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About Patti Smith's autobiography "Just Kids" (2011): "I want to live like Patti. I want to write like Patti. The book was so honest and brave. I loved the way she sees the world. I really felt that life was more beautiful after I read it, and I felt more hopeful."

Calendar Competition & More // 19 November 2006

Hello Emma fans! 🙂

I’ve added some pics to the gallery, they’re not new but we didn’t have them.


The Hermione one we had but as a calendar. 😉  Talking about calendar, it’s that time again! Calendar Competition this time for December of course! So I’m gonna go over the rules again, and remember, we will not accept calendars that don’t follow the rules, ok? For the size it can be either 1024×768 or 800×600. Has to have & December somewhere on it.  All entries should be sent to: by the 28th of November. It’s a festive season so be creative! 😆

Last but not least don’t forget to vote for Emma at the CBBC Poll and for GoF at the Children’s Bafta Awards!

That’s it for today, don’t forget tomorrow we’ll be getting the full version of the teaser trailer, so make sure to pop back in!

Have a nice week! 😉

Edit: Also E! Entertainment will be showing a preview of OotP tomorrow on their programme Daily 10, we don’t know if they show the trailer or something else but we believe there will be new scenes. You can see the commercial for it, in here altough there’s no Emma on it, thanks to

And according to MTV’s TRL announcement site,  they will be showing an exclusive preview of OotP tomorrow. And don’t forget that HBO on Demand will be showing a sneak peek at Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tomorrow as well!  🙂  

[ Carol & Katy ]

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67 Responses to “Calendar Competition & More // 19 November 2006”

  1. Louisa says:

    nice pics. thanks guys. can't wait for the trailer. as soon as i come home from school, i'm gonna watch it. 😆

  2. ahlam says:

    WOOOOoooooOOOW im 2nd wooooow and the picture is soooooo coooool and soooooo swet and thanks 4 the picture 😛 😆 🙂

  3. r/h fan says:

    3rd!! Nice update!!! 😛

  4. r/h fan says:

    Nice pix!!!! 😛

  5. r/h fan says:

    i like the first one best!

  6. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Nice pictures, I like the 2nd one (even thought I have sceen in all ready!) Anyway….good luck to all who enter the calender compititon! I am excited to see the winner! December is a GREAT FESTIVE year so as the girls said, be creative! VOTE EMMA AND GoF!!! P.S. WHERE IS WATSON WEEKLY? IN A COMMENT BOX FROM A FEW WEEKS AGO, YOU SAID YOU WERE WORKING ON IT! IS IT DONE YET OR EVEN CLOSE! THIS IS TAKING FOREVER, AND I REALLY WANT IT 😡

  7. emma's# ONE fan says:


  8. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    emma's# ONE fan WHOA thankss for telling us!!! EVERYONE VOTE PLEASEE!1 cool pics, thanks a lot

  9. Harriet says:

    cute pics, caan't wait for the trailer!!!!!!!!

  10. r/h fan says:

    I told everyone to vote for her at all the Emma sites I go to!

  11. R/H fan says:

    URGH! Emma is STILL losing!!!!

  12. Shorty says:

    Hi, really nice pics! But, he isnt emma`s girlfriend, is he?! Its just an actor, isnt he? tell me! greetz!

  13. r/h fan says:

    Do u mean Stan in the second pic? Yeah, he's an actor.

  14. hpfan101 says:

    evry1 go 2 this website and vote for em: scroll down click on EMMA WATSON click PRATICIPATE simple as that! shes losing 2 ashley tisdale by 5%! we can help her win!!!! hurry up and vote for emma! btw, im WAY excited for the hp 5 trailer!

  15. Shorty says:

    I voted for her!! thx for informations

  16. Shorty says:

    VOTE FOR EMMA: Emma is just the second, look at the link 2 comments bevor!

  17. bella says:

    she looks weird in the third pic 😆

  18. nassim says:

    The pic of Harry and cho chang kissing is on!! They look so cute together!!

