Hello Emma fans 😆
Well here it is, what you’ve all been waiting for. The Watson Weekly Christmas Issue. In this edition we have articles about the site and staff, tips for holiday spirit, Funky Fashion and Random Talk, a new webmaster interview, and another encounter with Emma. And of course, your questions, what we love about her, and your Christmas Messages to Emma.

The issue is different this time. It’s 64 pages long so instead of downloading individual pages, you can download the entire issue as a PDF file to view in Acrobat. The file is 8.8MB so it might take a litte while to download.
To download the issue, please right click and save the file to your computer using the link below.
[ Watson Weekly Christmas Issue ]
Have a great day! 😆
[ dook and all the staff at EW.net ]
Wow! The new issue is awesome! Great job! The is the best E.W. ever! Keep up the good work and thanks!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉
And cute PotD!
you should really say holiday issue. Christmas isn't the only celebration in December
omg the Watson Weekly almost is AWESOME I absolutely love it 100% it is the best that we have had so far…congrates on all the work put into it. It's absolutely amazing emma is surely going to love it…the Qs you chose were great better then the one I thought of by heaps s2 mwa
@KATE, you're right.
Yeah, some people celebrate Hannakah.
Like, this is the best Emma Watson website ever, like, in the history of the world!!! I\’m like freakin\’ out by how, like, great and magical everything is!!!! Like, OMG!!! Like, nice update, nice POTD and nice VOTW and you\’re nice and I\’m nice and like, everything!!! 😛
I'm getting sooooo excited! but I hate that we have to download it all!! darnnnnnnn!!! 😥
I like this watson Weekly issue 🙂
This magazine is really cool! This edition is amazing, the best so far and I wait that Emma love it! 😛 My message is in the page 53!! WEEE!! \0/ I'm so happy to see my comment in the magazine!! 🙂
The cover…I don't like. 😛 (My favorite cover is the one with the CoS DVD Launch pix) but the issue…it's your BEST!!! It took forever to read, but it was really great!
OOHHMYY, that is the most amazing issue ever. it was so amazing to see my greeting along everyone else's from all over the world. i honestly commend everyone who worked on it..you did an amazing job. ( L )
I know I said something earlier but…I'm so happy my question made it(pg.23) as well as my message! I lurrrve this issue!(for the gazillionth time).
Wow!This issue is amazing & it was so good to see my name in there! Cooool! Keep up the good work guys! I can't tell u how amazing this is!
Cool, my message for the pretty little witch was included. I'm glad =) This WW is cool. Greetings from Chile.
Thank you thank you for everything !!! 🙂 I'm reading my message page 34 and i can't believe that Emma will maybe read it !! Merry Christmas !
i haven't seen the article yet but i'm sure i'll have it downloaded AFTER MY TESTS OF COURSE.THE Q. IS HAVE U SENT THE ISSUE 2 EMMA YET OR NOT?????
DOOK 😥 u said the is 8.8mb i reached 9.69 & still downloading
naro, it must be an error in the download. the file is only 8.77M. maybe try the other mirror.
EEEEEE!!! I WAS IN WATSON WEEKLY! (i'm staci from the us…look 4 me!) u guys did the best flippin job! congratulations!
love the pic of the day! very suave or is it sauve??? lol xx
Good, too " BAD " they rarely show those magazines here in Canada, Toronto! They showed one in November Issue, but I couldn't afford the magazine cause the city sucks, they rarely hire anyone, and jobs here are so rare to find, its like, the ones that are really good jobs are out of Toronto. You gotta go far away from home to get a job!
she is so beautiful!
EW weekly is great, but I want to say that Merry Christmas on Russian – "schastlivogo rozdestva" (Счастл& #1080;вого Рождес&# 1090;ва), not "Hristos Razdajetsja" 😕
Nice POTD!!!!!! Rupert and Emma looks sooooooo cute together w/o Dan!!!
"by R/Hr fan @ 20 Dec 2006 02:07 am Like, this is the best Emma Watson website ever, like, in the history of the world!!! I'm like freakin' out by how, like, great and magical everything is!!!! Like, OMG!!! Like, nice update, nice POTD and nice VOTW and you're nice and I'm nice and like, everything!!!" That wasn't me who said that!!! STOP IT U POSER!!!! PLEASE BAN HER/HIM!!!
well…I like the PotD! she looks very cute with Rupert in that picture…and great Watson Weekly…I must to say it again! Any news about Ema? 😕 🙂
That was a big issue of Watson Weekly!
this was great! i really think that emma'll like it! but i like watching the music video of the week so i'm looking forward to the next ww for that
is perfectttttt!! this is really, the best site of emma!! 🙂
THE XMAS WW IS AWESONE 🙂 64 pages long wow 😆 great job guys 😛 😉
I looked thru Tiger Beat and Emma was in it twice!!!!!!!! There's some new stuff 2!!!! 🙂
Gee, everything is so magical here! Like OMG! Nice update!!! 🙂
Unfortunately no quoute from me is in the Watson Weekly….but anyway, it's just great. I could not believe how long it was and how many fans sent messages. It must have been so much work, thanks for making it. And I know Emma will love it too. 🙂
Hmmm…..I am not happy because I haven't Adobe Reader and I don't want to download it because it'll take a lot of time,so I cannot to see WW. 😥 🙁
😕 where are my greetings and my question was nowhere as well :sad:. and i've just spend two hours reading all greetings on the issue, so now i'm a bit……saaaaaaaad 😡 or angry but i can understand that, so hopefully it'll work next time!!!! and **** i don't want to wait anymore till the next film will be released 😥 hmm but anyway it's no use!!! so bye bye lovely greeeetz steffi
😕 where are my greetings and my question was nowhere as well :sad:. and i've just spend two hours reading all greetings on the issue, so now i'm a bit……saaaaaaaad 😡 or angry but i can understand that, so hopefully it'll work next time!!!! and **** i don't want to wait anymore till the next film will be released 😥 hmm but anyway it's no use!!! so bye bye lovely greeeetz steffi
Steffi, There is a message from Steffi in Germany on page 34, middle column, near the bottom. Katharina, there is a message from Katharina in Austria on page 40, also middle column, near the bottom. Ania, we are thinking of putting some of the pages online as images, but not the whole issue.
woooooooooow guys i like the pictures 4 emma it is cute 🙂 🙂
Id just like to thank the staff at E-w.net for including my christmas message to emma thank guys and have a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Wow I absolutely LOVE this issue of Watson Weekly, awesome job!! 😆
Hey! With what programme can I open it?
Yes! My comment is on there! Its the on about good deeds and the different paths in life
WATSON WEEKLY is finally back!!!! I thought it turned 2 Watson YEARLY! its been a while! but nice job on the issue
Its smile is pretty Emms Look the Emms!!!! Happy New year Emms!!!!! Kisses!!!
It's beautiful but I was kinda disapointed that neither my question or greeting wa put in. They're all going to get sent to her right? 🙁
Alicia, there is a message from Alicia, USA on page 47. Perhaps that is you? All the messages that we got were included in the printed version, with a few exceptions. Some people thought they could send 4 or 5 messages, so we just picked one from them. And a few thought they could slip in a rude comment, so those were just deleted. But all the others are in there.
hello, they emman I hope that estes well I write to you does not stop decirte that your you are my fan, if whom I like as you work I do not imagine that it is work much which you have me I only imagine it I came to enbiarte this mail for decirte much that “I want” ciao cuidate to you (racielgregorio@hotmail.com) “I want to you” 😉