from the begining of the post) ? πŸ˜† God that's so funny, just check it out.

  32. R/H fan says:

    @malu/indian, it's it's first time on tv in America.

  33. liz says:

    All the deleted scenes are on the 2disc DVD… I got it and i watch it still and still so it's not that bad for me I don't live in america πŸ™‚ Yeah, change the layout!!!! I have to say the previous one was better bou I hope the next one, however, gonna be the best πŸ™‚

  34. Cool4ever says:

    So do I. πŸ™‚

  35. mel says:

    Um, R/H Fan, why do you always have a '@' at the start of someone's name? And also other people who do it! Coz it's really weird! Anyways, yeah, Classified is right! It's like 2 years old, so why would people wanna watch that, if it's like 2 years old?? Now really, it's a waste of time! And ooh, I can't wait til the new layout!! And Emma does not look like a guy Sarah! She's pretty as! Anyways, I'm off! Cya guys!!

  36. kattie says:

    no/it can't be world TV premiere,because i've already seen it on Russian TV :razz:sorry guys πŸ˜‰

  37. Alicia says:

    if u live in Boston it's on channel 5,6, and 9. (my friend just texted it to me) πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜• πŸ˜› πŸ˜† πŸ™ 😑 πŸ˜₯ (srry, its fun playing wit smilies!!!)

  38. leyla says:

    hey thats really cool!!!!!

  39. steven says:

    hello emma sprich you germany

  40. greendayluver says:

    yeya!! im watchin it!!

  41. Ms.Poyo says:

    My favourite book is the POA πŸ™‚

  42. malu/indian says:

    i love emma watson!!!she is my idol!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  43. malu/indian says:

    πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜• πŸ˜› πŸ˜† πŸ™ 😑 :cry:love smileys too!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜‰

  44. Harriet says:

    I live n England, but America is cool, I've been there a lot of times in the past, That's great that it's premiering on TV, and I hope there is a preview from the 3rd movie as well, that would be so coo!!

  45. Jennifer says:

    I hope that the movie is on because i soo cool πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