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About Patti Smith's autobiography "Just Kids" (2011): "I want to live like Patti. I want to write like Patti. The book was so honest and brave. I loved the way she sees the world. I really felt that life was more beautiful after I read it, and I felt more hopeful."

DL Pictures & More // 28 November 2006

Good day! 🙂

Thanks to Julie for sending us 4 pictures of Emma from the Driving Lessons premiere that were not in our gallery:

Unfortunately they are tagged, but at least we have something!

And a very big thanks to for making us their SOTM!

Also, GOF did not win Best Feature film for the Children’s BAFTA’s, but they did win in BAFTA’s Kids Vote! So congratulations GOF!
And don’t forget to vote for Emma in the CBBC Poll! And vote for her to be the next cover girl for the Brazilian magazine, Atrevida.
Have a wonderful day!
[ Katy ]

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68 Responses to “DL Pictures & More // 28 November 2006”

  1. A.v says:

    YES! FIRST!! love the photos!

  2. A.v says:

    I wish Emma came to Canada. I mean are we not Britains sister country?!?!

  3. Haley says:

    😕 HURRY! VOTE! RUPERT IS BEATING EMMA ON THE CBBC POLL! *ok, so i know it's not life and death, but come on! she's won for this long!!*

  4. Emmy says:

    Ah too bad GoF didn't win. Better luck next time! LOVE the pics! Thank you so much. xxx

  5. Lilly says:

    fifth!!! sorry I've never been that close before 🙂

  6. Julia says:

    Is it just me, or the Atrevida site, 'cause i can't see the coverpoll anywhere on the site. I did though a couple of days ago, but now it's gone..

  7. Molly says:

    :smile:COOL! 🙂

  8. Jeanne says:

    cool pics, love the SOTM, but it seys ''september'' on it… is it really september, or just a mistake? sorry and happy for gof at the same time (for different things 🙂 ), vote for emma at the cbbc, atrevida (p.s., add the atrevida to the section ''vote for emma!'', you know what i'm talking about, staaf, don't you? and you forgot to say, that this is the last day of ''calendar competition''!!! but anyway, great news…

  9. Katie says:

    Good pics!:smile:

  10. Jeanne says:

    actually i can't find it either, maybe the voting stopped, i mean, it IS the end of the month…

  11. Jaana says:

    Wow, gorgeous new photos! Too bad that they're tagged… :S I am in LOVE with Emma's hair! O_O Absolutely beautiful! Oh, and gongrats for the SOTM! ^^ You guys really deserve it! I <3! You guys rock! Keep up the good work!

  12. R/H fan says:

    Nice pix. I like the last one best. She has such a great smile. I hope u find untagged ones. Congrats for being SOTM. 😛 Also, be sure to vote for Emma at the CBBC poll!! ONLY VOTE ONCE A DAY OR ALSE SHE LOSES POINTS!!!

  13. Vici says:

    hey, just a question, i REALLLYY wanna watch that video of Emma at the BAFTAs when POA won, you still had it wuth the old site..think you could get it again? id LOVE it!

  14. Jeanne says:

    i don't get it, is the SOTM really september???

  15. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    Gosh, they are lovelY! I want them in high quality!

  16. ahlam says:

    WOooooooooow the picture SOOooooooooo swet and coooool it is beautiful 😆 🙂 ilove it ilove it 😆 😛 😉 🙂

  17. Nimy says:

    I hate watermarks 😡 She's so peculiar so beauty!!!

  18. Carol says:

    I it's September but I guess they forgot to send it earlier.

  19. Jeanne says:

    well then put it at ''site awards''…

  20. Nuno says:

    Is fantastic

  21. Chris says:

    Nice pics, shame about the tags. 😥 Won't be saving those. 🙁

  22. Dristopirdejnik says:

    Yeah!!! im 21st….Lucky number! 😆 Good Fotos!!! Thanks!!! 🙂

  23. Giorgia says:

    Aren't There without words?? 😕

  24. Julie says:

    i know… unfortunately they are tagged 🙁 she looks really good, exept the first one…she looks strange in that one… 😕 her hair and smile……can't get enough 😛

  25. iza says:

    cute photos…but I've see them already 😆 the picture of the day is very cool 😉

  26. mirane says:

    26th !!! 🙂 (She is beautifuuuuuuuuuul !!!)

  27. Rachel says:

    i've never seen the pick of the day's really cool, the dress is really beautiful but i think her jacket and trainers don't suit her 😕 well it doesn't matter bcuz she stills cute ^^ XxXx Rachy

  28. Meggi says:

    Hi! Emma's so beautiful on this photos! I've got a blog 'bout her. Think somebody will see it. 🙂 Bay!

  29. Meggi says:


  30. Meggi says:

    [ No advertising your site in the comments!!! ]

  31. Jeanne says:

    no, i think, that the coat is gorgeous for her, but the trainers don't really go with a dress like that…

  32. ahlam says:

    emma dress sooooo swet it is in all the picture coooool and beautiful 😆 😛 😉 🙂

  33. black_angel says:

    very cool the picz!!! 🙂 🙂

  34. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    pics! wow thanks congratulations for being SOTM! \m/ i'll vote for emma right now

  35. Jo says:

    :smile:I like you you is pretty :razz:kiss

  36. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Cool pics the 1st one is scary lol, congrats on SOTM!

  37. R/H fan says:

    Nice POTD!! There aren't 2 many pix that show her from the side.

  38. halil says:

    beautiful like always! congrats!

  39. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    @ Julia I can't find it either!!!

  40. Kathryn says:

    OMG i love the picture of the day – she looks awesome i want her hair shoes dress and coats – just her wardrobe in general really lol ! and lovely pics at DL premier too – needs to lay off the orange foundation a bit – but still v pretty! cant wait for OotP yay! go hermy!

  41. kimberly says:

    jo, you had a grammar issue. You said "that was not in our gallery," about the pics. It should be "that were not in our gallery."

  42. kimberly says:

    next time though, jo.

  43. kimberly says:

    or whoever wrote it. sorry jo, didn't mean to blame it on you.

  44. Alexa says:

    I absolutely love those photos of Emma Watson, especially that last one called (SOTM) or something, lol. 😆 Thanks!

  45. A.v says:

    R/H fan, What does R/H stand for? Kimberly, You are the one with the grammer problems.

  46. Katy says:

    Kimberly, I wrote the news post, and sorry about the grammar. 😛 I fixed it.

  47. chelsie says:

    great pics! @A.v- i think it means for ron/hermione,but i'm not positive

  48. R/H fan says:

    A.v-Why do u want 2 know?

  49. --Mayci96-- says:

    Luv it!!!