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About dancing (2007): "I'm doing a lot of dancing. I'm doing a program which encourages teenagers to have a drug-free high from being on stage. This year I'm choreographing an eight-minute dance."

Fan Pictures & Preview of OotP // 16 November 2006

Hello everyone! 🙂  I hope you are all having/have had a great Thursday.

First of all, if any of you have read through the fan stories you may have come across this story by Hannah. Hannah met Emma at the PoA premiere in London, 2004 and emailed us to let us know that her fan photos were no longer up and that they must have been lost when the site reopened. However, with big thanks to her, she’s resent the pictures. They’re all tagged by her but I think you’ll enjoy them all the same… some of them are very good. 🙂

Thanks, Hannah! 🙂

And last but definitely not least, thanks to Anna and Iris for letting us know that PaperDollHeaven has a new Emma doll you can dress! You can find it here. It’s a great new one with tons of new clothes and even the dress from the Driving Lessons premiere! 😉  

Have a fantastic day, everyone! 🙂

Edit by Carol: And yaaay! HPANA has video of the commercial for the OotP preview that will be shown on ABC Family this weekend, they will be showing Pihloshopher’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets and a extended version of Priosioner of Azkaban, but the best is they will be showing scenes of Order of the Phoenix! You can see the commercial in here and yes Hermione is briefly on it with Ron and Harry!  😆

You can download the preview here!

[ Shannon ]

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28 Responses to “Fan Pictures & Preview of OotP // 16 November 2006”

  1. chelsie says:

    first!! yay! great pics! 🙂

  2. A.v says:

    I love Emma's outfit in this premiere! Sweet.

  3. maggie says:

    3rd!great pics!

  4. maggie says:

    hey,when will we know who's questions were chosen for the christmas project?

  5. daniel says:

    Website a tip: a commercial with OotP scenes it's online!!! and Emma it's there! hpana and mugglenet have it. post it please for all emma fans 😆 It's just a comment, have a great day.

  6. Molly says:

    hahahaha thats so cool about that doll thing. i cant remember the last time i went on that but i do remember the horrible clothes emma was wearing!! hehe 😆

  7. ahlam says:

    hiiiiii everyone emma picture soooooo cooooool and SOoo swet and the dress sooooo beautiful 😛 😆

  8. r/h fan says:

    Nice pix!!! 😛

  9. funky monkey says:

    I have the most exciting news. On ABC Family in hte US part if their 25 days of christmas the preview for the harry potter weekend starting december 1st they show a clip of harry Potter and the order of Phoenix. They are also going to do a preview of the movie.

  10. funkey monkey says:

    sry if that spoiled anyones surprise.

  11. vineet moray says:

    :lol:oh gosh it was toooooooooooooooooo kool when i designed her my style he ha ha ha :smile:wooooooooooooooow

  12. iza says:

    oh my gosh the video is soo great…I'm soo happy we can see now some seconds ot the trailer…I can't wait to see it complete,on monday…20 november 😉

  13. Tina says:

    Hey everyone! I was just reading the IMDb boards for OotP and there was a link to some OotP pics that were apparently launched in the US today along with a scan. I thought I'd let you know in case you want to post the link here.:) There's a picture there of Harry and Cho's kiss…;)

  14. Rebecca says:

    I can't wait to see the full trailer!!

  15. J says:

    Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm crazy to see that film… and about the pictures… Amazing

  16. iza says:

    Wow…I;ve already see the pics on Mugglenet…wow…they are soo cool! I love the pic with Katie and Daniel! I wish to be a more good picture…we can't see katie's face… 😛 but I s great anyway! 😆

  17. someone innocent says:

    thats unfair 😡 i was the first one to tell people in the comments even BEFORE that emma doll came out and no one took notice 🙁

  18. someone innocent says:

    tina canu send a link to the scans of OotP please? thanks 🙂

  19. iza says:

    someone innocent …here is a link to the pictures you want to see… 😉

  20. yoro says:

    Hi Emma! She beautifuls, as flowers… If you live on this world, plese, write to me, please! e-mail: or: P.S. Thank you Shannon, that you write on this site,thank…

  21. mirane says:

    When can we see the official trailer of OoTP??? 😕 (j'essaie de parler anglais ! lol :lol:)

  22. iza says:

    mirane you must to wait until monday 🙂

  23. mirane says:

    thank you iza !!!!!! 🙂

  24. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    OMG I MUST SEE IT!!! Nice pictures ! 😉

  25. silvia andrea says:

    will we know whose questions were picked 😕

  26. dook says:

    maggie and silvia, You\'ll have to wait for the Christmas issue of Watson Weekly to see which questions were selected. 😛

  27. Alissa says:

    Nice spelling. It's Philosopher and Prisoner. Get it Right.

  28. emma says:

    emma,you are as red as a rose&you are as cute as me!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