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About the first film (2007): "Sometimes, I'll go to a friend's house and their little brothers and sisters will be playing the first film on DVD and it's very strange. It's like your baby pictures but a whole film of it. I look so different."

March Calendar and Site Award // 2 March 2007

Congratulations to Elizabeth for designing this months winning calendar!! It was another tough vote with a lot of great entries. Thank you to everyone who entered. 🙂

Thank you to Sarah at Evanna Lynch Online who has made us their Site of the Month for March.

Have a great day! 😆

[ dook ]

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102 Responses to “March Calendar and Site Award // 2 March 2007”

  1. someone says:

    cool calendar and congrats!

  2. jiju says:

    hy emma i love you 😛