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Watson Weekly Issue 011 // 9 March 2007

Here’s the latest Watson Weekly, hot off the presses! In this issue, Neve tells us about her trip to London to see Dan Radcliffe in Equus, Amy has a special section about the Oscars, and Milada has her debut Funky Fashion. There are also movie reviews, a new music video, fun and more. 😆

Have a wonderful day!
[ dook ]

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87 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 011 // 9 March 2007”

  1. jimmy says:

    my best frien is identical to her (emma) XD

  2. Joseph says:

    Great issue, just love everything about it especailly the review of Equus. Melissa – it would seem that you have the problem with the mods on that site & this is not the place to air your problems. Wonder what they did to you, broke some rules I'm guessing, lol.

  3. Kacy says:

    thank you for the comments about the Music Video of the Week I made! It took lots of time but I am glad you guys like it and to those of you that were having trouble downloading it, I hope you can try again soon! But I loved this WW issue, it really kicked ass. LOVE IT!! And Neve I just can't thank you enough for all you put into writing all of that about my video it makes my heart want to just fly up and float on a cloud lol. 😛

  4. terence says:

    yes number 54th awsssome the issue is great

  5. Irene says:

    Danke sch

  6. Paula says:

    😥 😡 🙁 😆 😛 😕 😉 🙂

  7. Yuriy says:

    Emma I love you so much that i can't discribe it

  8. Yuriy says:


  9. terence says:

    geeeezee !!! godess in the flesh she is. wonder what she's like in person.must be great

  10. andrew the great says:

    TO DOOK: Hey dook, when are you going to fix everything, I want to the short video on Equus. 😕 😕

  11. Sammie says:

    I 🙂 LUV 😉 U 😕 E 😛 M 😆 M 🙁 A 😡 !!!! 😥

  12. A.v says:

    My problem hs become corrected now. No worries now Dook.. 🙂

  13. andrew the great says:

    Hey dook, that one was of the best videos ever 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  14. naro says:

    😆 :lol:i truly loved it plz every time make the video on YOU TUBE 2 allow me 2 watch it

  15. andrew the great says:

    Yeah, the video was great :smile:and the music too, I really liked it 😛

  16. andrew the great says:

    Hey! :???:where is Iron Duke? 😕

  17. ola says:

    I like Em, cuz she so natural and nice :] Best wishes :*

  18. Evie says:

    WOOOO!!! Thank god that E-W is back! I had forgotten it was!! And well done Neve for her first report *claps* Im loving the WW we should sooo be bale to buy these! I so wanted to go see Equus, Neve is so lucky.

  19. tayron says:

    I'm from Poland :lol:I like Emma and love watch Harry Potter. Good sites 😉

  20. tayron says:

    and sorry my english is bad 😥

  21. Matteo says:

    You are beautiful (Emma)!! You are beautiful(Emma)!!! it's true!!! 🙂 :smile:(James Blunt-You are beautiful) 😉

  22. Matteo says:

    You are beautiful!!!you are beautiful!!!it's true!!! 😉

  23. tayron says:

    it's true 😛

  24. Luciano Renzokuken (BRASIL) says:

    Eu adoro voc

  25. emmafan4life says:

    how come the cover always says "almost" under the title? i dont get it 😕

  26. dook says:

    emmafan4life. it\’s kind of a little joke. Originally we thought we would do one WW issue every week, and so it was called Watson Weekly. It didn\’t take long to realize we would not be able to do that. Some people complained that it took so long it should be called Watson Monthly, but we really liked the name we had, so we just changed it a little. 😛

  27. emmafan4life says:

    oooooo ok, thanx dook 😛 that kinda makes sense since it really only comes out every month

  28. A.v says:

    Imagine.. "watson hourly" yeah, thats heaven..

  29. leonardo says:

    emma I love you I add to me

  30. jiju says:

    emma i must talk with you,in 2 weeks say me where do you stay and street please.please,i dream you,i…my life is changed completed,i don't now what i need to do,plz help me 😥

  31. Obi says:

    Hi Karinaki 😉 🙂

  32. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    THE MUSIC VIDEO IS GENIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. angel in disguise says:

    Watson Weekly was superb!!!!!!!!!! Enjoyed everything!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  34. CuttiePie says:

    Dear emma, I think that is the best pic they ever put on a magazine.(*)(*)(*) You look great!!! 🙂 😉 (*) (*)

  35. catherine says:

    LOVE it!!

  36. kris vergel bulagao says:


  37. kris vergel bulagao says:

    hi im kris did u know ilike u very much i hope u like me too I LOVE YOU as a fan……………:smile: