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About OotP (2007): "This film is closely related to the current situation. Somehow it talks about life after July 7 (London bombings in 2005), the way people behave when they're scared, the way truth is often denied and all the things our society has to face. Facing the fact that the authority is corrupted means having a non-conformist approach to reality and power."

March Calendar and Site Award // 2 March 2007

Congratulations to Elizabeth for designing this months winning calendar!! It was another tough vote with a lot of great entries. Thank you to everyone who entered. 🙂

Thank you to Sarah at Evanna Lynch Online who has made us their Site of the Month for March.

Have a great day! 😆

[ dook ]

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102 Responses to “March Calendar and Site Award // 2 March 2007”

  1. someone says:

    cool calendar and congrats!

  2. jiju says:

    hy emma i love you 😛