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About DH 1 (2010): "I was thrilled with the response, you know, I feel like it was a real step up from the other films. Obviously I'm incredibly proud of them too but I think in terms of the performances we gave and just what we were able to achieve, I was really, really proud of it."

Birthday Project – Part 2 // 3 February 2007

Birthday project

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55 Responses to “Birthday Project – Part 2 // 3 February 2007”

  1. Watson1990 says:

    I will work for write a beautiful poem, but now, I don't have a good idea :smile:. Good luck all :razz:!

  2. r/hr fan says:

    Sounds cool and unique!

  3. yui says:

    great idea :lol:but it sounds hard and i can't think of anything… 🙁 but i guess i'll just have to try my best 🙂 i'm japanese so i'm sorry if my english dosen't make sense!!

  4. Neve says:

    Yui – your English is perfectly fine, we hope you'll enter the contest 🙂

  5. emmafan1 says:

    that sounds really cool! really xcelent idea! 🙂 🙂

  6. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    thats so cool thanx u guy for thinking in emma 24/7 like we all do 😛 😆 😉

  7. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    * guys 😉

  8. Fergie says:

    😆 😆 Oh!!!!So cool but I'm vietnamese and I can't think of anything!!sory if my English too bad to make sense!! 🙁 😛

  9. mandy says:

    cool…good idea for the birthday project part 2….its interesting and original…so whoever thought of it: good idea!!! but im kinda artisticly challenged so i think i'll just stick to the photo better at doing that loL

  10. Mharlon says:

    Great nice work !!! 😆

  11. Kelsey says:

    I love this idea! I'm not a poet, I'm more into drawing and graphic design. But I think its awesome of you guys to give us all the opportunities to express ourselves to and about Emma and get recognized for it. <3

  12. Omayma says:

    Ohhhhhhhhh sounds great, but i don't think that I will do it i have exams coming up and i can't think of anything 😥

  13. Audrey says:

    great! 😉

  14. YEEEEEEEE! says:

    um… so who's the FF winner? I've been waiting for days! 😡

  15. dook says:

    😕 um…. YEEEEEE!, the competition is just ending today (it is still Feb 3rd for some people). And we will need some time to go through all the entries. Patience. 😉

  16. Sharpay says:

    Excellent idea! 😉

  17. Jaana says:

    Hmmm…I could maybe participate in this one. I already have some poems in Finnish that I could possibly send, but I'm a bit hesitant… I'm not a brilliant poet, so… :S I've never shown anyone my poems and it would be quite unnerving for me if someone should recognize my name and thus my poems… I would probably die. x) But it's a very nice idea, anyway. 🙂

  18. iris says:

    What a great idea! I love to write poems, not that i'm very good at it! 😕 😛 succes everyone!

  19. Prue says:

    awww nevey this is a great idea. i lovveeee it.

  20. Ania says:

    OOOO… really good idea! 🙂 I'll think about it 😉

  21. Iron Duke says:

    Great Idea!!!!!!!!!!!I'm a good poet 😆 😆 😆 😆 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉

  22. karinaki says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 oh…'on everybody!!! Don't be soooo negative!! Nobody is a great poet except the famous ones :lol:! But it's about EMMA so i think it's worth trying!!!! 😛 😆 🙂 Good luck to everyone!!!!!

  23. Imene says:

    Hi everyone , that's a GREAT idea guys ! Good luck 🙂 🙂 !!!!!

  24. Nimy says:

    I don't know if I have a poetic spirit 😕

  25. Jeanne says:

    great idea, I'd love to enter! but why only 5, should be more, like 15 best poems or so, I mean think about how many will contribute and choose only 5 best?

  26. ~Roni~ says:

    Nice… but I won't enter. I'm not a good poet and I don't really like writing, which is a pity coz I really wanted to enter the birthday project. I still don't know if I send the pics, coz there is nothing special I can take a pic of… :/

  27. sanni says:

    cool idea. tho i wont enter cos i'm not good at writing poems at all. i also think its kinda crap that you'll only put the five best in the book thingy. kinda mean. but whatever.

  28. Mohammed Akmal says:

    I will try my best

  29. jacobine says:

    Wow, that's a very big challenge for me :S I'm not very good in writing poems! But I'll try…sounds fun! off course I'm gonna write about Emma .. Guys Maybe my English isn't very well..but I'm Dutch. xxx Good Luck everyone!

  30. Katherine McIntosh says:

    Hey I hope it's ok if I wrote a poem from my favorite author of Poetry. I just sent mine. I wish everyone else Luck Katie16 😉

  31. dook says:

    Katherine, I\’m sorry but the poem must be one that you have written. We can\’t include poems you send that were written by other people, especially not famous poets.

  32. Shifty says:

    gonna submit^^ good luck n have fun ppl!

  33. kiakkia says:

    cool 🙂 …but I haven't any idea 😥

  34. A.v says:

    Dook, Is it possible to send both poems, and pictures of our country, and both (if good) to be sent to Emma?

  35. Jeanne says:

    A.v, I'd say absolutely yes, 'cause… well, for one thing, it's part… oh, forget it, but I'm pretty sure that the answer is yes

  36. dook says:

    A.v,yes you may send both pictures and a poem. They will be judged separately.

  37. Monkey says:

    This is such a good idea! 😉 But the only problem is, that I am from Finland, so my english isn't very good. What do you think, should I try? 😕

  38. Jeanne says:

    write it in Finnish…

  39. Monkey says:

    '…please provide an English translation so that we can publish both versions…'

  40. Monkey says:

    Well, I try my best.. 😉

  41. Ahlam says:

    I will work about the project i hope emma like my country 🙂

  42. emmafan4ever says:

    I sent in my poem, but can I send in a picture I drew too?

  43. HermionEmma!9 says:

    That's a super idea!!! Everybody loves Emma, I think that it's very cool to have the chance to prove it to her, with a poeme of course!!! LOL 😉

  44. ov says:

    Contest I shall enter, As I might win it later, Although competition's strong, So I might be wrong; But somber I shall not, For fun will be while I jot; And as versing comes to mind, I shall be very kind, For a lady named Emma Will theme in poetic schema.

  45. Jeanne says:

    good one, ov!

  46. kimi says:

    :smile:yeap, good idea, I wrote my poem but I need help, I'm spanish. I love this page 😛

  47. Vovan says:

    Oh, it will be rather difficalt to write it with rhyme in English))) I am from Russia and my russian poem will be with rhyme, but english..))) I will try my best! 🙂

  48. Vovan says:

    Oh, I wrote the best poem I have I have ever written, but I when I translated it lost all its beaty! 😥 What shall I do? 🙁

  49. Jeanne says:

    I don't think you have to translate it for it to rhyme, just put the beauty in another lanuage! I might be wrong, though…

  50. ov says:

    Poem I have finished, Though took some time To have it polished, should be quite a ryhme; It might not be best, For others have entered, felt like a test, And imagination fettered; But still hope to win, Dreaming Emma to read, And with a smiley grin "Quite good indeed"