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About what she loves most about playing Hermione (2002): "She's the only girl so she gets to boss everybody about...Girl power! She gets the best lines and... she kicks ass!"

Announcement // 04 January 2007

The owner of another Emma Watson fansite has been trying to discredit by posting links to a website with private pictures of Emma and claiming this is part of The domain name may be similar but it is not one of ours. Only the domains, and are part of the site. No other domains are affiliated with Our policy is and will alway be, NO PRIVATE PICTURES.

[ dook ]

Comments closed for this item.

162 Responses to “Announcement // 04 January 2007”

  1. Ash says:

    omg i saw it….how stupid are those people whoever made that stupid stuff….i mean….emma's underaged…she wouldn't be drinking the person who did that probably used photoshop to stick a beer bottle in someone's hand! I mean, what can't u do with computers and photoshop these days? But that isn't a nice thing to do at all….i mean…why the hell would u even do it in the first place??? i mean….it's just a kid after all…? y would people wanna pick on a kid??? it's just stupid and it shows how stupid the person really is. it shouldn't be done….if it's emma watson or not to do something that stupid and disgusting shows ultimate stupidity and grossness! ur cool…at least u don't do stupid things 🙂 -Cheers. Ash (aishwarya – and no, i am not aishwarya rai for anyone who might wonder y our names r the same…) and i must add for anyone who knows what i'm talking about… DHOOM 2 WAS SOOO COOL! H.R. AND ASH RAI AND EVERYONE WERE SO COOL!:razz: hehehe bye bye everyone!

  2. Obi says:

    lol… Why shouldn't Emma drink a beer ?? that's stupid if you really believe that .. she is a teenager , i was 13 and i drunk my first beer and i'm not an alcoholic ! .. In austria i can drink beer when i'm 14 .. there are many fakes out there , but asked yourselves why she shouldn't drink at a party ?? she is just a human being … 😉

  3. lol says:

    😥 😥 😥 😥

  4. Amanda says:

    Ok, first of all, the ones of her drinking ber if you look closely, you NEVER actually see her take a sip. You know, she was proly with her friends or her family and did it to make her parents upset, hey i do it all the time. She was holding the bottle, but you never really see her do anything. As for the other ones, its called Photoshop. You can tell their fake because of the pixels and how blurry they are. So DONT believe athe personel pics that you see. I respect Emma and her privacy. Now if I may be wrong about her drinking than so what. What teenager hasnt tried or experimented alchohal before? I love this site because its soo true. It respects Emma and her privacy and any other site that disrespects her is rude. Now if they [dare i say it] hated her so much, why make a anti- emma website?. that to me is plain disrespectful. I know that sounds horrible but it is. Anyway, sorry this was long. But i had to say something. BTW this site is the best!

  5. A.v says:

    There are two photos, one with the corona filled, the other almost empty. She could have done it to annoy someone, or drank it herself. Either way, her life.

  6. Ash says:

    well emma could have taken a sip of beer…but not all teenagers drink…i mean i never have and i'm not allowed to either and my friends at school have never drunk alcohol before either….anyway it's her life people can do whatever they want with their lives coz it's their's 🙂 by the way has anyone seen dhoom/dhoom 2 here? 😉 (actually i think i should ask does anyone know which movies i'm even talking about?)lol 😛 ur groovy! 😉

  7. dook says:


  8. Hannah says:

    [Any more discussion of private pictures and I will start banning.]

  9. Christel* says:

    I know I might get banned for writing another comment about that, but I just have to get my point through. Okay, so Emma has been partying a bit, drinking, have some fun. So what? Why is so hard to believe that she did drink, is it a crime or what? Nuh-uh its not, i dont know many 16 yrs old who havent drank. Everyone should start realising that Emma is human. She is just like us, n therefore, yah, it probably happens to her to drink at a party. For those of u who keep on denying it n saying its all done with photoshop, well sry its not, all those pictures are real, n i've seen probably every private picture of Emma, n they were all taken by friends. Stop saying its all computer stuff, its not, its real life, her life, the life she lives, a life just like ours. And if some of u dont wanna believe what I'm saying for some reason, well then fine. Do whatever you want. But just keep in mind that most ppl drink before 18! (or 21 for the States) And that Emma is like you and me, she doesnt have to be perfect. And personaly, I like to see that she's like everyone else. So anyways thats all I had to say.

  10. Anonymous says:

    thats SOOOoooOOOooo horribale 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  11. Katie says:

    🙂 Jep it's just normal teenage..

  12. Jovana says:

    Totally agree Christel! 😉