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About being LancΓ΄me's ambassadress for TrΓ©sor Midnight Rose (2011): "I feel lucky to embody a fragrance I am so crazy in love with. I didn't really like perfumes before because I thought they were heavy, but this one is really light and playful. Being a LancΓ΄me ambassadress today is an immense pleasure and a great honour. For me, LancΓ΄me is an authentic brand. It reflects elegance, class and style."

Reminders // 02 November 2006

Good day to you all! πŸ™‚

Sadly, we have no new Emma news today but we have a bunch of reminders for you all.

First, remember that if you’re going to be apart of our Christmas Project you better get to it! You have 13 days until the deadline for filling out the form. Remember, the dealine is November 15th!

Next in order of business, remember that if you live in the US and are over the age of 18 (or have a parent that will enter for you) make sure to enter the HBO Contest to win Order of the Phoenix US premiere tickets for next July!

Last but not least, if you have a Myspace make sure to add us! We have lots of extra fun over on Myspace and we’d love it if you added us as friends. πŸ˜›  Add us at:

Have a fantastic day, everyone! πŸ˜‰

[ Shannon ]

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62 Responses to “Reminders // 02 November 2006”

  1. A.v says:

    Ahlam, THe way you talk reminds me of the movie Borat LOL!

  2. ahlam says:

    hi a.v i dont andstand u about whate u talk

  3. ahlam says:

    oooooops a.v im sory 4 the mesteke πŸ˜›

  4. ahlam says:

    hiii a.v are u stell there ?? πŸ˜• ok im soory 4 the misteke againe πŸ˜›

  5. maggie says:

    "Honestly you guys… even though it's cool that you have this site… do you really think Emma would care?! celebrities don't mingle with commoners – and never will" jo,you make it sound like thre royalty or something,sure,she might not care about sites like this and stuff,but why cant we have them anyways???dont be so pushy πŸ˜›

  6. iza says:

    al last…cute pic of the day πŸ˜† emma is soo sweet in it! πŸ˜›

  7. ahlam says:

    emma in the all picture she is soooooo coooool and so swet πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  8. Sarah says:

    that's cool

  9. Maria says:

    Thanks Ahlam! πŸ˜›

  10. Linny says:

    Emma's hair style looks better in every Potter film. I love it!

  11. A.v says:

    Ahlam, No, i am not there. I think any person who has commen sence would not stay and gaze at a website for 7 hours. Um..on second thought does seem to make u want to stare. lol

  12. andrey says:

    hello you can put my msn on your E email silvouplait the msn his πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