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About Mark Demsteader (2011): "I grew up in Oxford and used to walk past a gallery on my way home from school that sold his work. I would stop and look at his pieces, and try and figure out how he did them for hours. I've always followed his work."

More Fan Graphics // 27 December 2006

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. Here’s another graphic from staff member Christel to help keep you in a festive mood. We don’t have any Emma news today, but we have recently added more fan made avatars, banners and wallpapers to the Fans / Graphics section. Also, Watson Weekly issues 6 and 8 are back online, as well as an image version of the Christmas issue. I am working on issue 7 and hope to have it back later today.

Update: Watson Weekly #7 is now back online.


[ dook ]

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48 Responses to “More Fan Graphics // 27 December 2006”

  1. Angelo says:

    I'm first! Wahahaha 🙂

  2. Angelo says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone! hahaha Happy New Year also! 😛 Hahahaha thought id never be first! 😆

  3. Smiled_Girl says:

    Happy New Year Christel and dook! And all the rest of the staff too 🙂

  4. Angelo says:

    To any staff member 😉 Have you sent the Christmas Project already? Tell us if or when she gets it 🙂 That'll be nice 😛

  5. mariya says:

    hope u have a great new year!!!and i soppose ur names r christel & dook[got it from the above comments] 😉

  6. Julia says:

    For some weird reason i can't see any banner in the fan section. It just says "banner"…that's it. And i've been having this for a pretty long time. Does anybody else have the same?

  7. Rachel says:

    cool graphic! that's really pretty!

  8. Jovana says:

    OMG!!! The graphic is so CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. r/hr fan says:

    Thanks!!! Nice graphic!!!! I like how it's snowing on it!!! LOVELY!!! 😛

  10. Marco Antonio C says:

    Very nice Emma in the snow.. In that ambient Emma stay nice!! Emma, happy holidays, at everyone also.. The site is very good, we'll see how stay the site in the end of year!! 😛

  11. Nat says:

    Happy New Year to everyone!!! 😆 I loved this graphic!!! 😉

  12. Mike says:

    🙂 Sweet Graphic krystal. This site Kick's @ss.

  13. Ania says:

    Nice graphic. Dook, thanks for online Watson Weekly!I'm downloading it:)

  14. Ania says:

    Ohhhh….I have thought that Watson Weekly Christmas Issue is online but online is WW #7.

  15. dook says:

    Sorry Ania, I\’m not sure what you are saying. If you go to you will find all the issues in pictures that you can download (issues 6 and 7 you need to follow the link).

  16. Isabela (Iza) says:

    Hey guys! I have a question! I can't visit (witch was PrincessEW before) I am the only one with this problem? 🙁 😕

  17. lizzzzzzzzzy says:

    merry christmas staff and everyone else!!!have a happy new year too.. 🙂 😉 😛

  18. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    That is so cute! 🙂

  19. EMMA W RULZ says:

    thats cool as 😆

  20. EMMA W RULZ says:

    i love the piture of the day 😉

  21. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    the graphic ROCKS!

  22. A.v says:

    Hey guys! Wow it has been a few days since I visited this website. Busy!busy!busy! Anyway, does anyone know it was snowing in England or not?

  23. JuStsWeeT says:

    the graphic s'nice! I hope you all had a merry christmas and got many presents!

  24. Imene says:

    Hi everyone ! Cool updates !

  25. Fergie says:

    Hope U have a Xmas with happy timeand the New Year of happy days U very happy that you have lots of fans around U 😉 😆

  26. Steffi _germany says:

    hey everyone, i've just read in the quote that she said: "I really hope that Hermione and Ron get together in the end 'cause I think that they make a good… couple." but that's a bit weird, isn't it, she said inthe interview that she'll never want to kiss rupert!!!! has she really said those statements???? 😕

  27. Steffi _germany says:

    and @fergie i do not wish her a lot of fans AROUND HER, not at least at any time!!!! see the respect emma's privacy graphics lol 😛 in my opinion every star needs a bit rest, otherwise they would be pissed off of the fans ….just my opinion 😉 😉 😉 and by the way, i really don't think that emma will read this ever!!!! but nevertheless…..thx 😆 so bye bye

  28. silvana says:

    awesome graphic!! love it!! 😆

  29. sirius says:

    hi everyone

  30. ~Irene~Brockovich~ says:

    I wish you all happy new Year!!!!!!!!!! thanx for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy cuz sweet 2007 coming soon!!! kisses from great russian town – Orenburg!! 😉 🙂

  31. Tina says:

    Hey, I just wanted to ask the staff members about the Emma wallpapers they've made. What programme do you use in them? Do you just use Paint or some photoshop programme? I'm only asking because I'd really like to make my own Emma wallpapers (and maybe even send them here if they turned out good enough 🙂 ) but I don't know how. I tried using Paint but they turned out horrid…x)

  32. r/hr fan says:

    Nice pic of the day!!!! Where were they?? Rupert looks so cute! 😛

  33. dook says:

    Tina, I believe they use either Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.

  34. dook says:

    r/hr fan, I believe that was at the Shakira concert, Wembley Arena, London, back in December 2002.

  35. Cool4ever says:

    Thanks for the graphic! Have a Happy New Year!!! The PotD is cute! 😉 🙂 Bye!

  36. naro says:

    🙂 🙂 i just wanted 2 thank DOOK very much about the issues 6 ,7

  37. Tina says:

    Thank you dook! I haven't got those programmes on my computer but my brother's got Paint Shop Pro, I'll try using that.:)

  38. basant says:

    i love u

  39. naro says:

    & by the way 2007 is coming & emma's birthday isn't soooo far lol 😆

  40. naro says:

    yes yes i agree with ANGELO we r really excited & wanna know if the issue has been sent yet???

  41. Andrea says:

    hope have a great new years 🙂

  42. Ania says:

    Dook, thank you for giving me the link. I couldn't find it. I read WW and I love it! Great job guys!

  43. Danielle says:

    🙂 Hey every1 Merry xmas & happy new year when it comes! I've not been on in a while christmas lol anyway sites lokking fabby! Have u sent the WW 2 emma yet? dan xcx 😉

  44. vietanh says:

    anybody sent me

  45. vietanh says:

    anybody sent me her newset picture by this emai: thanks 🙂 😛

  46. Sarah says:

    that's soooooo sweet!

  47. Ahlam says:

    wooooow guys happy holiday 😉 😛