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About what she'd like to do (2005): " I'd probably like to travel more, probably like to spend more time with my family and friends, probably like to be at school 'cause I love school and I miss it. Yes, unusual but I've always loved it. "

New Teen Vogue image // 23 February 2007

Hey Emma fans   🙂

Iza has sent in a beautiful image of Emma’s Teen Vogue cover photo, without all the text that messes it up. Now that’s a great picture!! Thanks so much Iza. 😆

And a belated thank you to Jeanne, who sent us the pic a while ago. 🙁

[ dook ]

Comments closed for this item.

218 Responses to “New Teen Vogue image // 23 February 2007”

  1. Justin says:

    Anyways, still looks pretty good, hope you guys get a new or different picture at least, at least something thats different next time! 😛 😆

  2. wizwaz3 says:

    I can't find it to view. Does the webmaster know that the links in the Gallery that say 'Top Images' and 'New Images' all lead to the same place: Just wonderin… 😉

  3. Omayma says:

    cooooooooooooooooooooool but its really old when are there gonna be new news i think when the new Harry potter comes out 😆

  4. Em says:

    Yes my favourite photo of Emma! Thank you! 😆

  5. iza says:

    Oho…100 comments! 😆 Dook, you said that you have many unseed pictures in your computer. It would be great if you could post them one day! Nice pic of the day! 🙂

  6. Obi says:

    Moring all !! 🙂

  7. iza says:

    Hey! New pic from the GoF London photocall! I haven's seen it here and I think many of you haven't seen it before! 🙂 E-mail me if you want to see it. I'll send to later! 😉

  8. Jeanne says:

    sorry, Iron Duke, last night when I went to bed I left a comment, but it's not here now… 😕 anyways, I have to make a birthday card for my sister with PhotoFiltre and I need to do it in 20 minutes, so I'm not gonna be checking if there are any new comments every 10 seconds… 😆 😆 😆

  9. Iron Duke says:

    Ohhh,Happy birthday to your sister!!!!

  10. the-dark-hp says:

    moi jdr 🙂

  11. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Oh, I looove that picture! It's my absolute favourite!!

  12. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    It's soo weird though.. I haven't been able to write a comment here, or see any news since the 29th of January!! 😕 Suddenly, now I can see everything.. 🙂 I don't know what was wrong with my computer. Btw: The picture of the day is sooo cute 😛

  13. dook says:

    Iza, none of the pics I have are unseen since I got them all off the net. Some may be rare. But I also have over 10,000, so it\’s hard to know which ones aren\’t already in the gallery.wizwaz, yes I do.Jeanne, your comment was deleted because there\’s too much chitchat here. It\’s not a chatbox.Iron Duke, several of your comments have been deleted. It\’s not a chatbox.Elizabeth, welcome back 🙂

  14. Obi says:

    hehe 😛 Dash it all it's not a chatbox so don't talk nonesense !!! so my day was very cool i got up at 8 am and i drunk a coffee … at 9 am i turned my pc on and watched Family guy ….. looool 😆 😆 ok seriously that was a joke .. so don't give me a bann … dook i agree with you !!!

  15. hehehe says:


  16. karinaki says:

    Well spotted Obi!! 😆

  17. Iron Duke says:

    Ohh,yes is true this isn't a chat room;sorry Dook 🙂

  18. Justin says:

    Wow, just a couple of months away, 5 months more to go and Harry Potter is out, Yeah! şĦẹś

  19. Inmaculada says:

    Hola decir que me gusta la foto y esta wow genial y guapa. 🙂 😛

  20. emmafan4life says:

    dook, wizwaz has a point- i was also wondering why the links to 'top images' and 'new images' just lead to the home page. how are we supposed to see new images and top images @ the homepage? 😕 sorry, i just don't get it

  21. iza says:

    thanks dook for the answers! 😉

  22. Iron Duke says:

    I want some news about the rumor; an Harry Potter movie without Emma is like a sky without the stars… 🙂 🙁

  23. Iron Duke says:

    Hey Emma fans are you dead?? 😕 Jeanne,where are you? 😕

  24. Ahlam says:

    Dook any new news about emma? 😉 🙂

  25. Luke says:

    Hi guys it's my first comment here i just wanna say that Emma looks amazing in this photo just like the rest of them.

