Hello Emma fans! 🙂
Let’s start with a report that came out on The Daily Record yesterday, Lil Chris mentioned that he likes Emma! Aww bless, have no idea who Chris is? He’s a singer that came out from a show called Rock School, for more information click here! What do you guys think? (lol) 😆
Thanks to UHP for sending us scans from the One Magazine, there’s an interview with Emma, but it’s in French so we’re working on getting the translation of the interview right asap! You can see the scans here:
Also yesterday was our staff member Brittany’s birthday! So let’s all have a big cheer for her! We wish you all the best Brit! Happy brithday and thanks for taking your to work with us! 😉
As usual don’t forget to vote for Emma at the CBBC Poll cuz at the moment she’s losing!
Last but not least thanks to everyone for letting us know! We’re Site of the Month at MissEmmaWatson.net! Thanks guys! 🙂 Here’s our award:
Have a nice day! 😉
[ Carol ]
YEAH FIRST!!!!! Emma come to Canada and i'll make your holiday 😉 (not a pervert lol)
Oh i almost forgot, happy birthday Brittany! 🙂 😉 😛 😆 🙂
Sorry last comment. When Lil' Chris says Lindsay Lohan comes in second after Emma (i think that was it) i am not sure if he should say that when you like a girl. I never had girlfriend, but i think thats not a good way saying "i like you, then i like.." but i am no expert lol.
🙂 heyhey….does anyone know how the x-mas project is progressing? 😛
Happy Bday Brit! And very nice scans, thx a lot! 😆
There's some new stuff in the interview, but not a lot. They basically talk about the OOTP and about Drving Lessons and about Emma's doubt(continuing Harry Potter after OOTP and all..)
well,he's little that's for sure!! :lol:how old is he for god's sake?! 😆
Bella: He's 16 😉
Emma looks so great in the field with her coy smile and sexy eyes. I hope she does not fall for lil chris. She can do so much better. As for not continuing with the Potter films, that would be a stupid mistake. If it's about money, that's one thing. Stick with it Em, It will set your future for more acting roles. You will be remembered for more important roles later. Your time will come. Cheers
I have this magazine (I'm french) and every month they are articles about harry potter in this!!! It's a good magazine!!! (I speak not very well english! )
Great update as usual… like the scans.(: Does Emma's eyebrows look blue in the layout though??? Happy Birthday Brit!
carol…I have a fan-site dedicated to Emma and I also made you the SOTM. I've send an e-mail last week and I still have no answer… 😥 😥 😥
I dont like that lil Chris guy, I dont know maybe its because Im German but I think that his music sucks.I dont knowmaybe its just me!
TOKIO HOTEL–the beeeeeesssttt!!!!!
I agree 'max', i HATED lil chris the first time i saw him on rock school and now hes just more of a pain in the ass as he thinks hes famous and hes just an idiotic atention seeking midget!!! 😡 😡 😡
Lil Chris is just a stupid idiot 😛
wooooow guys the magazine picture coool and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brittany!!!! 😆 😛 🙂 😉 😛
oh,no!she's losing and unfortunately rupert has again more votes! 😡 it's strage…I really think that Emma and Daniel has more fans than Rupert…and Emma hasn't enough votes! 😥
o!!~~ i love the first scan the most!~ there's High School Musical, Prison Break and of course Emma in it!!~~
o….almost forget!!~~ it's a big thing!~~ Happy Birthday to Brittany!!
I bought this magasin today!!! it's great!!! 😛 😆
Iza@ I forgot to post it today, but we'll do it tomorrow ^^ Thanks!
I forgot too…a very happy birthday brittany! 🙂 😆
ok carol…thanks! I was thinking that taht e-mail wasn't sent to the correct adress 😕 thanks 🙂
Gee… Listening to this Lil Chris dude is causing cancer in my ears… Tries to sound like good old Britrock, but sounds in fact like a, er, teletubby on strange mushrooms. Please Em, stay fresh^^
Hello I from ukraine 🙂
realy,they are nice
yeah all of you are right, this lil chris kid is somthing else. you dont tell a girl she is in a ranking of other girls you like. His music sucks ass and he needs to train his voice alot. he should not even be mentioning emma's name,he's not in her league. he will have his 15 and you'll never see him again.
