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About boys and girls in GOF (2005): "What Mike (Newell) is really trying to capture is the terrible awkwardness that you get, the really awkward teenage stage where girls and boys are interested in each other and neither of the sex does quite know how to be. It's really funny, because the girls get up and they're really ready to go and dance and the guys are like... yeah, not getting up and dancing. It's good, really, it was good fun to do."

PoA on ABC // 26 October 2006

Howdy everyone! 😆

I have some very exciting news for those who live in America and have ABC on their TV program list. Why? Because Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will be aired this Saturday (October 28) at 8/7c on ABC!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban:

While attending his third year at Hogwarts, Harry learns that the infamous Sirius Black, who had been accused of aiding in the murder of Harry’s parents and is practicing as a dark wizard, has been escaped from Azkaban Fortress and is believed to be after Harry. Things are thrown into chaos as hundreds of supernatural Dementors are sent to protect Hogwarts, while Harry continues his quest for the truth, both about Sirius Black and about his own family.

And you’ll see, of course, our favorite witch punching Malfoy! So keep your Saturday free, Americans! 😉

Edit:  And a big thank you to for awarding us their Site of the Month for November 🙂

[ Christel ]

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95 Responses to “PoA on ABC // 26 October 2006”

  1. Ana Alex says:

    lol seen it once, not gonna see it twice! btw when are new news coming?? 😕

  2. Ana Alex says:

    btw I was First!!! 😆

  3. cypnehy says:

    btw i'm second 😛 awsome site..keep it up!!! 😉

  4. Ana Alex says:

    Cool I've seen the movie a bunch of times it will be even nicer on T.V.!!

  5. Leyla says:

    Hey i waz third haha!!

  6. watson1990 says:

    Yeah! This is very nice! I am very happy!

  7. Me alias Hermione says:

    Cool!Thanks Christel! 🙂

  8. R/H fan says:

    That's cool! Aren't they going to show special features from the new film 2! I hope!!!!!!!! 🙂

  9. Cool4ever says:

    I hope so, too! I've seen that movie so many times, but I'll see again! 🙂 🙂

  10. anonymous says:

    yay one reason to like living in america!

  11. Leyla says:

    You got that right!!

  12. Em rox!! says:

    :sad:I herd that emma might not do the 6th and 7th movies, I hope she does!!!:(

  13. Amy says:

    Well i live in germany and so i am not able to watch it 🙁 But thats no reason for me to want to live in america. I would like to live in England [ EDIT BY EW.NET STAFF: Insults on other countries will not be allowed. ]

  14. Hannah says:

    i don't live in america! how come they get everything???

  15. Em rox!! says:

    Hey I take german, i'll be visiting there next year, cant wait!!!!

  16. R/H fan says:

    We don't get everything. We don't have the wonderful British Accent!!! LOL! 😛

  17. Em rox!! says:

    Ya we live in america and I think it is equally beutiful!!

  18. Em rox!! says:

    Well acctually ive never been to england so I wouldent know.

  19. R/H fan says:

    I've never been 2 England either!!!!!!!!!

  20. Em rox!! says:

    Where do you live?

  21. Em rox!! says:

    Probly somewhere more interesting than me.

  22. Cool4ever says:

    @/H FAN-I'm sorry. I will.

  23. Mia says:

    Come on ppl, if we all ask for a new layout maybe we can have one! So…CHANGE THE LAYOUT E-W.NET..PLZ! It's reli beautiful but it's been up for ages!

  24. R/H fan says:

    @Cool4ever, it's fine! 😛 @ Em Rox!!, America, where do u live? @Mia, I agree! CHANGE THE LAYOUT!!!!!!!!

  25. mel says:

    No offence, but I have seen that movie heaps of times, and it's really boring now! Coz, you have already seen the movie, why would you wanna a tele premiere of it? 😕 Anyways, yeah, change the layout aye! Please!! 🙂 Cya later xx I ♥ You Emma!!

  26. someone says:

    Well usually (at least in America) they show an extended edition when its on TV so you get to see scenes that arent in the DVD version. And POA is one of the best Hp movies right under GOF 😉

  27. R/H fan says:

    I agree w/ someone! I like how they show the deleted scenes w/ the film!

  28. [ Shannon ] says:

    Mia, you will be getting your wish soon. We're working on a new layout now. 😉

  29. JoJo says:

    Hi everyone,,, On the Bafta thing from the last comment only children under the age of 16 are alowed to vote so everyone over that age is not alowed to vote, GOT IT! ONLY KIDS!!!!!!! So thats why its called the bafta kids awards!!!!!!!!!! 😛

  30. el'max says:

    fortunately i got the dvd, so i needn't be annoyed ^^ ok, maybe they'll show the extended edition, but on the other hand there will be a lot of commercials as it is a premiere, won't there =) oh incidentally, i'd appreciate a new design, too^^

  31. maggie says:

    love that movie!and its on my birthday!!!!yay!*does happy dance* emma's great in that movie!!i cant wait!

  32. maggie says:

    i have the vhs of it,but i still whant to see the one on tv becuase of all the extra stuff!

  33. maggie says:

    i have the vhs of it,but i still whant to see the one on tv becuase of all the extra stuff! 😛

  34. Ashlee says:

    Yes! I LOVE BEING AN AMERICAN! BUT I WOULD LOVE TO BE BRITISH! Will they show an interview with Dan, EMMA and Rupert as perusual???

  35. maggie says:

    opps,sorry for the double post! and i would love to be british!

  36. R/H fan says:

    @JoJo, I can vote since I'm under 16!!!!

  37. R/H fan says:

    @Shannon, Really?? I'm soooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛

  38. Em rox!! says:

    Im from america too.

  39. Emma's # ONE fan says:

    Omg, that is so weird, I was just saying I wonder when HP and the PoA will show on t.v! I am so excited, that one is like my favorite one! Thanks for the news! 🙂 🙂 🙂 P.S ANA ALEX How can you be a Harry Potter fan and not see the movie more then once, lol, just asking 😛

  40. R/H fan says:

    @Em rox! Cool!! What state?

  41. R/H fan says:

    BTW: Congrats on being SOTM! 😆

  42. R/H fan says:

    Is there a page where we can see all the awards this site has won???? 😕

  43. Em rox!! says:


  44. Emma's # ONE fan says:

    I agree with all who say EW-net needs a new layout, I am just a tad tired with this one (not that its bad, just old)

  45. Em rox!! says:

    I dont know if i like narnia better or harry potter. For all u girls would you rather go out with william mosely or daniel radcliff?

  46. leyla says:

    Thats a rather tough decision. I'll have to think about that one!!

  47. antrio says:

    Harry going to be in mexico?

  48. Ana Alex says:

    Hey I found it!

  49. R/H fan says:

    @Em rox!!, Cool! I've been there b4! I'd rather go out w/ Rupert. What about u?