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About failure (2011): "I've probably earned the right to screw up a few times. I don't want the fear of failure to stop me from doing what I really care about."

New DL Pictures! // 29 October 2006

Good morning, afternoon or evening everyone! 😛

Thanks to Mugglethai we have a few “new” pictures of Emma from the Driving Lessons premiere! Note: These pictures are huge! Dial-up users beware.


Have a wonderful day, everyone! 🙂

Edit by Carol: I’ve added all of them to the gallery. 😉

[ Katy & Shannon ]

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72 Responses to “New DL Pictures! // 29 October 2006”

  1. Teresa says:

    woh!!~~ honestly, i really love the dress emma wore that day~

  2. Teresa says:

    BTW,i am the first!~

  3. halima says:


  4. zeba says:

    i also liked her dress, specially her.she has always attracted me by her looks.she always looks cute and dazzling.i liked all her movies so far and wish her all the best for her next movies in the future. 🙂 😉 😆

  5. lollly says:

    those pics are MASSIVE. her dress is ssoooooooooooooo cool!!

  6. raluca(romania) says:

    Honestly, I hate that dress and cardigan. The handbag and the hair are OK. But I think she's a little bit to blond, she looked better with darker hair.I'm the 5th one 😆 😛

  7. Jasna says:

    well…the pics looks ok….though i don't like that dress much…4th one looks good (i.e because i connot c much of her dress):lol:

  8. Jasna says:

    hey guys… u know the meaning of 'confunded'…it's from HP 6TH…..I didn't find it in the dictionary :sad:…..i mean the exact meaning……if anyone knows can u plz tell me? 😕

  9. xxxxxxxx says:

    Hey all, why does emma always look sooooo pretty/???? lol

  10. mel says:

    Aww, what beautiful pics of her! Like I said, she's just naturally gorgeous!

  11. john says:

    I hate that dress, absolutely hate it. Still think she is very beuatiful thhough but whatever. Anybody notice the small hairs on er lip? just mentioning 😛

  12. Dorothy from Poland says:

    Emma looks beautiful!! She's so pretty! I love her style. 😉

  13. Nimy says:

    WONDERFULL AMAZING PICS of Emma Watson. She's really pretty and I love her style. Be you Emma 😉

  14. ~Roni~ says:


  15. lucas says:

    when were this pics made? emma looks so greeat, so sweet, so girlishly and femininely at the same time… but she appears to have losen weight a little, benefiting her

  16. lucas says:

    so were these photos made recently or it's archive-stuff? i must say I liked her less and less last time, her metamorphoses did not appeal to me really… how does she look NOW? like on these pics or not..?

  17. SeaJay says:

    Jasna: 'confunded' is a made up word so it will not be in the dictionary. It is a mixture of 'confused' and possibly 'astounded'/ 'distracted' ???

  18. ahlam says:

    hiiii any body here i want say have a wenderful day every one or good morning any one 😛 🙂 😉

  19. ahlam says:

    oh i 4 get say tomorrow is my birth day and thank u very much 🙂

  20. ahlam says:

    emma looks beautiful!! and i love emma 4 ever and she is soooooo cool!! i am from qatar and my birthday is 30 october 1993 😛 🙂 😕

  21. Phill says:

    Nice pictures, but may i suggest one thing…. that you put the clocks back an hour on the message board (It changed last night at 2am).

  22. Chris says:

    Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for posting them. 🙂

  23. Shorty says:

    Are that new pictures?! She looks very young. She looks like 10, I think… What`s your oppinion? *I love emma so much!!

  24. R/H fan says:

    Nice pictures!! She looks so pretty!!!!! 😛

  25. R/H fan says:

    Nice pic of the day!!!! 😛

  26. Sandrine (France) says:

    Thanks a lot for these "new old event" pictures! it's always a pleasure to see her again!

