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About Evanna Lynch (Luna) and Imelda Staunton (Umbridge) (2007): "Evanna is Luna Lovegood. It's actually scary. I can't tell you, it's amazing. She's so lovely and so much fun. That was really nice. Imelda Staunton, amazing actress, I was really excited to work with her, also very funny. She just keeps everyone laughing between takes which is great and always good to have around."

New OOTP Footage! // 03 December 2006

Hello boys and girls! πŸ™‚

Remember when we told you that ABC Family would be showing a sneak peak of Order Of The Phoenix? Huh? Do ya? Weeelll they showed it tonight! I know we all thought it would be tomorrow but  those sneaks showed some tonight! WITH a new interview with Emma! A very big thanks to HPANA for the video!

View some of the clips here! We’ll keep you updated with more clips as we get them!

Edit: You can view more clips here and here. We’ll try to get a downloadable version as soon as we can!

Edit Edit: You can now view all the clips on YouTube:

 New Director David Yates
 Dumbledore’s Army
The Order 

The Kiss
Sirius Black

Keep checking the site for more news tomorrow! πŸ˜›

Have a very nice day!

[ Katy ]

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92 Responses to “New OOTP Footage! // 03 December 2006”

  1. emmafan1 says:

    yay! first! omg omg so exiting and the layouts sooo nice!

  2. emmafan1 says:

    omg omg just watchd it and it was soooo awesome! emma's voice changed! and all thiss is making me so xited 4 the movie! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. Aaliyah says:

    Excellent video! I absolutely loved it! πŸ˜† Indeed Emma's voice seems to have changed but I think it was because she was serious that time. When I heard her giggle with Dan and Rupert, I realised she was still her. I mean, girl's voices don't change much; it's the boys. Only a few more months to go before it'll be released. *squirms* πŸ˜•

  4. r/h fan says:

    I watched it and I just watched another that was just on!!

  5. --Mayci96-- says:

    are they still showing it?

  6. qw says:

    Want the downloadable version!

  7. --Mayci96-- says:

    qw, yes please…

  8. --Mayci96-- says:

    oh cool, i just saw the dumbledores army on tv

  9. --Mayci96-- says:

    uh, i hate it when they make the movie and release it 4 or 5 months later, same thing as ootp they are already done!!!!!!!!hellloooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

  10. maggie says:

    what time tonight???and the layouts alright…i liked the old one better….but its not my say….so what ev

  11. Cherise says:

    Please put up a downloadable version!!

  12. maggie says:

    ack!are they still showing it tomorrow? πŸ˜₯

  13. Forsythe_Ella says:

    Awesome! Love the new format. Props to you. πŸ˜›

  14. chelsie says:

    am i the only one that can't see it? it won't play it. πŸ™

  15. A.v says:

    Cool, ill check in on the video when it comes.

  16. Guen says:

    Emma ROcks

  17. kop! says:

    The link to the Dumbledore`s Armi is wrong! There is the same link as to David Yates! And i want to see it! Thanx a lot to these videos, i enjoyed it! Emma is the Best! πŸ˜‰

  18. Aaliyah says:

    Just so you know, the link for the HPANA-Media videos won't work. Please try to fix that. πŸ™‚

  19. CID says:


  20. Aura says:

    Well, it seems they get the most important actors on uk movie history… And now the 3 leading characters are as famous as the other actors… It's lovely! πŸ™‚

  21. serialgamer says:

    VTS had made the clips downloadable here : they're all on it and good quality !

  22. Katie says:

    i can't wait for the movie 2 come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile::wink::smile::wink::smile::wink:

  23. raluca(romania) says:

    OMG, the clips are so cool, I just can't wait for the movie anymore πŸ˜› πŸ˜₯

  24. Jeanne says:

    the HPANA link goes to some page, where the window of the video appears, but it doesn't play, the nex two links go to ''the page cannot be found'', and the ''dumbledor's army'' goes to the ''new director'' other than that, the videos are terrific, love how Emma looks…

  25. Jeanne says:

    oh no, my bad, the HPANA goes to ''the page cannot be found, and the NEXT ''here'' goes to that weird page that requires ActiveX(whatever that might be) and doesn't work

  26. agata says:

    I can't see te videos from HPANA, but on youtube is everything all right. This videos are GREAT!!!

  27. Chris says:

    Try Veritaserum. They have them available to download as wmv files. πŸ˜‰

  28. ~Roni~ says:

    Oh God. Oh my FREAKIN' God!!! That's amazing!!!111 omggggggggggomgomgomgomgomgomgomomggg πŸ˜† THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU

  29. r/h fan says:

    I saw must of them on TV, I only must a few!!! Thanks! πŸ™‚

  30. r/h fan says:

    This is the SOTM at

  31. r/h fan says:

    Guys, u must one!! The one called behind the story. Go here to see it. And yes, Emma talks!!!

  32. Jeanne says:

    yeah, you're right, we really are the SotM, and the picture includes the new layout(an was made today, 'cause the showed PotD was today's…) and that video is already seen… or maybe not the put-together version, but all parts of it were seen….

  33. iza says:

    hey…the videos are really really cool but the one with "Dumbledore's Army" doesn't work! πŸ˜₯ Does anyone has this problem or I am the only one? πŸ˜•

  34. Julia says:

    Aaaah! The Zip programme nevers works on my computer… πŸ˜₯ Does anyone know a place where i can get them into Windows Media Player?

  35. Steve says:

    they're all on it and good quality

  36. Jeanne says:

    hey, good PotD from photoshoot of Adrian Green with Jason Isac… but I think that it would be more fun to have as PotD the one where he's squeezing her… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

  37. ahlam says:

    hiiiii guys the video soooooooooom swet and sooooo cooool and i cant waite 2 see the filme it is amazing πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  38. N says:

    Great videos πŸ™‚ Emma looks gorgeous in the first one! David Yates (?) looks like a pretty nice guy to them!

  39. Bekas says:

    amazing videos, thx!!!! πŸ˜† but….. the video of David Yates and the one of dumbledore's army is the same πŸ˜‰ πŸ™

  40. Alexa says:

    I loved those clips! Hermione looks absolutely stunning. She seems to have quite some fun with Ron and Harry in this movies than it the others. Thank you! I love this site! πŸ˜‰

  41. dook says:

    The DA link is now fixed.

  42. Jeanne says:

    DA video is really cool, but what about the other links?

  43. krotik says:

    It`s great! Yahoooo! Thnx very much, you make me laugh! And you can download the video on this sites:

  44. bella says:

    thank you soooooooo much videos are amazing!they're great!!!and bellatrix…waaooowwww…:wink: she's absolutely outstanding!!!!

  45. bella says:

    but her teeth didn't have to be that much disgusting,you know..i didn't like that at all it is so unnecessary to make her teeth gross! 😑

  46. angel says:

    i love these videos they're great !! i'm so happy to see at last an interview of luna or evanna lynch…. it's amazing!

  47. Jeanne says:

    yeah, Luna's good…