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New Teen Vogue image // 23 February 2007

Hey Emma fans   🙂

Iza has sent in a beautiful image of Emma’s Teen Vogue cover photo, without all the text that messes it up. Now that’s a great picture!! Thanks so much Iza. 😆

And a belated thank you to Jeanne, who sent us the pic a while ago. 🙁

[ dook ]

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218 Responses to “New Teen Vogue image // 23 February 2007”

  1. Jeanne says:

    no, it's not. I compared… but it has been seen somewhere…

  2. dook says:

    Jeanne, maybe it was just photos taken for Teen magazine, and they didn\’t release any others. We have a clearer version in the gallery so you can see the necklace better.

  3. Jeanne says:

    maybe.. but I don't recognize the jacket… 😕 the shirt maybe, it doesn't look like her typical eybrows (shaped differently than usual), the lenght of her hair match the end of 2005, but the style… this picture reminds me of Empire Awards 2005. So it's still amystery for me, and I'm not even sure I've seen the necklase before.

  4. Jeanne says:

    uh, nice PotD from Vanity Fair!!! 😆 😛

  5. Iron Duke says:

    In this damned nation(italy)there isn't a magazine that talk abaut Emma,except when there are a new HP film… 🙁 🙁

  6. karinaki says:

    Loved the Potd!!! cute! Iron Duke, i know what you are talking about, that's exactly how it's here in Grecce… 😥

  7. Jeanne says:

    ANd here in Latvia. In fact, I think that the only country where it might be different is England. Lucky them!!!!!! 😡 😥

  8. karinaki says:

    mmmmmmmmmm…!!! england!!! 🙂

  9. emmafan4life says:

    whoa lotta comments

  10. Iron Duke says:

    Here,the last summer there's a magazine that had tajked about Emma,but is the unic!And i've a question:WHY? 😕 🙁 😥

  11. karinaki says:

    well i suppose that ppl aren't interested…?? i mean, here in Grecce there are so few ppl that like emma… i mean not as many as there are in England…but we do have magazines with her..but nothing else… 🙁

  12. Iron Duke says:

    The people aren't intersted? :???:Damn,in the world there's a generation that love Emma!Is impossible that people aren't intersted! 😕 🙁

  13. karinaki says:

    dunno..i do have some friends that fancy emma, but they are not like, CRAZY about her…like we can see ppl in England and other cities… that's sad.. 🙁

  14. karinaki says:

    and just think about, that many ppl in my age [18] don't even know who she is!! 😡

  15. Iron Duke says:

    Really??!! 😕 😕

  16. Cool4ever says:

    Yeah, but it was 2005, I think. But still, so what? 😕

  17. karinaki says:

    we should really spread the maddness..!!!! it's our dute as emma's fans! 😆

  18. Cool4ever says:

    Forget the previous comment. Anyway, there are many people who are fans of Emma from around the world. But there also many people who are not because they think Harry Potter is stupid. Of course, I'm not one of them. But I don't see why you guys seem so suprised.

  19. karinaki says:

    well, we like emma and harry potter so much, and we do know how amazing the whole thing is..that's why we like it..that's why it surprises us… many ppl are talking about harry potter and em without even having seen a movie, or read the books…

  20. iza says:

    Cute picture Jeanne,but I also can't recongnize the necklace. I know it's not the same as the one she wear at the Scooby Doo 2 premiere, that one was more coloured and this is blue. And about the pic I agree with Dook, maybe it's from the Teen magazine photoshoot. But I'd love to see this pic without text on it! 🙂 I lvoe the pic of the day! Emma looks so preety in the Vanity Fair pics! 😆

  21. Obi says:

    ok here in austria we haven't a magazine or something else of here that suck so much i can't tell you in austria is nothing about emma , beside the books and movies 😥

  22. emmafan4life says:

    i agree w/ u karinaki- i hate when ppl say things like harry potter is for little kids or emma is a snob and they've never even seen the movies! it drives me crazy! and i luv the potd! 🙂

  23. Iron Duke says:

    I like HP films because there's Emma.Alnwick castle(castle of Hogwarts)and the howls… 🙂 😉 😛 P.S.:Happy birthday to James and Oliver Phelps[Fred and George Weasley]that celebrate their 21 years! 🙂 😆

  24. Elizabeth - Norwegian Fan says:

    Oh! Right! Congratulations to James and Oliver!! :lol:I totally forgot!