  27. Jaana says:

    Wow, you guys weren't kidding when you said those pictures are huge! O_O 😆 It took a while to load them, but if was worth it. 🙂 I love Emma's new hair! It looks really nice. The fringe really suits her, I think. Now that I looked at those pictures I started thinking what all the fuss was about her supposedly having dyed her hair blonde. I mean, to me it doesn't even look all that blonde. It's pretty much the same colour it has been for a while now. Anyways, Emma looks as gorgeous as always. ^^

  28. anna says:

    The link to Mugglethai doesn't work! 😥 Could somebody post a good link? I don't know why it doesn't work! 😥

  29. jesusgirl says:

    whoa, those are huge!! i liked her hair better darker but how she does her hair is not my decision.

  30. Evie says:

    ummmm i aggree with you that she is beautiful and that shes basically everything a girl could want and that her dress is nice but…her hair….i dnt like it. i think the colour looks ridiculus with ehr eyebrows because they r dark and i dnt think the hairstyle is all that nice… when i first saw it i thort they were pictures from wen she was 12ish…in my opinoin its not a hairstyle i think she should go for again… 😥 so if i offended ne1

  31. Ashna says:

    I think that darker colors suit her much than this blonde 😆 Although she looks great in the new hair-style 😉 i always wondered how she'd look with fringes now i know 😕 …

  32. iza says:

    she will be always beautiful…it doesn't matter is she's blonde or brown! 😛

  33. Sarah says:

    Emma looks like a woman… gosh… 🙁

  34. Serega[Rus] says:

    Oh!She in it's clothes as old woman.Not visible figures.:cry: Bad pictures. Russian love Em!:wink:

  35. Taylor says:

    She looks great! (as always) She is growing up so fast… 😥 lol. ———————————– [ EDIT BY EW.NET STAFF: Emma does not have a Myspace, please don\’t link to those pages. ]

  36. Louisa says:

    Taylor: that is NOT emma's myspace. it's someone trying to be her. if it really was her, do you think she would put a harry potter background or say that she wasn't going to be in the last two movies? i don't think so. nor would she mention all the awards she has won. she won't say she loves acting and then say that acting isn't really her thing. it's a fake.

  37. Natalie says:

    Ohmigosh! People Emma looks like a women! She looks her age in my opinion. I love the bangs (fringe) on her!

  38. Serega[Rus] says:

    I'm agree. Em – it's Em.She fine girl.Em not repeat. I want talk with Em but can not. I love Emma. But i russian boy and she star.:sad:

  39. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Very nice, she looks so good, I love that outfit on her! 🙂

  40. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    OMG THESE ARE THE HUGEST PICS I'VE EVER SEEN LOL! I absolutely LOVE her hair!! Thanks a LOT for the pics they're aweosme.

  41. Jessica says:

    hi !!!! i like your website of Emma …it Great ! but i have question if you remember jo or Carol they are posted the ipod to Emma for Birthday and wath the coulour of Ipod ? (Ex : Pink , Blue …Etc …it just the simple Question … and Jo or Carole she's don't have the msn messenger of Emma because i wan't she know about my eye's operation because i admire this girl she is so Nice Ok answer me from my 2 question's Thank goodness !

  42. yeshua says:

    please em put pictures of you but sexiest please 🙂

  43. [S]teFf says:

    Im luvin her pix, she lkz gr8 as always but i dnt think blonde suits her, i dunt no if ne1 had seen a photo of her with dark brown hair, she looked soo preti, it woz wen she 13..maybe, neway i lyk it! Thank you for de pics!! xxx

  44. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Cute Potd, but havent you all ready done that one before? I remember it being it, but thats okay, its a good picture! 😉

  45. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Also, when will the calander winner be onounced? And what about Watson Weekly, when will there be a new one? I HOPE FUNKY FASHION IS ABOUT EMMA AND MAKE-UP! Not a poll 🙁

  46. Carol says:

    emma's# ONE fan no it was a different one ^^ but from the same photoshoot and the calendar competition winner will be announced tomorrow 😉

  47. Marico says:

    [Edit by staff= That it\’s not a public picture like other sites are claiming to be.]

  48. Jasna says:

    hey..u r right emma's# ONE fan…i hope the next edition of FF is about make-up….and….oh MELanie i wish i could chat with u…..but the prob is,when u r in ur classes i will be sleeping here…the timings r totally different 🙁

  49. Jasna says:

    waw!!! pic marcio