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About painting:"I guess I'm a little shy about my art, but I love painting people and expressions and faces. I've always done art, though not a lot of people know it. It's really important to me to do that. Since I haven't been in school since July, I've only now realized how much I miss it. I don't make time for it now, and you really have to sit yourself down and think about it and do it."

Some OotP news… // 10 May 2007

Hey everybody πŸ˜†

As some of you may have noticed, not many things are happening in the Emma world this week πŸ™  But we all know that the OotP storm is coming… and coming fast! πŸ˜›  

If you’re like us and just cannot wait for the release of the movie, you can always check the extremely HQ version of the OotP trailer that was posted on (thanks to our dear friends from UHP for telling us)!

And speaking of the OotP release, just let us know that the movie would come out on July 11th in Spain (and not on July 13th as previously announced). No need to be Professor Trelawney to predict that the Spanish theaters will experience major queues on July 11th! πŸ˜†

Last but not least, don’t forget our Shippers music video contest! The deadline is close (May 13th)…

Update: TLC just posted new OotP posters and Hermione is in them. These were apparently fan-made posters, not official poster authorized by WB. Sorry about that.

Have a terrific day!

[ Neve ]

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31 Responses to “Some OotP news… // 10 May 2007”

  1. emmafan4life says:

    1st πŸ™‚

  2. fr says:

    2nd!! we're still may 9th in quebec!hihi πŸ˜‰

  3. Jovana says:

    3rd! thats not fair πŸ˜‰

  4. emmafan1 says:

    lol 4th and srry bout the other day i didnt reilize it was + co. lol πŸ˜‰

  5. Luis says:

    5th! πŸ˜• Does anybody know if Emma will come to L.A or N.Y next july to the H.P´s premiere? Thanks! πŸ˜† Emma IRLY!! (I Really Love You!!)

  6. EMMA W RULZ says:

    good luck 2 everyone entering the shippers video contest πŸ™‚ 6th

  7. A.v says:

    I will make sure to have my umbrella ready for that storm πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰

  8. cristy says:

    THERE ARE NEW POSTERS ON HERMIONE-HARRY-RON at the leaky cualdron . org site.

  9. Cristy. says:

    NEW POSTERS YAAAA πŸ˜› :smile:.

  10. amy says:

    doood i just went to the TLC and there are

  11. amy says:

    it is the secound post of news

  12. liz says:

    omg…….can't u just change the POD?????!!!!! it's become "picture of the year"….gosh

  13. Jaana says:

    Ooooh, the second poster looked cool! Omg, Voldemort! :O πŸ˜€ Hopefully we'll get some new Hermione/Emma pictures soon. ^^

  14. andrew says:

    wow, great posters, love them πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

  15. Teresa says:

    OMG! I simply can't wait for longer!! πŸ˜‰

  16. ^Joanna^ says:

    :lol:Great Scans πŸ˜† But anyone Knows when OoTP realise in Greece??????????????????????? πŸ˜•

  17. Ahlam says:

    i cant waite..4 longer time πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  18. andrew says:

    Iza, do u know if the US if making Harry Potter magazines of any kind? They make it in other countries but not in the US.

  19. andrew says:

    TO JAANA: Do I know you from somewhere? πŸ˜•

  20. chris says:

    πŸ™‚ hello sorry for the mistakes I'm french. But I've just read on UHP that the posters of Ootp are FALSE!!! They were German posters which were made by a fan Bye

  21. Krum says:

    Is anyone from going to be attending the premieres?

  22. Iza says:

    Andrew, I don't understand about what magazines are you talking, I don't know anything about the US magazines because I'm not from US! πŸ™‚

  23. emma is soo coll says:

    i love emma watson πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰

  24. andrew says:

    I know this is kind of difficult to explain, but I was wondering if they are going to transpose those magazines(HPANA), and other ones into US so teens and kids could read them, and they could also translate them in english. But don't worry, I will probably go to england some day to buy them, righ now I can't, because I'm still in high school in 10th grade. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

  25. A.v says:

    Do you mean translate? I think HPANA is a website..

  26. kat says:

    need to change potd

  27. Danielle says:

    πŸ™‚ Hey great Pics. Emma/Hermione's hair looks a lot darker in the second poster that it does in any other ootp poster, I think. OMG so annoyed that the movie comes out 2 days earlier lol! O'well I still cant wait πŸ˜† That stroms sure is on its way πŸ˜› &&* I reackon its the best time of the year for me lol! 63 DAYS cant wait! How fast is the year going! Btw I don't want to sound mean but how can you all go on abt the potd wen theres loads of hermione/emma pics being posted! Its like getting to New potd lol! Have a great evening! Emma fans! Danxxx πŸ˜‰

  28. Cool4ever says:

    I can't wait, either. I think the best movie so far is the 3rd one.

  29. Paula says:

    The Emma is in the layer of the magazine smack of this month!

  30. EMMA W RULZ says:

    i know you guys at are soo busy but the potd of the day still hasnt changed

  31. Brad says:

    Thank you for the reference to the high-quality trailers, I had no idea of their existence until I popped over to check your site. Many thanks!