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About Patti Smith's autobiography "Just Kids" (2011): "I want to live like Patti. I want to write like Patti. The book was so honest and brave. I loved the way she sees the world. I really felt that life was more beautiful after I read it, and I felt more hopeful."

Harry Potter Day & Calendar Competition // 14 December 2006

Hello Emma fans! 🙂

Lately as you can see we haven’t had many Emma news! But I hope you guys will understand that it’s not our fault!

Now if you live in London, on the 30th of December the Riverside Studios are having a Harry Potter day! What’s that? Well they’re gonna be showing all the Harry Potter movies in just one day! You can view the timetable here. Great way to end 2006, right?

Also yes! It’s that time of month again! The calendar competition! The first calendar of 2007, January! So get creative and make sure you follow the rules, the size can be either 1024×768 or 800×600, it has to have and January on it, calendars should be in by the 28th of December, all entries must be sent to! Good luck! 😉

And if you wanna take part on the Music Video Contest you still have time! For all the rules & instructions go back to the 8th of December post! Entries should be sent to!

Unfortunately that’s it for today! Remember to keep voting for Emma at the CBBC Poll!

Have a nice day! 😆

[ Carol ]

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49 Responses to “Harry Potter Day & Calendar Competition // 14 December 2006”

  1. Amanda says:


  2. dancer 4ever ♥ says:

    YES!!!!!!! first!! gotta go vote!!

  3. dancer 4ever ♥ says:

    crud, amanda beat me!! 🙁 oh well, i've been first before (under a different name though)

  4. Amanda says:

    Sorry dance4ever 🙁 But that's the first time I'm the first 🙂

  5. dancer 4ever ♥ says:

    lol its fine amanda! emma's still losing in cbbc! 😥

  6. wis3ly says:

    "The first calendar of 2006" I think you mean 2007? 😉

  7. Carol says:

    Thanks wis3ly, I fixed that now 😉

  8. A.v says:

    Cool stuff, i wish we can see some new up close pics of Emma, i miss her.

  9. r/h fan says:

    nice update!! BTW, how old is this site? 😕

  10. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Cool, good luck to all who enter calender and music vidio competition!! VOTE EMMA! 🙂

  11. jesse says:

    omg that all day hp thing souns AWESOME!!!! too bad i don't live in england 😥 and o yea when is there gonna be a new watson weekly?

  12. Christina says:

    Carol, is the calendar suppose to say Emma-Watson.Net or Emma-Watson?

  13. Aaliyah says:

    A Harry Potter marathon, cool. I've experienced that during my cousin's birthday, it was all right though everything was predictable right to the end credits! 😛 I might enter the calender comp. since Jan's the month I'm born in! 😉

  14. C says:

    wow cool change 😀

  15. emmafan1 says:

    aww im sad theres no new emma news. but i do know december boys is coming ou (dans new film) and maybe emma will go 2 the preimre! i hope so!aloso if any1's a bonnie fan or phelps twins they went to the eragon preimre. also whats going on with the christmas project?

  16. dook says:

    Christina, it should say on the calendar. Thanks for pointing that out, I\’ll change that.

  17. Mike says:

    🙂 That's all we want staff. Just talk to us. Tell us about the people who make this website happen. You could always tell us what JoAnn is up too. Thank's for the update. You should post the old video's made by fans as some food for thought. If you need some of the good old fan video's say something. Happy to send to you if they were lost. Cheers

  18. Julia says:

    Hi everyone, you know the video where Emma say: "OMG That’s Madonna !!!", well, I never see it, where I can find??? Please, if somebody have the link, I really want to see it!!!! 🙁 Or maybe could put this video here, what do you think?

  19. Julia says:

    and sorry for my english, I'm still learning 🙂

  20. iza says:

    OMG…all harry potter movies in only one day? that's so cool…in my country since last week we have the first 3 movies in every firday…today is the second,Chamber of Secrets…anyway I wish to live in London 😆 cool update! 😛

  21. Kristin says:

    I've got a question, and i know it sounds a bit stupid, but i really don't know, i dont live in Great Britain. So: What is Emma doing at the moment? She has made her GCSE, i know that, but what comes after it? Does she go to school at the moment? She isnt filming, so probably school … or? Pls answer me! 🙂

  22. Evie says:

    what channel is the HP marathon gonna b on? or is it its own channel?! so confused…cool POTW!! after GCSE's go can either go to college or sixth-form to do A-Levels..i think! and then u can go to univeristy..but dont take my word for it Kristin coz i dnt no! Pretty name btw 🙂

  23. Mariah says:

    Where I can read the other editions of Watson Weekly?????? I really want to read the editions 7, 6, 5 and others. somebody help me please!!! 😥

  24. dook says:

    Mariah, you can read editions 1 through 5 by going to the Emma section, and clicking on Watson Weekly. We will try to have 6 and 7 up soon, but it may be after Christmas.

