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New OOTP Game Poster & new promo pic! // 06 May 2007

‘Ello everyone! Hope you’s are having a good weekend so far. 😆

Thanks very much to Iza for sending us this new poster from the Order Of The Phoenix Video Game!

Looks great, doesn’t it? And just think, only 67 more days until the movie! 😆

Just a little update: speaking about OotP, it’s been confirmed that David Yates will also direct HP & the Half-Blood Prince. Click here to know more about it. Thanks to HPANA and Sterre from  🙂

Just another update 😛 : many thanks to Lisa for letting us know about this new – but unfortunately blurry – promo picture of the cast in the Department of Mysteries.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

[ Katy ]

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27 Responses to “New OOTP Game Poster & new promo pic! // 06 May 2007”

  1. samantha says:

    looks great. woo hoo. can't wait till the moive:]

  2. esteven says:

    Awesome Picture 😛

  3. Omayma says:

    3rd yeah the poster is geart and i also can't wait till the movie comes out, I willnot care if i have skool work i will just go and watch it YEAH 😛

  4. tiffany says:

    i love it! 😛

  5. Paulo Henrique says:

    this is the poster of Order of the Phoenix VIDEOGAME 😉

  6. Anonomus says:

    This is not new. I've seen it on Mugglnet. Nice pic, though.

  7. kiakkia says:

    Great Picture 😆

  8. EMMA W RULZ says:

    the video game should be good 🙂

  9. Janny says:

    Wow! I cannot wait. 😆

  10. Hannah says:

    I couldn't be bothered emailing so i'll say it here! Theres been a bit publicity about Emma's body being photoshopped in a Harry Potter poster! Thats all i'll say i'm pretty sure the staff will find more out about it soon!

  11. Iza says:

    Only 67 days? Oh my god, I absolutely can't wait! In my country OotP will be released on July 20th! 🙂

  12. Nish says:

    Finally, gallery is back up! Even though it's a temporary version. Why hasn't it been announced yet? P.S. I commend you guys for having the biggest collection of Emma pics on the net. This is probably the most complete selection out there.

  13. dook says:

    Nish, because I am still testing things and I may turn it off at any time. Also, if I announced it, the sudden flood of people would likely crash the server that it’s on.

  14. *hpfan* says:


  15. ^Joanna^ says:

    It's very good i can wait to see the move>! Only 67 days have left 😉

  16. liz says:


  17. Ahlam says:

    Amazing……wwwwwwwwwwoooow 😆 😉

  18. Nimy says:

    I love the HQ of the poster and the poster too. Hermione is absolutely brilliant and pretty on it. The other is rare and she's looks determined 😉

  19. Tina says:

    Heyop, nice updates! I have a question about the shippers music video contest – earlier you said that you won't accept any Youtube links, but if I've already uploaded the video on YT, is this a problem? I mean, do I have to take the video off Youtube or can I just upload it on one of the sites you accept?

  20. paco says:

    Hello I am a Spanish boy your paper(role) a harry potter you amazes me as your beauty a kiss and she is still this way emma

  21. dook says:

    Tina, it's ok if your video is on youtube, but you need to send us the original video, before it's been converted on YT.

  22. Tina says:

    Okay, thanks dook! I'll send the video soon 😉

  23. hermia lou says:

    Yeah ! This poster is great and the actors are quite beautiful! I like it! Amazing!I feel seeing this movie and playing this game of course!

  24. Ellie says:

    It looks brilliant! Daniel has cut his hair it looks cool! 🙂 😛

  25. Ellie says:

    only 65 DAYS!

  26. Beno says:

    It's really amazing, it looks very exciting!! 65 Days …

  27. catherine says:

    wow..emma looks sooo beautiful!i LOVE it! 😆 🙂