  26. iza says:

    hehe…you're right Iron 😆 I couldon't imagine an HP movie without our lovely Emma 🙂

  27. iza says:

    sory…couldn't 😉 not couldon't 😉

  28. Iron Duke says:

    The last night i've dreamed that i had Emma…Is it a premunition? 😕 😕 😕

  29. A.v says:

    We all do… (the freaks) LOL jks jks..well people have dreams of a lot of things i guess, i cant say i havint had one of Em…

  30. Iron Duke says:

    what do you mean A.Y.? 😕

  31. Ahlam says:

    A.V can u explane because we didnt understand any thing 😕 😕 🙂

  32. emmafangirl2 says:

    nice pic but emmas head looks to big for her body i must say 😕 and one eye and eye brow look darker 2 😕 😕 i dunno im a perfectionist i notice these things, but besides that lovely.

  33. alek says:

    how can you tell detail like that when the pic is so small but great looking 😕

  34. kh says:

    i guess the there's basically nuthin to post for this site… brining up old images all the time… every1's saying how they alreayd saw the pics without the "text messes"

  35. mermy says:

    :smile:she is so beautiful.nice pic. 🙂 😆

  36. Lise says:

    he looks so gorgerous! She's really very pretty ^^ I don't care if there aren't new pics. In July, we're going to have a LOT pictures of Emma! It's going to be so great… 😛

  37. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Thank You 🙂 Oh, I can't wait for July to come!! It's gonna be the best month of the Year 😆

  38. Jeanne says:

    I agree, can't wait for July, for me it's truly the best month of the year! (camp, OotP, DH)!!! and I wonder what happened to me, a few months ago I was telling everyone that this is not a chatroom, and now I'm the one who's being told that. Am I really going so down? 😕 😥

  39. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Hehe. No, but seriously, we must be alowed to comment on July, at least, It's going to be "The Harry Potter month"! 😆 I wonder what they're doing with the movie right now? I know they're done with real actors, so they're probably working on the computer made stuff, right?

  40. emma1#true and real fan says:

    hi..i've never post anything before(ok,just once)and i just wanna say that i'm emma 1#fan..i just love her!!i'm obsessed with her!!crazy fanatic!!i have made a dress like her..and i will do more!u are my idol, my inspiration!i'm your 1#fan..i can't explain how big and true my fellings for her are..there's no way to expresse myself enough…Well, i just want to say that..and u guys seems great..kisses and hugs!

  41. Iron Duke says:

    He He He!!! 🙂 😆 😆 😆

  42. Silvia says:

    Very nice pic!thanks!!

  43. iza says:

    I agree with you guys! In fact all the summer we'll going to have new pics, because there will be conferences, photocalls not only premieres! I can't wait! 😉

  44. emma1#true and real fan says:

    Tht's good news because i can't wait to see news appereances of dresses, and she will look stunning..can u tell me when she will "cameback" again????dates or something like that???

  45. Jovana says:

    hi i am waiting for updates!!

  46. Jeanne says:

    I'm looking forward to Photoshoots, they're my fave events.. 😀 actually I think that some photshoots have already been made, they just haven't posted them in magazines yet. btw, could you tell me where is this pic from? I know every photoshoot she has gone to and basically every event too (I know her pics :D), and I just can't figure it out.

  47. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Hmm, I don't recognize that pic either.. I have definitely seen that necklace before though..

  48. Jeanne says:

    wasn't that the one she wore to the Scooby Doo 2 Premiere in 2004?

  49. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:
