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About LA (2011): "LA scares the c**p out of me. I feel if I have to work out four hours a day, and count the calories of everything I put in my mouth, and have Botox at 22, and obsess about how I look the whole time, I will go mad, I will absolutely lose it"

Emma on IMDB’s Top 25! // 23 December 2006

Hello, hello! 😆

Not much news today, but IMDB listed Emma at  #16 in their STARmeter Top 25 for 2006. Dan Radcliffe came in at #22.

Also, we’d like to let you know that our Myspace now has over 1,000 friends! Thanks to everyone who has added us and supported us on Myspace, you’re all awesome! 😆

And don’t forget to enter in the calendar competition! 

Rules: the size can be either 1024×768 or 800×600, it has to have and January on it, calendars should be in by the 28th of December, all entries must be sent to!

Don’t forget to vote for Emma in the CBBC Poll!

Have a greaaat weekend! 🙂

[ Katy ]

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84 Responses to “Emma on IMDB’s Top 25! // 23 December 2006”

  1. r/hr fan says:

    1st!!!!!!! Nice update!!!

  2. R/HR FAN says:

    "by r/hr fan @ 23 Dec 2006 12:20 am i dont like british people, really!!! they talk reallllly wierd and the totaly suck, btw, they dress realy ugly and i cant stand them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I NEVER SAID THAT!!!! THAT WASN'T ME!!!! DON'T BAN ME!!! I LIKE BRIT'S ACCENTS.

  3. Cool4ever says:

    2nd!!! 🙂 I'm glad Emma made it to the top 25! 😉

  4. R/HR FAN says:


  5. R/HR FAN says:


  6. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Congrats to Emma for making 16th place!!! R/HR FAN: I agree with you – I really wish I could speak fluent British, I think it's gorgeous!

  7. Cool4ever says:

    So do I, and it's pretty stupid what the fake R/H FAN is trying doing. 😉

  8. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Totally! I can't believe anyone would do something like that!

  9. cypnehy says:

    go emma…and yeah we rock! 😛 😉

  10. r/hr fan says:

    Thanks for supporting me guys!!! 😛

  11. Aaliyah says:

    Wow, Emma is becoming even more popular than Mr. Harry Potter himself! 😆

  12. Aaliyah says:

    *realises Johnny Depp is #1 again* Oh goody! He's awesome as Jack Sparrow! 😛

  13. molly says:

    wow thats really cool!! i didnt think she would make it up there!! 😆

  14. r/hr fan says:

    She bet Dan!!! 😆

  15. A.v says:

    The r/h fan, first of all which or who ever you are, why are u somtimes using capitals on the name others not? this is confusing. Plus, they both sound the same, and dont bother any1 trying to copy my name, becouse i am the same person and i doubt a many ppl have the same nick name as me.

  16. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    i just went to hp lexicon and they are saying that the name of the hp book 7 will be hp and the deathly hallows and that j.k. rowling confirmed it on her web site two days ago 😕 im not sure if its true or not though

  17. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    so sorry i just noticed you already posted that . its just that i havent been on the web site for a while (blushes alot) 🙁

  18. emmaismyrolemodel says: says here that this web has a myspace account? can some one tell me whats the account url? i want to add them up. hehe thankx and congrets emma!!!

  19. h/hr fan says:

    Looks like our hero & heroine made the list! CONGRATS to them both! wOOt!! 🙂

  20. Imene says:

    Hi evryone ! Nice updates ! Have a nice week-end 🙂 !!!!

  21. ahlam says:

    wooooooooow guys t7e STARmeter is cool and i like hilary and emma and daniel ans have a nice weekend 😆 😛 😉 🙂

  22. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    How do you guys celebrate Christmas?? You open your presents at the morning of 25th, right?? But when do you have the big Christmas dinner?? 24th or 25th?? Just wondering 😛

  23. Danielle says:

    Nice update! go Emma and dan woop-woop 😛 Wheres Rupert though 🙁 I feel sorry for him! @Elizabeth – Norwegian fan Yup (British) we open our presents on the 25th & we also have the big christmas dinner on the 25th 2! hope tht helps oh & btw what do u do for xmas! thx again dan x 😉

  24. Teresa says:

    congrats to Emma and Dan !! by the way, i want to ask, when will you guys give the special WW to emma?