  19. nassim says:


  20. maggie says:

    nice pics,but i dont hace like any of those channels! 🙁

  21. Sebastian says:

    hello peolpe how are you i hope you can reads tihs comment. Very well idea of the calendary. but i have best idea, my idea es make a book od emma called "The book of Emma" or "The book of Hermione". however we need a permission of J.K.Rowlng, if you think other idea about this send mail or See you eround!!!! P:D: i`m from Argentina

  22. Tao says:

    Hey guys, that one Emma picture is from me when I was at the GoF premiere. I gave it exclusively to SnitchSeeker, so I'd appreciate some credit for it. 🙂 Thanks!

  23. r/h fan says:

    which one? The first or 3rd?

  24. A.v says:

    Shorty, I know what you mean (the first pic) that guy looks scary.

  25. R/H fan says:

    A.v.—That guy plays either Fred or George. He's not creepy! 😆

  26. guest says:

    lol, emma was getting wasted.

  27. Missy D. says:

    I saw happy feet today and the prevews for hp5 were there! they were super amazing! I can't WAIT till I get to see them AGAIN!!!

  28. Chrissy says:

    😡 I can't believe this ITS ALREADY THE 20th OF NOVEMBER here in Australia where the hell is the trailer I hate having to wait til its the 20th of Nov in the bloody US ( sorry no offence to US members) for us to see the trailer online ARGHHHHH!!!! Chrissy 😥

  29. addict08 says:

    [edit: please don\’t post links, email us if you want, thanks] this scan you got here isn\’t polish scan it\’s a philippine scan you can see at the bottom that\’s from k-zone a philippine mag i think it\’s august or july i got one at home

  30. addict08 says:

    here\’s the full version[edit: please don\’t post links, email us if you want, thanks]

  31. r/h fan says:

    @Chrissy, it comes out at 3:00 PM EST time. I have no clue what time it will be in Austraila.

  32. ahlam says:

    nice picture 😛 😆 🙂

  33. ahlam says:

    WOOOOooooW the POTD picture is soooooo swet snd coooool 😛 😆

  34. N says:

    They aren't new?? I dind't known the photo with Emma and one of the twins 😛 They look cuteee 🙂

  35. liz says:

    cute photos… waitin for the trailer!!!!

  36. iza says:

    hey…It's monday! 😉 where can I watch the trailer??? 😉 help!!! 😥

  37. ahlam says:

    4 iza…… 😕 iza u can watch in ABC family channniiieeelll 😛 😆 i hopes u see theses 🙂

  38. iza says:

    thanks…I already saw the trailer but it's not the original version…let wait for the girls from the staff to post today…maybe they will post a link to the OFFICIAL TRAILER! 😉

  39. jenny says:

    😥 where's the trailer … it's monday isn't it!!?? i want to see the official trailer *cry* sad greets jenny

  40. Marie says:

    Yeah! Where's the trailer? 🙁

  41. Marie says:

    I can't wait anymore! It is monday now… 😥

  42. Saif says:

    hey…. thanks for the pics its so sweeeeet and nice , thanks, see ya,!!

  43. someone innocent says:

    erm…didn't you people say the trailer was coming out monday? i agree with jenny and marie……no fair! 😡 hmph i wanted trailer… nice pics though!

  44. TIna says:

    Trailer? Not there? Still not? I mean what are you doing? It came out at 3pm!!! I have even dreamed of it tonight! Please post it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

  45. jenny says:

    😡 … where's the trailer … 😡

  46. jenny says:

    For those of you who didn't get a chance to go to the movies this weekend, Warner Bros. will release the full Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix teaser trailer on the Happy Feet movie website at 2 PM CST today, and direct video links will be available later tonight. 😥 😥 😥

  47. dook says:

    Patience everyone. The trailer has not been released by WB yet. When it is, we will have it for you.

  48. ahlam says:

    ok iza u welcome 😆 🙂 and i wante the trailer and i cant wait any more day or hours plese we wante the trailer 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😥 😥 😥 😥

  49. ahlam says:

    WE WANTE THE TRAILER TODAY OK EVERYONE 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