It's french !! I can understand it ! 😆 (I'm french but I wish had been english…(sorry for my englesh :cry:)
*english* 😉
Happy birthday Brittany! My best friend's birthday was also yesterday. She turned 20 and we've known each other since kindergarten (we started school in September of 1992).
thanks,carol 😉 i still think he's little(and idiot),though 😆
Hey, back off Lil Chris, I like Emma! There's no room for you! 😆 😆
Mirane, I'm french too!!! lol But I'd like to be english too…*so sad* 😥 I love "ONE" and emma-watson.net too, great website! Bye people!
Hey every1 😛 im loving the scans but there in french 😥 i wish i could read them i hope u guys can translate for me (no worries if u cant). anywaz Back of lil chris guys hes not tht bad. ok i dont relli like his music tht much but he seems like a nice guy and he has a crush on emma so what? every1 has a crush and emma is relli pretty i wonder what she'd say if she met him? you's all hav ur own opnion tho and i tottaly bak u guys im just saying hes not tht bad. Lets just see what emma says if she find out! nice POTD and HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITTINY!! have a good 1 ! P.S. please dont take this the wrong way im not judgeing any1 sorry if i offended u. dan xxx
love you
@ Paulo LOVE ME? 😕 confused? danxcx
:???:i dont think about anthing coz I DONT WANT EMMA 2 HAVE R.SHIP WITH A SINGER!!
i ve noticed sth that we dont have any news about the CHRISTMAS PROJECT 😆
I have just finished translating the first page of the magazine 🙂
Hahahahahaha! That stuff about Lil' Chris having a thing for Emma… 😆 He doesn't stand a chance! I mean, for pity's sake! He seems like an idiot….and I think Emma is not looking for a guy who seems like a total prat. But, it's very funny to know that he has a thing for Em. 😛 Oh, and before I forget, Happy birthday Brittany!!!! And gongrats for the SOTM.
I forgot to say that the PotD is very cute! ^^
Nice scans! And congrats for being SOTM!
OMG! Now I remember that kid!!! he gets owned by that rock guy on Tv! wow i hated him ever since my eyes had to burn seeing him, and he looks 10!omg id never knew he would be 16. Jesus, in canada we always call that "babyfaced" (and he aint cute like a baby) hey, i dont want that chris to take our hatred personal, its just that beocuse hes on a t.v show he gets to be able send his messege to Emma saying "i fancy you". What about us? the guys who REALLY deep down love Emma. The first impression i got instantly when he ranked her was, ASS****!, i know what hes thinking, since hes got a lil fame, why not take some ppl along with him. Emma, ill be happy for you if u go with him, but jez my view on your guy types will CHANGE! (Emma, u probley aint reading this, but I or i should say we love u) BTW Danielle, If i met him id be like " listen mate, slap yourself,change your clothes, take a shower, for your parents sake get voice surgery (if possible). If he can sing like that and be on T.V I WOULD BE A CELEB! (maybe not :razz:)
Thanks for the birthday messages, everyone! 🙂 I turned 13, incase anyone's wondering. =P
Hi Brittany, happy birthday!!!! Our birthdays are only a couple months apart, except I turned 14 this year… anyway, emma is only losing by a *tiny* bit in cbbc (like, not even a whole point) so lets vote!! and congrats for SOTM!! ♥redheads rock♥
yay congrats on sotm! :smile:omg i totally agree whens the HP cast and especially Emma cominng to Canada! we need a preimre here! awww that so cute (bout lil cris) i havent seen that pic of rupert….and i want another emma photoshoot havent seen one 4 such a long time!