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About reading HP books now that she plays Hermione (2005): " Now that I've done the film, when I'm reading the book, I can see Dan, Rupert and I actually doing it. It's really funny, I have this little picture in my head. "

Rupert Talks About Emma and New Picture // 11 February 2007

Ello everyone! 🙂

Not really Emma news, but the February/March issue of The Saddle Club features a new interview with Rupert grint, where he talks about the recent rumors concering Emma’s decision to stay or leave the HP films:

I heard that Emma Watson might leave the series before it’s over. Do you know the story there?
I’m not actually sure. I don’t really know the details, but I have heard that. I don’t know. It would be weird without her, and it would be a sort of shame if she doesn’t stick it out. It’s not up to me because they do take up so much of your life. I don’t know what she thinks, but I do hope that she doesn’t leave.

Did she say anything while you’ve been filming like, “I can’t take this anymore!”
No, not really. She hasn’t really talked about it. I know me and Dan [Radcliffe] are going to stick it out. So we’ll just have to see really. I hope she doesn’t leave.

Remember, this is just rumors, Emma hasn’t decided anything yet!

We also have a new picture of Emma from HP5. The picture is from a diary the cover of a school calendar that will be released May 15 by the German company Carlsen. Thanks to UHP for the information, and Harry Potter Xperts for the picture. 😆

Don’t forget to vote for Emma in the CBBC Poll!

Have a grrrrreat rest of the weekend! 😆

[ Katy ]

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72 Responses to “Rupert Talks About Emma and New Picture // 11 February 2007”

  1. Jovana says:

    wheres ron in the picture??? 😥 😥

  2. A.v says:

    When will people realize that Canada would be an EXCELLENT country for a premier. Toronto has one of the best international film festivals every year, so we could do premiers..

  3. Jeanne says:

    Chris, that's too bad… 🙁

  4. guest says:

    :lol:People,what are you talking about?Its just a rumour.Such rumours put your attention to HP and Premieres of new film.It make's them more popular…don't worry nobody willn't leave HP. 🙂

  5. Jeanne says:

    it's not definitive, Emma has said that before she even started filming OotP, she's always said she wanted to go to university, so maybe even she doesn't know what she'll do, but she is consiering leaving totally seriously…

  6. Mirjam says:

    Where is Rupert at the picture?????? Thats unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥 cry 😥 cry 😥

  7. Pili says:

    I think Rupert loves Emma! haha…no, really i think they're very good friends, and Rupert really don't like that she'll leave hp. I think that she doesn't leave hp, 'cause are only 2 movies more!! come on! only 2!!!, i think she's a good person and if she makes that she'll be a bad person. thanks!

  8. Kat xx says:

    love the pic xx wheres ron??

  9. Krum says:


  10. daniel says:

    uhm…I hope Emma won't leave…It can be terrible 🙁 . About the pic: it is bad for the trio image 'cause they're three, not two. It can be a merchandise strategy because Emma and Dan looks great together, and WB knows it, although, Ron it's a very important piece of the books and movies… Wherever…I like the pic, and I admit I'm HHr, then, for my ship I have to say: It's a great pic 😆

  11. Ahlam says:

    I hope emma wont leave 2 … and ilove u Rupert soooo much and i think emma and (Rup)rupert they are great friends 🙂 😉 😕

  12. Frankyg says:

    well, i think emma can´t leave us, becase she´s hermine. i know that is only a rumor but if emma leaves the films when she has to do only 2 films more could be a bit dissapointing and she will lost a good chance to make her better as she is now. i really are a bit sad about this rumor (i know isn't true right now) because i amnot really sure is she will do or not the last films, but now we've to wait until know what she'll do…

  13. Omayma says:

    I realy hope that she doesn't leave cuz it will feel really weired with out her in the film. Pleas don't leave Emaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😥

  14. Iron Duke says:

    There isn't any video of the week? 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 :???:Why? 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕

  15. Omayma says:

    Iron Duke Hellooooooooooooo talk about the subject we r talking about 😡 😕

  16. Jeanne says:

    Pili, don't judge Emma, she's actually a human being too, and it isn't a requirement for her to do the movies, she can do whatever she wants, and will still love her, even if she leaves, but anyway, it's just HP, 'cause she said that HP isn't the last thing she wants to do…

  17. Moly says:

    Emma is beautiful on the photo but this isn´t a "cannon" one, so I don´t like it.It must be the couple,Ron and Hermione, or the trio!I don´t like Warner and all the midia making Ron a minor character and trying to find things that aren´t on the books!And I think Emma won´t leave.Nothing that she could find later on the university(she can do it after the movies) will be better than be the imortal image of Hermione,one the strongest and loved characters on books ever!

  18. Marco Antonio C says:

    I really hope she doesn't leave!! That with assurance not is the she will. Since the first movie, been the three, outing anyone, chiefly Emma in my opinion, go end with the history of the movie!! How I think that not is the Emma will, I'll know, who's that is with the idea of see Emma out of movies the Harry Potter!! I never wait listen nothing about that, not know how started those rumors, but if really value the opinion which saw the movies, Forget that: Don't make that!! Emma is the better actress!! 😥

  19. Kaya says:

    I hope she doesn't leave. It will be awful and horrible without her. and really strange, ooo 😡

  20. The punk from Russia says:

    It would be desirable to write to her or to learn(find out) her(it) gip, if that that write to me in "gip" 495558344

  21. andrew the great says:

    Nice photo, were is Rupert Grint anyway? 😉

  22. Kay says:

    honestly emma cannot leave the movies would be horrible without her.if harry potter was not the main character hermione would be. emma is a great hermione. and e m british sky how could u say that about hermione!? :mad:[emma] hermione and ginny are my fav characters it would be horrible if nethier emma nor bonnie werent there! 🙁 most likley she will NOT quit 🙂 PLEASE DONT QUIT EMMA!!!!!!! 😥 p.s i think most girls look up to emma [hermione]