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About the HP books being full of stereotypes (2007): "Harry Potter has helped change loads of stereotypes. Where else, in fiction, can you find a character as clever as Hermione, who is an absolute feminist and won't accept to be second to none? Gosh! It's true that they're children books, but they cover most important subjects like life, death, politics, the importance of friendship and the choices that need to be made. Harry Potter really makes children think, it's not just like any other production for teenagers."

Few Seconds of OOTP Trailer! // 18 November 2006

Hello everyone! 😛

Guess what!? We have about 10 seconds of the OOTP teaser trailer!!! With a big thanks to WB, you can view it on Quicktime or Windows Media Player:

Windows Media Player

But don’t worry, we will have the full version for you all on Monday! So make sure to check back in! 😉

Have a wonderful weekend!

Edit by Carol: I’ve done some screencaps there’s nothing new since those caps are the same as the promotional pic.

[ Katy ]

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132 Responses to “Few Seconds of OOTP Trailer! // 18 November 2006”

  1. FiONa says:

    Wow ! It is great ! 🙂

  2. LIZ says:

    LOVE IT!!!!

  3. A.v says:

    Amazing! i went to the theaters and saw an add for it.

  4. dominika says:

    :???:yyy o co chodzi?? 😆 Pozdro a i zajrzyj do Polski 😛

  5. Aura says:

    That is briliant… but I wonder… when it will be a new "Watson Weekly" ? 😕

  6. Shirley says:

    omg that's sow cool,I'll check the site on monday,because i realy want to see the full version of the trailer 😛

  7. Imene says:

    Wow ! GREAT GREAT GREAT ! Can't wait for the full version ! Great updates ! ! !

  8. Julia says:

    Nice update 🙂 And, great link Aura!

  9. Nejma says:

    IT'S GREATTTTT!!!!!!!!! I'm exiting to see Harry Potter and the order of phenix!!!! 😆 :smile:!!! they are amazing!!!

  10. Julie says:

    Harry & Cho, why can't that be Harry & me?? Just beautiful *sigh* 🙂

  11. Allina says:

    This is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! "I'm not weak" LOOOOOOL I can't wait until MONDAY!!!!

  12. aneta says:

    hmmm…so.not bad.however-It remember typical american films.damage :(.but We will see .maybe I be mistaken…p.s hermione/emma is so beautiful.omg.ilove this girl!^^

  13. Iris says:

    🙂 How did you get the link to mediaplayer? I have an Emma Watson site to, but I just linked it to you! Iris

  14. Danique says:

    OMG, I love it!! Brilliant!! And all the pics..OMG, the whole Harry Potter Crazyness begins again!! 😀

  15. Annemarie says:

    WAUWIE!! its great!! ooooh I can't wait :(:( Have some one see a picture of harry and Katie leung kissing?? I have seen it in the news paper!! but I can't find it on the net …. have some one a site of it? xxx Annemarie

  16. Germiona212 says:

    It is cool and great! 😛

  17. Hannah says:

    Annemarie there was a link posted above!

  18. bella says:

    i can't watch it?!what is wrong??someone help me pls 😥

  19. Harriet says:

    OMG, I am so watching the full version on monday, It looks so great!!!

  20. mirane says:


  21. R/H fan says:

    I saw it last night, but I'm going to watch it again!!! It's really AMAZING!!!! 🙂 I can't wait to see the whole thing!!!!!!!!

  22. Tina says:

    Everything is gone be soooooooooooo cool!!!!!! 😆 🙂 😆 🙂 😆 😆

  23. ahlam says:

    WOOoooooW i cant waite 2 monday and the video is SOOoooo coooool and SOOOOOooooo swet WOooooooooow 😛 😆

  24. someone innocent says:

    WOW! i hate the haircut though (harry's) ron looks great and hermy looks BRILLIANT! 😆

  25. mirane says:

    What did he say?? "If Voldemort is … :???:…then I want to fight" ??

  26. Doma says:

    it's going to be a great sucessful movie! brilliant 🙂

  27. kety says:

    wow!! it lookes good!!

  28. Barış or Baris says:

    thnx for trailer.. 😉 but ım looking forward full version trailer..

  29. Silvia says:

    the window media player version doesn't work!Help me!

  30. raluca(romania) says:

    OMG! it looks great! can't wait 'till monday :razz:. By the way, did you know that the media player version is actualy winamp? :lol:, at least it works like that for me 😛 😆

  31. Justyna says:

    I'm waititng for a monday !!! This is so cooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll , really . And Harry and Cho kissing look like a dream… Why not me ?

  32. ahlam says:

    4 silvia….. slvia the window media player is woring but waite 4 1 minute and see 😛 😆

  33. ahlam says:

    hi justyna do u like a weekwnd or no?? i dont like a weekend and i have school tomorrow 😛 😆

  34. iza says:

    school on sunday? 😕 anyway,I can't wait to see the trailer this monday! the few secons witch I've see are really cool! 😛

  35. R/H fan says:

    Harry, said "If Voldemort's going to form an Army than I want to fight."

  36. mirane says:

    thank you R/H fan ! 🙂 (I'm not very very good at english :sad:)

  37. mirane says:

    …but are sure? I listen it many times and I think he says something wich begin by "b"…but I must mistake… (I hope my english is not useless..)

  38. mirane says:

    I think it's "building up"…but I'm not sure… 😕 You are english, you must know better than me 😉

  39. Amanda says:

    😕 OMG. Ron loooooks soo cute in this movie! 🙂 😛 😉 🙂

  40. kasia says:

    :(:(:(:( i cant see this !!!

  41. yasmina says:

    waw c'est supert je suis vraiment presser que le film sorte!!!! 😛 :razz:le 11 juillet!!!!!!

  42. r/h fan says:

    Yup! Ron looks so cute!!!!!!!! U can view the whole trailer here: It shows Ron being attacked by the brains! Cho leaning in to kiss Harry and more! Somebody obviously taped it!

  43. kety says:

    omg!! its great!!!

  44. Daniel(: says:

    Emma- The eyebrow woman! Wants to destroy the world XD

  45. ahlam says:

    4 iza…. 😕 yes iza i have school in sunday do u have any proplem and im in arabic countre or your 4 get 😛 😆

  46. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    OMG, that looks so good!!!! I am so excited about this summer!!! 🙂

  47. lil miz sparkle says:

    i think its wiked i cnt wait to see the rest its amazing!!!!!!!!!! 😆 😛

  48. ahlam says:

    WOOoooooOw i have fun day in my school in monday wooooow it is sooooo cooool i cant waite 2 go 2 my school in monday we have a playing WWwooooooOOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW 😛 😆

  49. Martina says:

    Please help! I cant watch it!!!! 🙁 Whats the matter?????? 😥