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About show business (2002): "It can be very, very glamorous and it can be not so glamorous..."

Stamps and Horoscopes // 12 March 2007

Hello guys!

How are you today? Well, I certainly am fine, since I got to purchase the HP stamps that were released in France on Saturday 😆  And I scanned them just for your viewing pleasure… so enjoy!

Oh and we’d like to thank Naveed, Sarah and Hanna for letting us know that Emma graced the Horoscopes page of Teen Vogue in this month issue 🙂

Update: thanks to the awesome site UHP, we now have other scans of the F

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52 Responses to “Stamps and Horoscopes // 12 March 2007”

  1. Flore says:

    oh yes I have those stamps !! ^^ Sorry , I'm French and I don't speak English very well =s

  2. Flore says:

    oh yes I have those stamps !! ^^ Sorry , I'm French and I don't speak English very well =s