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About what Perks meant to her (2011): "I just finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which was just the most incredible experience. I had the best six weeks. I'm very excited about that movie. Having an experience like that outside of Harry Potter is what really convinced me that acting really is what I should be doing. I'm excited about the idea of being an actress now in a way that I wasn't so sure of before."

Stamps and Horoscopes // 12 March 2007

Hello guys!

How are you today? Well, I certainly am fine, since I got to purchase the HP stamps that were released in France on Saturday 😆  And I scanned them just for your viewing pleasure… so enjoy!

Oh and we’d like to thank Naveed, Sarah and Hanna for letting us know that Emma graced the Horoscopes page of Teen Vogue in this month issue 🙂

Update: thanks to the awesome site UHP, we now have other scans of the F

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52 Responses to “Stamps and Horoscopes // 12 March 2007”

  1. *hpfan* says:

    1st!! iv never been first before!!!! wow cool stamps…lucky you! and thats a pretty pic too! 🙂

  2. Kristi says:

    Hi. This is an off-thread question, but where did you guys get you little set of smileys? I've looked for them on free download sites, but they aren't as nice and simple as your! Kristi

  3. Iza says:

    3rd! Thanks for the scans, guys! When will be the gallery back online!? 🙁 I miss all the great pictures from it! By the way, the pic of the day is very cute, Emma's hairstyle in it is very funny! 😛

  4. *hpfan* says:

    hey Kristi, you can see the smileys when you add a comment! You see name, email, and then you see a row of smileys… 😉

  5. Martynka :) says:

    I like you Emma !

  6. *hpfan* says:

    oh kristi – maybe i didnt get you right…did you mean the site? srry for the wrong answer if thats what you meant..

  7. naburmuszona says:

    ooo Martyna you are too from Poland??- 😉 i like Emma but i didn'tlove her.. 😛 i hate physis…blee 🙁 😥

  8. Kristi says:

    Yes, I wondered where I could also download a nice set like they use here on They're so cute, but all the ones I can find on the download site are animated and singing and doing all kinds of silly stuff. I thought maybe somebody knew where to go to get a set. Kristi

  9. naburmuszona says:

    many people are so…*** 😛 Emma Watson didn't came on this side-is she??no it is imposible-ok i must go-lern physics-sorry for mistake 😛

  10. Kat xx says:

    lol cooool stamps – and yay my horoscope was gd today! lol and lovely pic of emma as hermy – it is… very hermy! lol have a great day y'all! xx 🙂

  11. emmafan4life says:

    yaaay emmas in another magazine! i can't wait till this summer when she's in like a gazillion 😉 and the stamps are kool 2! i want one

  12. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    thanx 4 the scans i love the stamps 😆 😛 how i wish i could live in france 😥 😥

  13. Martynka :) says:

    naburmuszona.. yes, I from Poland

  14. Melissa says:

    Oh, Hermione look so pretty!!!! She's right behind Harry *SQUEE* His right hand! 😉

  15. A.v says:

    cool stamps.

  16. Alex says:

    Does anyone think she would look hot with a shaved head?

  17. jovana says:

    ron looking good as always

  18. Watson1990 says:

    Nice stamps :smile:! ANd beautiful picture of emma in the magazine 😉

  19. andrew the great says:

    Nice stamps :smile:Emma looks great 😛

  20. Nish says:

    Is there any way to get the regular picture that's on the magazine scan of the picture of the day? Like without all the letters and all.

  21. dook says:

    Nish, I have only seen that picture on the cover.Kristi, if you mean the smilies that are in the news, they were with the software. You can always make your own collection, just right click on a smilie and save it. You might also try and others, Emma doesn\’t come here so she won\’t read your messages.

  22. EMMA W RULZ says:

    kwl stamps and scans

  23. Obi says:

    Morning all , where is my Gang !! Hi Dook 🙂 🙂 Yeah nice stamps !!!

  24. Natasha says:

    Oh, nice stamps. I'm going to France in two weeks and I want to buy some! How much do they cost? and where can you get them from?

  25. Obi says:

    Maybe in a tobacconist's 🙂

  26. dook says:

    Natasha, I\’m afraid you will be too late. I believe the stamps will only be sold for one week.

  27. Iszy says:

    why does emma have such a different stance, she should eb the same as the boys, she is the better actress after all!!!

  28. *hpfan* says:

    oooh thats a nice pic of the day! 😆

  29. RUMOUR!!! says:

    Emma may NOT be competing with her school at Friday's Rock Challenge in Southampton because she has apparently broken her toe. THIS IS ONLY A RUMOUR BUT LOOK OUT FOR COMFIRMATION LATER IN THE WEEK. 🙁

  30. naburmuszona says:

    DOOK do you know,it is true that,Emma said,that Polish fan are stupid??I must know!Many polish antifanes,said that but..i must know 😕

  31. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    @naburmuszona – don't be silly. Emma would never say something like that. Haters are always making up lies about the people they hate, take no notice of them.

  32. Ahlam says:

    wooow nice stamps it is amazing cool 🙂 😆 😉

  33. karinaki says:

    HEY!!! 😆 really nice stamps!!! and thanx for the scan! 😉 hey obi!!! a member of the gang is here, but where are the rest ones? 😕

  34. Obi says:

    Hi karinaki 🙂 😉 yeah sure i'm here 😆

  35. Obi says:

    Have to leave i need a nap ! sry but my aches are to hard .. i need the sleep really !! so bye cu later

  36. Olusia says:

    Hello Emma! I like you and films with harry potter. I dont speak English…

  37. Inmaculada says:

    Hola Emmma¡ decir que me gustaria tener los sellos para mandarselo a mi familia. 😆

  38. Danielle says:

    🙂 Hey all! I love The POTD! Kl stamps & Scan! My horoscope is good Yeh! Is it true shes broke her toe? 😕 I hope not! Have a nice day/night! dan xxxx 😉

  39. *hpfan* says:

    oh wow that new promo pic is really pretty!!!!!

  40. Natasha says:

    Aw! I really hope they are still there when I go over.

  41. Evie says:

    =O! I havent seen that PoTD before!! N'aww she looks so sweet! lol. The french are so cool!! Harry Potter stamps?!? why can't England do that?!?!

  42. andrew the great says:

    TO EVIE What PoTD? 😕

  43. andrew the great says:

    Nice horoscope issue, although my horoscope is Virgo 🙂 😛

  44. Sarah says:

    Yay me! finally my name appears on this site… you made my life happy… just kidding, but thanks anyway, i am still happy though 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  45. emma's#1:)fan says:

    I wish I could get those staamps ! They look awsome !

  46. danilu says:

    wonderfull pics

  47. emmafan1 says:

    hey guyz, the stamps are really cute, seemes emmas horriscope is good…lol oh and i hope emma didnt break her toe 🙁 but u no, rumers fly…

  48. Melissa says:

    Those stamps are so awesome!! But I saw pictures of Emma posing with beer and now I'm concerned. Does anyone know if it's true, because they looked real.

  49. catherne says:

    emma looks so pretty!i love the pics….well stamps!! 😆

  50. Flore says:

    oh yes I have those stamps !! ^^ Sorry , I'm French and I don't speak English very well =s