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About drugs (2007): "To be honest, I'd be too frightened to take drugs. I have enough in my life without looking for something else, and I hope that will always be the case."

Watson Weekly Issue 008 // 23 November 2006

Hi Emma fans! 🙂

Well, it’s finally here, the 8th issue of Watson Weekly! 😆  Enjoy!

Also, a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it. 😉

Good day, everyone!

[ dook ]

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37 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 008 // 23 November 2006”

  1. IceD_Air says:

    Very nice, keep it coming. e4e

  2. lima says:

    second thanks 4 da watson weekly 😆 😆

  3. mike says:

    can somebody help me? i would like a picture that we all can see in the gallery ,when we look Emma's photo. And sorry for my english. 😕

  4. ahlam says:

    wooooooow im 3rd wOooooW and the picture soooo swet and cooool ilove it soooooo much 😛 😆 🙂 kisssss 4 everyone love daniel and emma and rupert 😛 😆 😉 byyyyyyyyyye 😉

  5. Kat_DS says:

    I like the interview with Page Very interesting. Thanks a lot for new watson weekly

  6. r/h fan says:

    Yay! The next issue is out! I liked it!

  7. ahlam says:

    sooooory im 4th not 3rd 😛

  8. Michelle&Felicis:) says:


  9. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Looks good! Thanks and maybe the 9th issue will actually come out in a WEEK noe a MONTH!! 😛

  10. emma's # ONE fan says:

    I ment to say NOT a MONTH and also HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! 🙂

  11. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    about funky fashion, i agree that miley tried to look older than she is. she always does that and its kinda annoying. and i didnt like hilary's outfit either. oh well. nice ff this time around! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! love yall <3

  12. maggie says:

    awesome!goign to read it now.happy thanks giving!!

  13. russell says:

    i love thanksgiving i dont think i can eat any more food. 😕 :???::0 haha

  14. A.v says:

    I love the new Watson Weekly its great! Happy Thanks Giving! (Im going to fill my self with Turkey and stuffing! LOL)

  15. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    i almost 4got… miley cyrus turned 14 today, nov. 23. happy bday miley! 😉

  16. emmafan1 says:

    YES! been waiting so excited 4 it!!! 🙂

  17. CID says:

    😛 i download the tango of emma that song of the video is fantastico

  18. Julia says:

    Hilary's boots look like those Emma wore during the Entertainment Weekly shoot.. Nice update 🙂

  19. Stephanie says:

    good job on the WW. can't wait to see the next one…the Christmas issue! 😆

  20. raluca(romania) says:

    First of all ,happy thanksgiving for all that celebrate it, we don't celebrate it here, but anyway, it doesn't matter :razz:. The 8th issue is realy great :razz:, but try to post them earlyer. I understand if you can't, but than name it in another way. Oh, and by the way: that emma obsesed thing is very funny 😆

  21. raluca says:

    to post it, sorry 😛

  22. ahlam says:

    hiii raluca how are u?? 😉 we misssss u sooooo much 😆 😛

  23. Diogo Potter says:

    Finally! 🙂 I love WW! Cool! xD

  24. Louisa says:

    why is it that when i click on a page to enlarge, it does but when it's done loading, it shrinks. i can't read it… this is a problem. 😡

  25. dook says:

    Louisa, It is probably your browser shrinking the image so if fits on your screen. If you put your mouse over the image and click it should zoom to normal size again.

  26. MuseHic says:

    The last page is very funny. I really enjoyed reading it and I'm glad I discovered that I'm not completly obsessed with her ^^ Bye, have a good week-end !

  27. Louisa says:

    oh okay. that works. thanks dook!!!! 🙂

  28. Makenzie says:

    The video was REALLY FUNNY!!!! 😆 😛 😉 🙂

  29. ov says:

    What happened to the Emma portraits section? Is it coming back because I might send one in.

  30. dook says:

    ov, yes the Emma portraits will be back after the Christmas issue.

  31. ~Roni~ says:

    woooooooooooot cool issue!!

  32. Juh says:

    How can I make download of the music video ? 😥

  33. dook says:

    Juh, Just click on the Music Video link on the thumbnail page and choose Save… to download the video to your computer.

  34. kbic pREZ says:

    Latest Watson Weekly issue is GREAT! The "Roxanne" video is absolutely the BEST music video of Emma Watson I have ever seen. GREAT JOB!!!

  35. black_angel says:

    really cool emma-watson weekly!!! LOVE IT!! 🙂 🙂

  36. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Great!! Love it 😆