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About love (2011): "I'm a feminist, but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering, encompassing loveβ€”and it being more important and special than anything and everything else."

New DL Pictures! // 29 October 2006

Good morning, afternoon or evening everyone! πŸ˜›

Thanks to Mugglethai we have a few “new” pictures of Emma from the Driving Lessons premiere! Note: These pictures are huge! Dial-up users beware.


Have a wonderful day, everyone! πŸ™‚

Edit by Carol: I’ve added all of them to the gallery. πŸ˜‰

[ Katy & Shannon ]

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72 Responses to “New DL Pictures! // 29 October 2006”

  1. Candi-EMMA'S REAL #1 Fan says:

    I love these pics!! their good!!!!!

  2. bella says:

    nice pic marico..where did you get that pic?i don't remember seeing it anywhere's great..

  3. Marico says: is posting it in the updates…I have never seen in before too! Anyway, for those who didn\\\’t see it here it is: [Edit by staff= That it\’s not a public picture like other sites are claiming to be.]

  4. R/H fan says:

    @Carol, I'm looking forward to find out what the winning calendar looks like! πŸ™‚

  5. From someone who loves you endlessly! says:

    She is really beautiful!The girl of my dream! Emma i love you forever!

  6. Barış or Baris says:

    very nice update thnx πŸ˜†

  7. Hannah says:

    :lol:this is nothing about the addition to whats happening but it's soooooo funny about the emma quotes and gary oldman i mean i didn't know who he was either till the movie poa came out

  8. emma's# ONE fan says:

    @ Carol, okay thanks. But what about Watson Weekly? When will the next issue come out? I HOPE FUNKY FASHION IS ON EMMA AND MAKE-UP NOT A POLL! πŸ™

  9. emily says:

    i thnk emma's lukin lyk a kid! n relly her freckles n moles r too visible..i lykd her dress, i hv d same! n 1 more thng her eyebrows luk much darker than her hair..i thnk d previous hairstyle of hers was better..(i dunno y ppl take soo many close-ups of emma!)..her foundation cud b seen…*sighs*..n emma plz dont wear deep necks!!

  10. grace says:

    what does jasnausman stand for jasna?i mean, what does it mean?

  11. bella says:

    is a turkish site?well it's in turkish anyway..i'm just curious,i didn't know there was a site like that..

  12. danielle says:

    πŸ™‚ these pics are fab emma look beautiful(she always does) i LOVE her dress two dan xcx

  13. Ty says:

    Emma's mustache is visible in the 3rd picture. πŸ˜•

  14. emma's # ONE FAN says:


  15. Jo says:

    You guys… her pics are too up close – they're too high-res. You should minimize them a bit. They're a bit unflattering… it's what I'd want.

  16. Jo says:

    OH yeah… and 'Lucas', what do you mean by 'benefiting' her???!!!!!!

  17. anna says:

    i love her hair, this girl has confidence and its shows and best of all she is from Oxford….

  18. Lemon Pie says:

    She doesn't look too happy when those people are looking at her (her back is to them). I'm not that surprised though. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜•

  19. Amstafka says:

    is she carrying Ralf Lauren's handbag?

  20. oihane says:

    She has a big moustache!! πŸ˜›

  21. oihane says:

    TIA! depilate que la cera te sale bien barata, no te da verg

  22. Tibia says:

    She has a big moustache!! Lol, was going to write exactly the same! πŸ˜›