  25. maggie says:

    sooooo not fair!!!i dont live in london!!!(but i whant to) 😉 well thanks for the update!

  26. Mharlon says:

    Well there goes Jo gone to have her own kids with her married husband, I wish her well raising her kids into adult form. Hopefully Emma knows that by now. Well anyways, I heard a rumour in the Toronto Sun newspaper here in the city of Toronto that Emma is rumoured to be interested in moving in the U.S.A. alongeside with 6 other youngwer Actors and Actresses around her age, but um I have no clue when she is going to make her move yet. Even though she might not appear in the next couple of Harry Potter movies, she is moving to U.S.A. believe it or not, if you want me to post it up in the web, let me know by email and I'll send it to you since I really don't know how to post it up in the website hopefully you can post it up for me, Emma is one of the Teen Titans that will take over Hollywood in a couple of years to come. So yeah there you have it. Shes interested in willing to move in the U.S.A. "Sorry Emma if you read this off this site, but your fans really need to know why your not going to be in the next Harry Potter movies, they really love you so much to play the role of Hermione, they really do!" Thats the only reason that I know hopefully your not mad at me! Now you probably wanna know why then she might not be appearing in the next couple of Harry Potter movies, those are the reasons. Well later!

  27. Julia says:

    Right..very interesting comment.. So, basically,(according to you), Em won't continue Harry Potter, will move to the USA and become an american teenbrat..right?

  28. maggie says:

    eh,,,sorry,but not all american actress's are brats!(as i am one!) althought i get ur point….but please,do not call us stupid…..we are not all spoiled brats! 😥 😡

  29. Mharlon says:

    Right. Anyways, in her biography she mentioned about one day playing a role in America as an American high school girl. Not only that, she was dreaming of doing it, but I think in my opinion she might just I guess spent some of her life in America since her relatives live in South Carolina, so proves that she might earn some American friends hopefully they don't treat her bad. Well if she does move to America even though shes interested and live there, I hope to meet her there and become good friends with her in America, since I might become an Actor someday! Well good luck to Emma and her Fans! P.S. – I already sent a scanned copy of the newspaper on Emma Watson to the staff of Emma Watson.

  30. R/.H fan says:

    Nice POTD! 🙂

  31. bella says:

    i totally agree with you mharlon!!you're absolutely right..i had foreseen it,too,when i read that before..

  32. bella says:

    and if she's gonna leave hp just because she wants to play a teen american,that would be ingratitude..i mean hermione role made her that much famous,right?that is how she get to be loved so much like this..i don't know..i hope she will keep playing hermione,because it would be terrible to see someone else in the movie 🙁

  33. bella says:

    how she got to be loved,oooppss 😉

  34. emmafan1 says:

    um hey guyz, acctually i think that might be just a rumor i mean it is possible it is true but the thing is emma acctually wanted to get a bit more involeved in school. i really dont think emma would be moving to the USA becasue she is only i think its just a rumor but i guess we'll see…

  35. julia says:

    This layout is so ugly!!! We NEED to get a new one. no offense, but whoever made this layout, sucks at making them. However, Emma rocks!

  36. emmafan1 says:

    @ julia, acctually this is a really new layout and a eesighneer from the site did it. i quite lke it but i guess every1 is entitled to their own opinion.still just a little harsh… 🙁

  37. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    calm down julia! the layout will change again i'm sure. for now if you dont like it, dont worry!! 😉 🙂

  38. Aaliyah says:

    About the whole moving to the states and having an American role, I just hope she wont turn into that Lindsay Lohan brat; partying all the time, drinking, promiscuous relationships and recently, having extreme dislike towards knickers! 😡 But I know Emma, she'd never be like that. I'm just worried cause she might be exposed to those activities. 🙁

  39. Angelo says:

    What's the latest news about the Christmas issue of WW? 😛

  40. Julia says:

    @maggie I didn't mean all american actors are's just that i'd read an article about Lindsay Lohan right before my comment, so i became a bit prejudgemental:P

  41. Girl says:

    Thank you so much for the update. 🙂

  42. r/hr fan says:

    Nice pic of the day!!!! Emma looks so pretty and so does Bonnie. Also, I just realized something for the first time. Harry is right behind Ginny and Ron is right behind Hermione!!!! 😛 H/G forever and R/Hr forever!!!

  43. iza says:

    hm…nice pic of the day but it already was a PotD this summer I think… 😕

  44. naro says:

    :cry:it seems that CAROL doesn't wanna reply 2 me but WHY? WHAT I HAVE DONE 4 HER?

  45. naro says:

    about moving to U.S it's impossible bcoz emma won't leave her hometown & friends 2 act such a role i'm sure

  46. Julia says:

    that's not true, Emma won't move to USA because she want to study at Oxford University!!!!!!

  47. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    i like the potd!! cute!! 😉

  48. maggie says:

    ok….thanks @Julia

  49. ahlam says:

    woooow guys i like the potd it is cute 😛