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New OOTP Footage! // 03 December 2006

Hello boys and girls! πŸ™‚

Remember when we told you that ABC Family would be showing a sneak peak of Order Of The Phoenix? Huh? Do ya? Weeelll they showed it tonight! I know we all thought it would be tomorrow but  those sneaks showed some tonight! WITH a new interview with Emma! A very big thanks to HPANA for the video!

View some of the clips here! We’ll keep you updated with more clips as we get them!

Edit: You can view more clips here and here. We’ll try to get a downloadable version as soon as we can!

Edit Edit: You can now view all the clips on YouTube:

 New Director David Yates
 Dumbledore’s Army
The Order 

The Kiss
Sirius Black

Keep checking the site for more news tomorrow! πŸ˜›

Have a very nice day!

[ Katy ]

Comments closed for this item.

92 Responses to “New OOTP Footage! // 03 December 2006”

  1. C says:

    Hey cool1 πŸ˜›

  2. Marie says:

    Can someone write what Hermione is saying?(transcription). I can't understand πŸ™

  3. James Wise says:

    Oh man this is awesome!!!! I can't wait to see the kiss!!!!!!! πŸ˜†

  4. Slou says:

    πŸ˜• I LOVE THE SITE! πŸ˜†

  5. Danielle says:

    πŸ˜† <b>absolutly fantastic i cant see the tv version coz i dont have ABC family so im just so glad yous guys got clips im very greatful. The interviews were great and i can't beleive how much they've all changed. This had made mt sunday thx again guys πŸ™‚ dan xcx<b>

  6. r/h fan says:

    ABC Family is airing the same ones again right now!!

  7. Nicola says:

    ooh la la hiya aint viewed the website for a few weeks so just like to comment on the new web design very lovely well done luv Nicola xxx

  8. ahlam says:

    wooooow guys the potd picture soooooo swet and cooool πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  9. michael sting says:

    hello emma I hope that estes well every day qu happens I fall in love but of you your you are half of my life you are half of my heart please emma this you see responds east message please πŸ˜₯

  10. michael sting says:

    hello emma I am I mean again that while lives, to continue wanting so that my heart does not lie when it says I love you you are everything stops for my responds east message please πŸ˜₯

  11. bella says:

    michael sting,are you ok?!honestly,are you ok?! πŸ˜†

  12. naro says:

    :sad:ANYBODY PLZ HELP whenever i open the video of hermione,i only here "in the film"& it stops

  13. Alezia (R/E R/Hr fan) says:


  14. r/h fan says:

    @Alezia–I'm a R/E and a R/Hr fan 2!

  15. r/h fan says:

    @Naro, try going to a different HP site.

  16. emily says:

    I don't think her voice has really changed, but she is now about a foot taller than Dan and about the same height as Rupert….weird!

  17. KAT XX says:

    OMGODGIDDYDGONEGASTISTICWITHDOBBYSSOCKSONTOP WHICHHERMYKNITTED!!! im soo exscited bout OotP – cant beleiveeeeee we have to wait til July!! but still emma looks awesome in it yay!! πŸ˜› xx

  18. Arigl says:

    πŸ™‚ hey Emma,

  19. A.v says:

    The one question in mind for a guy like me would be: How the bloody hell do you get a date with Emma!?!

  20. Chris says:

    Emily: Emma is nowhere near as tall as Rupert. πŸ˜•

  21. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Cool, I need to watch them all tomorrow, I do not have time tonight! πŸ™‚

  22. emily says:

    I don't know, she looks as tall as him in some of the photos.

  23. Anastasia says:

    πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜•

  24. Anastasia says:

    OMG! πŸ˜•

  25. Imene says:

    The videos are just GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ! Thanks ! Bye bye !

  26. vesna says:

    You can also download all videos on this site: πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  27. ahlam says:

    hiiiii guys any new picture 4 emma today or news and the video is amazing πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  28. mike says:

    Nice new layout. great colors and nice way to bring it together.

  29. iza says:

    hey…we want some news πŸ˜•

  30. Jeanne says:

    kat xx, I didn't really catch what you were saying, was it something like ''OMGOD GIDDY DGONE GASTISTIC WITH DOBBYS SOCKS ON TOP WHICH HERMY KNITTED!!!''? btw, those four links still haven't been fixed, i'm just saying…

  31. Jeanne says:

    oh, and great PotD from CoS UK premiere! She looks really great with Bonny!!! only her nose could be little less red… πŸ˜†

  32. Evie says:

    awwww that PotD is sooo cute! gosh how they hav changed!! i cnt wait for the film from just viewing the video thing…LOVE the new layout!! think its FABULOUS! xxxx

  33. KAT XX says:

    by Jeanne @ 04 Dec 2006 03:55 pm kat xx, I didn't really catch what you were saying, was it something like ''OMGOD GIDDY DGONE GASTISTIC WITH DOBBYS SOCKS ON TOP WHICH HERMY KNITTED!!!''? i meant OMGOD GIDDY GONE GASTISTIC WITH DOBBYS SOCKS ON TOP WHICH HERMY KNITTED!!! i was just reli hyper – lol xx

  34. Jeanne says:

    got it… πŸ˜‰

  35. Andrea = awsome says:

    I love this! I can't wait until the movie comes out! πŸ™‚

  36. Hannah says:

    i can't see it bcause youtube's blocked ahhhhhhhh *crys* it's soooooo annoying why me???

  37. orly says:

    πŸ™‚ omg evanna lynch is PERFECT TO PLAY LUNA!!!

  38. Alexsey says:

    Your brown eyes Your sweet lips Only you my angel you my dream I shall like you In heart carefully to store The whole world is ready you I to present Is devoted – Emma πŸ™‚

  39. Lana says:

    hi! my name's alana and i'm from brasil, i love daniel radcliffe, emma watson and rupert grint and i want mett daniel radcliffe and emma watson!!!! please help me!! I love us! πŸ˜₯ : πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  40. emmafangirl2 says:

    great videos! keep us all updated on HP5!!!!! πŸ˜†