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About travelling (2006): "I think what I love most is that I've been able to travel. If it weren't for the Harry Potter movies I never would have gone to America or Europe and everything-well, not until I was older, anyway. I've been able to see New York. I've been to China, Tokyo, L.A., Chicago, all these amazing places. So that's been really great."

New Teen Vogue image // 23 February 2007

Hey Emma fans   🙂

Iza has sent in a beautiful image of Emma’s Teen Vogue cover photo, without all the text that messes it up. Now that’s a great picture!! Thanks so much Iza. 😆

And a belated thank you to Jeanne, who sent us the pic a while ago. 🙁

[ dook ]

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218 Responses to “New Teen Vogue image // 23 February 2007”

  1. Mike says:

    I just can't wait til em's 18. She will continue to get better looking. Her necklace thing looks sexy. I love her hair like that too. Yum yum em. Your such a dish. Cheers

  2. Jeanne says:

    why can't you wait until she's 18? :suspicious: "such a dish"? what the…? 😕 😡 :can't-believe-eyes:

  3. Obi says:

    hmm yeah i like that too but first she becomes 17 😀 … so what's up ?? damn i'm waiting for karina where is my girl 🙂 😛 😀

  4. Iron Duke says:

    Uhmmm,such a dish…I can't stand these terms… 😛 😕 😕

  5. dook says:

    Jeanne, you are right. You did send us the Vogue picture before. I am sorry. I had looked at the pictures you sent. Some of them are already in our gallery. Some are just cropped versions of pics we already have. And some, I have better versions in my own collection that I just haven\’t had time to add. There are a few though that I think are new and I will try and get to those soon.

  6. Jeanne says:

    thank you… 🙂

  7. karinaki says:

    wow! thanx a lot Iza, i've been searching this pic without all the comments for a very long time! that's amazing! 🙂

  8. andrew the great says:

    Nice picture, she looks pretty hot for a teenage girl! 🙂 🙂

  9. Imene says:

    Hey everyone GREAT pic 😉 !!! Have a nice week-end 🙂 ! ! !

  10. Iron Duke says:

    Where are you,Jeanne??? 😕

  11. Jeanne says:

    dook, but I just can't really understand, how some of the pics were in the gallery already, because I double checked every single pic in there, except one from Girl's Life Photoshoot and a couple of screencaps from Baftas 03…

  12. daniel says:

    wht the hell

  13. Ghina says:

    fiiighhttt!!! 😕 ok too late for that hehe jeanne i think if yu sent the pics we would have loved them better (no offence iza) 😆 just kidding guys … it's me again … i thought i'm gonna quit entering the site for 40 days … but i have realised that … well… i can't ! hehe so … AM BACK !! hollaaaaa 😛 well, hope to see a new potd hehe and …. uumm … yeah thats it 😀 btw EMMA LOOKS … WOW !! i already have that pic but WOW ! 😆 k take care yu guys !! Ghina xoxo

  14. Jeanne says:

    daniel, what? 😕

  15. Iron Duke says:

    Daniel,you are CRAZY! :mad:stop it with these damned comment about the hell!!!!!!! 😡

  16. Juliet says:

    I've had taht pic for ages. hehe. cool though.

  17. Iron Duke says:

    Jeanne are you alive or are you dead?

  18. sally lou lou says:

    Thank you! i have always wanted that pic without the text around it!

  19. karinaki says:

    ummm..i think i found a "new" pic too… the address i should send it is this??

  20. Obi says:

    dook take that pic from karina !!! it's amazing !!! 🙂 🙂

  21. karinaki says:

    changed the potd?? nice…..! 🙂

  22. Jeanne says:

    I'm quite alive, Duke, the PotD is from SS DVD Launch, right? what pic are you talking about, karinaki? and it's either that adress or the graphics address…

  23. karinaki says:

    oh..thanx! it's a pic from the PoA Premiere in London…as i saw, it wasn't in the gallery..hope i'm not wrong.. 🙂

  24. Ahlam says:

    the potd picture it is cute 🙂

  25. karinaki says:


  26. iza says:

    how many comments! 😉 cute picture of the day! Emma was soo soo sweet at that age! 😆

  27. EMMA W RULZ says:

    yea she looks so younge

  28. A.v says:


  29. Jeanne says:

    take what easy, A.v? 😆 😛 ah, suddenly I'm in such a good mood!! 😆

  30. R/Hr fan says:

    That photot looks awesome!!!!!!!! 😛 🙂

  31. Aga says:

    Och, pretty pic… KiSSes For All Fan 🙂 b

  32. Black ;* says:

    Nice, cool pretty, beautiful image. Emma is so pretty Woman xP 😆

  33. rock says:

    hey, that is not a chat! Comments!! the picture is very cool! 🙂 but it is old 🙁 good evening xx

  34. cool says:

    nice girl and nice pic!

  35. Jeanne says:

    first, what are you trying to say, and second, who are you talking to? 😕

  36. emmafan4life says:

    i'm bored 😛 but i really like the pic, it's easier to see how pretty she is in it w/out the words from the cover thanks for sending it in, iza!

  37. dook says:

    Third, what does that have to do with the picture, or the site, or Emma? 😕

  38. emmafan4life says:

    😕 whoa there's too much going on for me up in here

  39. emma's # ONE fan says:

    OMG, thats gorgous! I love it, she looks great. I LOVE her hair and outfir, I love it all!! 😉

  40. Kat xx says:

    okay what has this band talk got to do with anything?? anyway love the pic – the dress is very pretty! dook – do you know the designer?? and the pic of the day is v cute – she looks sooo little xx

  41. Danielle says:

    that dress… is sooooo prettyyyy :lol:!!!!!!!!!! i just love the dress

  42. R/Hr fan says:

    LOVE the POTD!!! I've never seen it b4!!!!!!

  43. iloveemma says:

    Emma is beautiful. Ilove emma!

  44. caity says:

    pretty! 🙂

  45. catherine says:

    love the dress!!!!

  46. emmafan4life says:

    kat xx- her dress is by marc jacobs. she was wearing a lot of his stuff in that photoshoot

  47. Cool4ever says:

    Emma looks so pretty and I love the dress. 🙂

  48. Justin says:

    Wow, great pic!

  49. Justin says:

    But I think I just saw that pic before, havne't I in a magazine?

  50. Justin says:

    They were selling that picture in a store in Shoppers Drug Mart or something, it was in the November issue of 2006, it said Teen Vogue on it, that picture was in the front page, what the hell? 😡 What a waist!