Hello hello 😆
We have a new video from last March’s Empire Awards thanks to Harry Potter Deluxe. The footage is from outside with the fans and includes Dan, Rupert, Katie, Robert, the Phelps twins, Jason Isaacs, David Tennant, and Emma. They were only able to film Emma for a few seconds as she left after the awards show and enters her car, but the video is worth watching for the others. Rupert and Katie fans should especially enjoy this. 😛
You can download the whole video, or a shorter clip which just shows Dan, and then Emma leaving. Please right click to save the video.
[ dook ]
1st! great video!
2ND!!!!!! ive never been 2nd b4 🙂 😉 😛 😆 😕
kewl video katie look prety but emma looks preter 😆
Wow!! It's great!! 😛
nice! 🙂
6th ! i've never been this close to being first ! 😆 i love the video !
Amazing video! Rupert is so sweet *.* but i'd like to see more emma 🙁
8th ?! ^.^
How incredibly annoying it must be to have those damn cameras flashing in your eyes constantly…I bet they see flashly light thingys in their eyes for hours afterwards. I'd tell those people to sod off. But then again that's why I don't act, I have the spotlight. Props to the for bothering to put up with it.
omg, awesome video! Rupert is just about the sweetest thing EVER!! He just left his publist to go sign more autographs! Same with the twins! Emma looked great. And loved Dan too! Thanks for that video!
Nice video, and the PotD… Lucky that the moviemakers remove all the spots from the trio's faces! they wouldn't be so 'sweet', they DO not have perfect skin 😀 nice to know we're not worse… 🙂 nice update!
hello 🙂 emma
Cool video! I must be sooo weird having hundreds of people shouting your name and cameras flashing in your eyes! Anyway: It is sooo sweet that many of the actors started leaving but then came back to sign more autographs :smile:, I love that! Thanks for the update!
It was definitely a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo from Emma but good to see plenty of the others. But anyway keep voting for her at CBBC she's behind again.
Rupert is so cute! 🙂
She was great in that Empire Awards 😉 That countdown is so cool, but we'll become crazy waiting all of that time 😛
Nice video!! I wish Emma is in it more though. Did she even stop to do autographs like the others or did she just leave? 😕 Rupert looked so cute!!!
oh they were all so nice…!!! always smiling [esp the twins! :lol:] Rupert was just amazing!!! He tries to be serious, and this makes him so qute!!!!!!!!!! Really couldn't see enough of Dan, but i bet he was lovely as always.. 😉 Not enough Emma, but as always stunning! 🙂 🙂 🙂 H/HrShipper i definetely will agree with u! It's really sceary with all those people screaming around u!But they really look so polite with everyone, it makes me amaze them more and more every time! Dook, thnx so much for those videos, they are apsolutely gorgeous! 😛
PS!!! loved the POTD 😆 AND the count down for the OoTP CAN'T WAIT!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
question: i know it's kinda stupid but what does "lol" means? I've been trying to figure it out for a very long time… 🙂
lol means laugh out loud. and i love the new countdown thing!! 😆
yeah, I love it too, but it isn't clear to me if this is Empire Awards 05 or 06?
To Jeanne: this is the Empire Awards 2006, you can see that Emma's dress is blue 🙂
hogwarts_sweetie, thnx a lot!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 oh, and i adore the dress emma wears in Empire 2006 😛
Well, I too thought that it was 2006, but when she was in the car, her top looked rather green with the sparks, so I got confused. Thnx, Neve!
No Jeanne trust me, it's definetely 2006!!! You just look at her dress, when she comes out.. 😉
yeah, and Jeanne, if u look at the buliding that they come out of it says "Empire Awards 2006"
🙂 great video
This video is great! I really liked the Phelps Twins. They're sweet 😉 Too bad that Emma wasn't seen that much.
nice video – and again, lovely pic of the day!
I lvoe the video! It's great. Can somebody tell me where I can made a "clock" with the time left until Ootp? 😉 Like the one witch is here or maybe like the ones from Mugglenet,Veritaserum… 🙂
omg all the flashing lights must be soo scary – again gd vid xx
Iza, i think u can download it somehow… i'm also trying to find one, so if somebody knows, speak up!!! 😉
the video is nice 🙂 but unhappily emma doesn't apper much 🙁 Even so, I liked Bye 😉
no problem, karinaki!! glad 2 help!
it's great!!! and rupert is soooo cute =) he has such a sweet smile, just adorable ^^
I like Katie and Rupert in the video… 😆 But Emma didn't sign autographs? 😕
🙂 🙂 🙂
Iza, Emma signed autographs before the awards show. There is another video which shows that. HPD just didn\’t get her on their video. Both Emma and Dan went right to their cars afterwards as did some of the other cast.
heyy! luv the countdown! and will someone PLEASE tell me when you'll announce the winner of the hermione video contest? thanx!
o yea and does the countdown only say how much longer it is in the UK? cuz i live in pennsylvania
@Dook, were Emma and Dan in the same car? Emma was sitting next to a boy in the car that she was in? 😕
omg the countdown thingy is soo kewl isoo cant wait now 😆
emmafan4life, the countdown shows how long until July 13 in your local time. R/Hr fan, no, I don\’t think that was Dan. There are pictures of Emma with another cast member, can\’t remember the name right now, but you can see some pictures in the gallery. http://www.emmawatson-fans.com/2/gallery/6/p8/
Great video! Nice idea on making the count down timer, its making me even MORE impatient!
Thanks Dook, I thought it was that man/boy but I wasn't sure b/c it looked like Dan and they did leave at the same time. 🙂
Emma looks cute in the photo of her in the car..yeah..
hiiiiiiii guys how are u?????? i cant waite 4 the Ootp picture 😕 and Dook can u help me the video is not work 🙁 😉
hm…what's happened with the picture of the day? 😕
That was Emma's cousin in the car with her because her parents didn't accompany her to the awards ceremony like they did the previous year.