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About the flashbacks in OotP (2007): "David Yates uses all these flashback sequences in the film, because Voldemort's kinda messing around in Harry's head so you get to see clips from the first, second, third and fourth films and comparing with the way that we look now is so weird, I can't actually tell you, it's really strange."

Few Seconds of OOTP Trailer! // 18 November 2006

Hello everyone! 😛

Guess what!? We have about 10 seconds of the OOTP teaser trailer!!! With a big thanks to WB, you can view it on Quicktime or Windows Media Player:

Windows Media Player

But don’t worry, we will have the full version for you all on Monday! So make sure to check back in! 😉

Have a wonderful weekend!

Edit by Carol: I’ve done some screencaps there’s nothing new since those caps are the same as the promotional pic.

[ Katy ]

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132 Responses to “Few Seconds of OOTP Trailer! // 18 November 2006”

  1. ahlam says:

    4 martina whate is it ??? 😕

  2. Ashlee says:

    ACK! IT ROCKS! TORTURE!!! Now i can't wait until the movie…and it's 8 months away…ACK!

  3. emma says:

    wow that´s great 🙂 !!!!

  4. emma says:

    the trailer is the best

  5. efsane7 says:

    hi emma you can me from here find 😉

  6. GREAT NEWS says:


  7. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    wow the first 11 seconds are incredible!!! cant wait for the movie!!

  8. Lianne says:

    Coowl 🙂 Realy Coowl 😛

  9. hog says:

    hey when is the harry potter section of the site gonna be updated??

  10. claudje says:

    I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆 😛

  11. silvana says:

    awesom!! too cool!!!! 😆 love it… I cant wait for the full version!!

  12. Smiled_Girl says:

    It's wonderful!

  13. Kelli says:

    "If voldemort is building up and army then i want to fight!" what a perfect little saying for our little hero! OMGoodness! i just cannot wait to see this movie!

  14. Kelli says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 I LOVE IT!!

  15. ChaCha says:

    It's amaaaazing. I love it. I can't wait until the movie comes out 😆

  16. Rebecca says:

    Wow!! It is brilliant!! I am so excited now1

  17. Justyna says:

    I see the whole trailer , and I said …. It's sooooooooo cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I loveeeeeeeeeee itttttttttttttttttttttttttt

  18. ahlam says:

    WOOOOooOOOW the picture is sooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo CCCOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooolllll and soooooooo swet and spicaly daniel and emma and iloveitttttttt soooooooooo much WOOooooooooOOOW 🙂 😛 😆 😉

  19. Louisa says:

    vote for emma at cbbc poll. she's currently behind rupert by less than one percent. saw the whole trailer at youtube but it's blurry. can't wait until monday. but it looks amazing.

  20. Meeze says:

    Great!!!!!! :razz:I can't wait till tomorrow!!

  21. Meeze says:

    Can't wait till monday I ment 😛 😛

  22. emma says:

    the trailer is great,briliant and wonderful.hermione(emma)looks great. :smile:!!!

  23. R/H fan says:

    Nice caps!!!

  24. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Nice sreencaps. Does anyone know what scene the last picture of Harry is? I can't figure it out! 🙁

  25. Janine says:

    OMG OMG OMG…im sooo excited!!!

  26. iluvhp says:

    omgg i saw th teaser trailer on ABC fam last was pretty awesome 😆

  27. gupster2001 says:

    r/h fan, are you a guy or girl? if girl, then i love you, please marry me. That trailer rocks! If a guy, then…manly handshakes all round!

  28. r/h fan says:

    @emma's # ONE fan, he's at Sirius's house. I think.

  29. emma's# ONE fan says:

    @ gupster2001 why, that is occurord 😕

  30. emma's# ONE fan says:

    ohh and thanks r/h fan I think that you are right

  31. Caitlin says:

    the windows media one isn't working…and i dont have quicktime, and it wont install. I went to see Happy Feet today, but i got their late, and missed the trailer. This has been one of the WORST days for me.

  32. Kat says:

    omg omg omg yay! cant wait for the film – after GoF i was like not going to spoil OotP with teaser stuff but OMGaaawwwggggg i cant help it im soo excited yay! go hermy and her fluffy jumpers 😛

  33. Caitlin says:

    i couldn't either but you can probably look it up on my moms boyfriend found it their, but it only shows a little bit of it

  34. Caitlin says:

    go to and look it up, i found it there, but it only shows a part of it

  35. maggie says:

    its not working for me!ah!!! 😥

  36. r/h fan says:

    ur welcome!!! 🙂

  37. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    FULL TRAILER PEOPLE!!!!! F U L L T R A I L E R ! ! [please don\’t link to the pirate version of the trailer. Thanks =)]

  38. ahlam says:

    thanks michelle&felicis;…. 😛 4 these website thank u soooooooooooooo much 😛 😆 🙂 😉

  39. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    argh! on that link michelle&felicis sent it says they cant load the vid from the provider. 🙁 😡 😥 oh well ill try again tomorrow. goodnight from usa!

  40. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    @hogwarts_sweetie allthough you won't read this until tomorrow i think the link works for me 😕

  41. ahlam says:

    hogwarts_sweetie u have night from usa and i have morning in the qatar soooooo after i dont now but good morning everyone 😛 😆 🙂

  42. ahlam says:

    i want go 2 the school the school is sooooOOOOOoooo boring 😕

  43. KCL says:

    I saw the trailer today. (I went and saw happy feet) I gasped so loud when it started, I scared a few small children sitting near me. LOL

  44. silvia andrea says:

    i cant see the full trailer what's happennig ????!!!!! Michelle&Felicis:) @ 😕 😕 😥 😥

  45. silvia andrea says:

    yes i can finally see it now !!!!!!!!! 😛 😆

  46. etnies2 says:

    Wow, that was amazing.. Thanks 🙂

  47. PiiiFs says:

    I have the hole trailer but the quality of the video is CAM. It was taken in the cinema. If you tell me where to upload it I will do it.

  48. ahlam says:

    hiiiii guys im now in the school it is boring and i have fun day tomorrow 😛 😆 🙂

  49. Hiltje says:

    it's soooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!! i can't wait untill tomorrow 😛 i'm so excited!!!

  50. iza says:

    wow! I'm going to post the coment with nr. 100! 😆 cute caps! I can't wait to see the trailer! 😆