  25. r/hr fan says:

    @A.v.– sometimes i use caps and sometimes, i don't. I don't know why.

  26. Delia says:

    YAY! GO Emma & Dan!! 🙂 I guess now we know who the more interesting duo is… for the trillionth time (according to most people). 😆 6 other favorites of mine also made the list, too! And so, I'm rather pleased about that!

  27. Anonymous says:

    hey guys in my countre we dont make a big dinner and a tree and we dont have a christmase but i am send 4 all my friends merry christmase and u 2 guys merry christmase 🙂 😛 😛 😛 😆 😉 😕 🙁 🙁

  28. r/hr fan says:

    Emma is winning in the CBBC poll!!!! Be sure to keep voting for her!!! Thanks!

  29. Kat xx says:

    i have my xmas dinner on the 25th at about 3pm and we open presents on xmas morning! so wats this about some person hating brits – as i am british and we rule! lol merry xmassy everyone – spread the joy!

  30. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    We have everything on the 24th, both presents and dinner. Nothing big really happens on the 25th in Norway… There are some good movies on the TV though 😛

  31. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    But what do you do on the 24th if everthing happens on the 25TH?? 😕

  32. r/hr fan says:

    24th in America is Christmas eve.

  33. naro says:

    hi everybody anybody knows from where i can download hilary duff's songs plz reply??????

  34. naro says:

    AHLAM r u hilary's fan?????

  35. dook says:

    naro, you can download songs by Hilary Duff from iTunes and other commercial sites. If you are talking about for free, that is illegal. Do not discuss illegal activities on this site. This also has nothing to do with Emma, so stop talking about Hilary.

  36. Ahlam says:

    @naro….. 😕 naro sure im hilary's fan and emma emma and hilary sOOOooo sweet and cool ilove emma and hilary 🙂 😉 😆

  37. Anonymous says:

    heyyy guys the potd picture sOOOOOoooo COOoool ilove the picture ^_* 🙂

  38. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    I don't get it, I've tried to vote on the cbbc poll, but it never works!! 😡 It's so annoying!

  39. Me alias Hermione says:

    Sorry for the late comment but I just managed to see the Watson Weekly! Its great and I was so pleased to see my message in it! Thanks ew-net ur the best! 😆

  40. Anonymous says:

    thanks Elizabeth-Norwegian Fan 😉 🙂

  41. joao filho says:

    🙂 :smile:hi,im jhon im from braziland i want a answer your .

  42. Jasna says:

    yep…the POTD is cooool and AHLAM r u a christian, i thought u r a muslim, ur name looks like that….anyway HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE 🙂

  43. r/hr fan says:

    The POTD is creepy yet cool.

  44. Evie says:

    i love the POTD! i think its well cool ALSO i love the WW. its totally beautiful. and guys! if u wanna learn english make sure u say all ur t's and pronounciations are correct! im glad people like thr language… :S

  45. naro says:

    DOOK… i'm really sorry perhaps u misunderstood me i meant sites i can download from them not buy.i just asked as i know that some guys here know hilary more than in my country so plz if u know tell me

  46. dook says:

    naro, no I think I understood you. If you download the songs without paying for them, it is stealing, and therefore illegal. Do not discuss illegal activities here.

  47. Delia says:

    😕 geez. some people need to cool it in here.

  48. jesse says:

    delias right, u ppl are flipping out

  49. Lync says:

    So, did Emma receive the Christmas edition of WW? Will there be pictures of her accepting it and all? Just curious. Thanks. Oh, and Merry X-mas to you all….

  50. emmafan1 says:

    i find it soooo funny that emma came in b4 Dan. i mean dont get me wrong i love all the hp actors to death but emma is really popular and she isnt even the main focal point in the movies :razz:and congrats on the myspace 🙂