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About the flashbacks to the first movie in OotP (2007): "It's just like having your baby pictures blown up on a 20-foot (six-metre) screen and placed in 37 countries. It's sort of your worst nightmare. It's scary to see how we've all changed. You see yourself and you say, 'God, who is that girl?'."

Rupert Talks About Emma and New Picture // 11 February 2007

Ello everyone! 🙂

Not really Emma news, but the February/March issue of The Saddle Club features a new interview with Rupert grint, where he talks about the recent rumors concering Emma’s decision to stay or leave the HP films:

I heard that Emma Watson might leave the series before it’s over. Do you know the story there?
I’m not actually sure. I don’t really know the details, but I have heard that. I don’t know. It would be weird without her, and it would be a sort of shame if she doesn’t stick it out. It’s not up to me because they do take up so much of your life. I don’t know what she thinks, but I do hope that she doesn’t leave.

Did she say anything while you’ve been filming like, “I can’t take this anymore!”
No, not really. She hasn’t really talked about it. I know me and Dan [Radcliffe] are going to stick it out. So we’ll just have to see really. I hope she doesn’t leave.

Remember, this is just rumors, Emma hasn’t decided anything yet!

We also have a new picture of Emma from HP5. The picture is from a diary the cover of a school calendar that will be released May 15 by the German company Carlsen. Thanks to UHP for the information, and Harry Potter Xperts for the picture. 😆

Don’t forget to vote for Emma in the CBBC Poll!

Have a grrrrreat rest of the weekend! 😆

[ Katy ]

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72 Responses to “Rupert Talks About Emma and New Picture // 11 February 2007”

  1. Chelsea says:

    I really hope she doesn't leave. I also don't think she will. I think some things get blown out of proportion. I don't think she meant for this rumor to blow up like this at all. I bet she will stay. But it's up to her. It wouldn't be R/Hr (or H/Hr for those who like that) – let alone Hermione – without her!!

  2. Chelsea says:

    Oh, and by the way, where is Ron in that picture!?! I mean, it is a trio, not a twosome. Ron is no less of a character than Hermione. Hmm…. I just don't get it. 😥

  3. sandra says:


  4. Jovana says:

    5th!!!!!!! cute pic 😛

  5. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    hopefully emma wont leave HP 😥 still wed love her even if she was in another movie 😛 😆

  6. r/hr fan says:

    Where's Ron??????? 😥 😡 Anyways, nice pic, I guess. 😕

  7. r/hr fan says:

    I like the POTD!!! 🙂 Also, I agree w/ everything Chelsea said.

  8. r/hr fan says:

    I REALLY hope Emma goes to the BAFTAs tomorrow.

  9. EMMA W RULZ says:


  10. EMMA W RULZ says:

    omg em so can not leave 😥

  11. gisele says:

    its actually a school diary, something like an agenda 😉 also, it is just me or emmas head is a little too big in the picture? but shes grest, though

  12. dook says:

    Thanks gisele for the correction 🙂

  13. A.v says:

    Wow more updates are starting to show up about Emma or her character Hermione..

  14. AnLx says:

    I won't get the same taste of Potter if em leaves!! 🙁 but anyways hope she chooses something better for her…

  15. Beno says:

    I really hope she won't leave. As you say, AnLx, we wouldn't get the same taste of Potter if she decided to leave … 😥

  16. Obi says:

    Yeah , i hope she will stay and act along ..

  17. femma says:

    i hope she will leave because she is terrible hermione! and i am apologize……..

  18. says:

    Hello ! I'm French and I love you site !! I love Emma Watson and I think your site is very complet !! On that, bye !!

  19. hpfan says:

    I hope she doesn't live… Nice picture but where is Ron??? 😡

  20. Jaana says:

    I really hope she doesn't leave. Although, I have to say that I can understand her doubts. These movies do take a long time to make and I can imagine it isn't going to be helpful since she is considering going to university and everything. But, like I said, I really hope she doesn't leave. Oh, and about that picture… Where is Ron? 😕 They're again trying to make it look like Hermione and Harry have something going on… 😡 That's just wrong. The PotD is cute! ^^

  21. VIII says:

    salut tout le monde, j'

  22. Nobody says:

    Cute picture, but Ron's missing!:mad: Am I the only one that thinks it's unfaire how much antention Emma and Dan gets? Rup is always beside. For example on that calender, it's dan and Emma again. (I'm from Sweden, thats why my english is… wierd.) I think theres a lot thats wrong-spelled… – Baaad Enlish.

