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About being starstruck sometimes (2009):"Yes, and it's funny when it happens. I felt so weird meeting Matt Damon. I work with amazing people and when I met him I was speechless. I went bright red and embarrassed. It's weird when you go to so many events, all of the sudden they take pictures of you with people you don't know. That time was embarrassing because he knew who I was."

VOTW // 04 February 2007

Well it’s Superbowl Sunday, so I think it’s pretty obvious what the video of the week will be.  😛

Get ready for slime!

😆 😆 😆

[ dook ]

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106 Responses to “VOTW // 04 February 2007”

  1. omer says:

    🙂 😆

  2. dook says:

    omer, apparently you thought i was joking. I\’m not, stop spamming.

  3. catherine says:

    i LOVE it!! :lol:it's so funny.. 🙂

  4. mermy says:

    very coooooooooooooool……very funnyyyyyy…………

  5. mermy says:

    hi everyone.

  6. Dru says:

    Jeane, Are you kidding? football is the word everyone uses. only the americans wanna show off and change the name for it and call it "soccer". And kill rugby, the best sport in the world, by creating "american football". I don't care what anyone says, football is the name of the sport played by feet, not soccer. Ruby is the name of the game where you pass the ball with your hands, using your feet from time to time, not "american football". this is the truth and if anyone goes against it, they are retards and need a slap.