  25. Jeanne says:

    happy birthday to them! and, yeah, I too hate when ppl talk about something they don't even know. And I know it'

  26. iza says:

    Yeah, Happy Birthday to Oliver & James! Happy Birthday for their 21 years! 😆 😆 😆

  27. Iron Duke says:

    In Italy when an HP film comes out,there are the sticker albums,everything apout HP and the my fave:the HP videogames! 😕 😉 😛

  28. Ahlam says:

    Wow cute POtD picture it is amazing lol 😕 😉 🙂 😛

  29. blue says:

    😥 :cry:hey guys did u hear about dan & his play i thought he was well-mannered as all people say 😥

  30. A.v says:

    Ahlam and Iron Duke, it was a joke, which most people dont get.. my god this comment room really is turning into a chat room..everyone just shh…

  31. Cool4ever says:

    Cute PotD! @Karinaki, I'm just saying that people have their own opinions, even if it may not be right. But oh well. That's their loss. Anyway, I wish Emma would be on another magazine cover and talk about the next movie. It's been a long time.

  32. Natalie says:

    Do you guys realize that in October this edition of Teen Vogue will be 2 years old! This photoshoot will be 2 years old in October! Can you believe that? And the pathetic thing…I still have the magazine. =D I don't care…Emma looks amazing! Gr8T update guys!

  33. EMMA W RULZ says:

    wow! 184 comments

  34. Ahlam says:

    Aha A.V it is a joke sorry we dont understand 😉 🙂 :???:and please we want new news Dook

  35. Caitlyn says:

    Emma Watson is so pretty! im so jealous of her…she is gorgeous

  36. Bianca says:

    noone listens to me!!!

  37. Iron Duke says:

    HellooooOOOOOooooo!!!!!! 🙂 😉 😆 P.S.:Where are the news??? 😡 😕 😡

  38. iza says:

    OH my god! 188 comments? 😕 With mine 189 😛 any news?

  39. Iron Duke says:

    Yesterday i've painted emma's face on my planes! 🙂 😉 P.S.:190th! 😛

  40. iza says:

    I really can't remember a day when there were soo much comments! Maybe just the Happy New Year post! 😛 But honestly there was more chit-chat than comments about Emma 🙂

  41. Jeanne says:

    there were many in WW Issue 010 on 6 Feb, at the announcement about the site that claimed that they're and posted private pictures on 4 Jan… and yeah, new year…

  42. Obi says:

    Hi all 🙂 nice day !! so what's up ?? Like i said before nice Foto 😀 Hi jeanne 🙂

  43. A.v says:

    Ahlam, You dont need to get it.

  44. Iron Duke says:

    Hi Jeanne,Hi Iza,Hi Karinaki,Hi Obi,Hi Elizabeth – Norwegian Fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉

  45. Lorine says:

    I have ever seen this picture.It's great.

  46. Iron Duke says:

    Yeah!tomorrow there's the new calendar :smile:;Right? 😕

  47. Obi says:

    i don't know i think it's on thursday , but i'm not sure .. Hi duke 🙂

  48. Jeanne says:

    hey to ya all, I think the Calendar will be announced on the 1st, which is… Thursday, yeah. Hey, are we like a gang or something (don't really know how to say it in English), the ones Duke said: me, Iron Duke, Karinaki, Iza, Obi, maybe Elizabeth (sorry, I just haven't talked to you yet… 🙂 )? we're probably the ones who comment the most… 😆

  49. Yasmina says:

    200!!! Wuuuhuuuuuuuu!!! 😆 Wow, that's great! I love the pic and the potd!! Peace for evryone, have a nice day!! and, ppl, be friendly to each other 😉 only a comment 😛