  23. vb says:

    hpfan,big spider was eating Ron W. 😆

  24. Chris says:

    If Emma feels that the filming of HBP later this year, is going to interfere with her As level course work and exams, then I'm sure she would seriously consider walking away. Whatever she decides, I'm sure we will all be happy for her. 🙂 I wonder if WB have started looking for a replacement? (just in case :wink:)

  25. Nimy says:

    I really hope she doesn't end to play Hermione. She must continue in HP!!! Please Emma… 🙁

  26. marissa says:

    Oh they both look great in the picture…I think Dan and Emma should definitely date! But yeah, it is kind of sad how Rupert/Ron is always left out of things, I have no idea why he wouldn't be in this photo…Anyway, this is kind of weird, but does anyone know if this photo was taken together or if they were just photoshopped to look like they're together? If they are actually standing in the same place then that means Emma is taller than Dan…that would just be weird. It's not a big deal though. Regarding Emma's decision to stay or leave, I am guessing she will stay. She seems like she really enjoys making the films and it would be such a waste to just stop when she has already filmed 5. And I too hope that Emma attends the BAFTAs (are they tonight?). That would be pretty cool, she needs to go out more. So do Rupert and Dan.

  27. Thayse says:

    Great interview \o I am Brazilian and I visit this site everyday xD And that picture is a shipper xD (?) Where's Rupert?

  28. emmafan1 says:

    i hope emma doesnt leave HP but i totally understand her concerns and will support her with whatever she does.:smile:its a big decision to make

  29. Cool4ever says:

    I hope Emma will finish the Harry Potter series. It would be weird without her. I like the photo, but it would bo better if Ron was in it. And I don't understand why Harry and Hermione always get all the attention. It's suppose to be Ron and Hermione. But that's just my opinion. 😛

  30. ~Irene~ says:

    nice pic!!! Danke!!!

  31. Jeanne says:

    yeah, it would be cool if she went, though I don't know what she would be doing there, I mean, no HP came out in 2006! 😕 anyway, I really hope she doesn't leave, but even if she does (and there's a possibility that that might happen), we'll still love her, right? and melissa, it's photoshopped, because the same picture of Dan is in another photo: though, when I compare them really careful, there are some differences, but maybe it's just the different lightning and quality…

  32. A.v says:

    I was thinking.. If Emma leaves HP it doesent mean she leaves acting forever. Yes she does play a great Hermione, however i know (she said it)she doesent want HP to be the first and last thing she has done. So who knows? if she leaves HP yes thats sad..but you never know somthing better (well at least for her) might come up. I am sure you guys can agree with me.

  33. Jeanne says:

    of course she will not leave acting, that actually sounds a bit ridiculous to me, and we all know the rumour about "teenage pregnancies and drugs", respectively, St. Trinians…

  34. marissa says:

    The pictures look slightly different Jeanne, so it's hard to tell if it's photoshopped…

  35. karinaki says:

    oh…!!!!! 😥 i don't want her to leave…!!!!!!!! A.v of course she won't leave acting, but i mean, we met emma in HP movies, so it will be kinda wierd without her… who else will play hermionie as good as her?????? 😥 and btw, i have heard the same rumor about Dan… oh hope none of them will leave!!

  36. karinaki says:

    sorry, not play, but perform.. 😆

  37. Jeanne says:

    but Dan has told that he won't leave, and he'll definitely be an actor, I mean, Rupert said the same thingin this interview, that he and Dan are not leaving, karinaki…

  38. Obi says:

    she won't leave !!!!!!!! 😡 😡

  39. karinaki says:

    yeah, i read it Jeanne, and i deffinetely think this is wonderful!!! i mean, i wouldn't stand to see another Harry Potter…! We have grown up with the three of them, and we also have watched them, grow up… how amazing is that?

  40. Obi says:

    Too cool to be true 🙂 🙂 hehe 😀

  41. Marion says:

    As someone mentioned earlier, it must be a really hard Desition for her to make. To be honest: I wouldn't want to be her at the moment. But I really hope for her, that she takes the right desition for her. That she can lead a happy live like she want's it. If she stops acting for good and lives in private or if she continues and goes her ways. I just hope she makes the right desition for her and that she gets happy. Does anyone know if she is at the Baftas? Marion

  42. emmafan4life says:

    i hope emma continues the films, but if she doesn't want to, i'm OK w/ that 🙂 i just want what's best for her and whatever makes her happy makes me happy oh, and does anyone know when the ootp premiere in NY will be? i know it's in theaters 7/13, but i mean the big red carpet bit

  43. emmafan4life says:

    @ marion, says that no HP stars will be at this year's Baftas. but i'm disappointed, i wanted emma to be there 🙁

  44. emmafan4life says:

    hey i know i'm posting a lot, sry 😛 but i just realized that harry doesn't have his scar in that pic either! :0 what's up w/ that???

  45. Danielle says:

    i hope she doesn't leave 🙁 … where is ron in that pic????? 😥

  46. chris says:

    emmafan4life :does anyone know when the ootp premiere in NY will be? i know it's in theaters 7/13, but i mean the big red carpet bit Yes July 13th is when it is released in both US and UK. France gets the World Premiere this year. So they will either split the cast up and send a few to each one, (can you imagine the disappointment of the fans if any of the 3 stars didn't attend?) or there'll be no red carpet opening this year. It will be interesting to see what happens.