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About saying no (2011): "I've had to say no to stuff that people have been gobsmacked about. I've had big directors say to me, 'What do you mean, you can't do this movie? We don't understand.' I always hear, 'What do you mean she can't do this magazine cover?' or 'What do you mean she can't have this meeting for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?' And my agent will say, 'She's at school, sorry."

Lots of OotP news! And a new video! // 12 May 2007

Hello EW.netters!

Ready for a nice week-end? 😆

We have a few news regarding HP for you today…

First of all, HPANA posted a new OotP poster that appeared on the Brazilian website Just click here to see it!

Also, we have some news regarding the OotP premiere locations and release dates:

-As usual, the UK premiere will take place at London’s Odeon Cinema in Leicester Square, around 6 PM on Tuesday, July 3rd. Nothing confirmed yet, but we’re pretty sure Emma will be there! 😆

-According to (ICM) via Tao, the US OotP premiere will be held at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles on July 8th. Hopefully Emma will be there as well… 🙂  Thanks ICM (which means Ice Cream Man – aka Rupert – by the way!).

-Last but not least, great news for all the UK HP fans: OotP will be released on July 12th in the UK (and not on July 13th as previously announced). Isn’t it awesome? Thanks to

Send us an email at if you attend any of these events. We’re always interested in fan reports and pictures! 🙂

Update: many, many thanks to for sending us these two exclusive Entertainment Tonight new OotP promo videos (featuring LOTS of new Hermione clips, yay!): click here & here to see them. And stay tuned for a HQ version download link, it’s coming soon (hopefully) 😆

Have a wonderful week-end!

[ Neve ]

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36 Responses to “Lots of OotP news! And a new video! // 12 May 2007”

  1. AnaAlex says:

    Woa cool, btw forst!! 😛

  2. joe says:

    2second!! and what a cool poster!! and how terrible emma isn't going to japan…..

  3. big boss says:

    3rd yeah shame but i hope she comes to uk 🙂

  4. Tao says:

    Your friends at RG.N? I don't mean to invade the comments like this, and sound rude, but I sent an e-mail awhile ago letting the site know that ICM ( found out from Mann Theatres that the premiere would be held at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre. I'd appreciate proper credit since ICM exclusively broke this news. 🙂 Thank you!

  5. Neve says:

    To Tao: we'll correct our mistake right away 🙂

  6. daisy says:

    july 12th in the u.k.??? not fair. i'm in the u.s. well, hope you guys don't give out too much info about it. except i know you'll say, "it was AWESOME!"

  7. Obi says:

    Wow awesome 😀 🙂

  8. Rose says:

    Hey guys! I was watching TV and they had what looked like a HP5 special. My TV was on mute and I couldn't get to the TV fast enought to turn it up. (sorry.) 😥 It looked like a few new footage takes and some bright colored borders were around it so it could be something. So keep your eyes open americans!! It was not to long ago so let's hope there might be something cool showing!! 😉

  9. dook says:

    Rose, which network channel was it on?

  10. Nimy says:

    Cool news, the news are getting much more hotter and interesting because we're more closer for the HP ootp movie!!! this one will be one of the best of all I'm sure. I can t wait to see new Emma pics from those premieres 😛 😛 😛

  11. A.v says:

    Dook, did you get my email regarding the chatbox mod?

  12. Max says:

    you people in the UK are so lucky. you get to see it one day earlier! I'm in the US so I have to wait one more day. By the way, are they having a premier for OotP in New York? I hope they do because I really want to go this time.

  13. *hpfan* says:

    oooh COOL just cant wait…

  14. EMMA W RULZ says:

    wow i love that poster 🙂

  15. Omayma says:

    Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn this sucks cuz i can't go to any of the premieres 😥

  16. Omayma says:

    I live in Australia and they never come there they go to china and japan and not come to australia the closest country to them, I dont mean location I mean close we have the same Queen u know stuff like that 🙁

  17. Nina says:

    Is it confirmed, that the UK premiere is on July, 3rd?

  18. Lauren says:

    YEA! I am so happy now. I live in UK, and I always wondered why it was coming out in other countries before ours. Well atleast now I get to watch it earlier. And to big boss- she probably will come to the UK premier, i means she lives here 🙂

  19. Evie says:

    July the 3rd…6pm…got it!!! Ta very mooch! And July the 12th?!?! Thank god you told me!! I would never have known!! Lol. 61 days you guys!! 😆 😛 🙂

  20. R/HR FAN says:

    Nope! THAT IS NOT GREAT!!! IT IS TOTALLY UNFAIR FOR ALL THE AMERICANS!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

  21. A.v says:

    Canada needs to improve the movie scene 😛

  22. neelam virdee says:

    in the UK do you have to buy some sort of ticket to attend the premiere? Or do you just go if you want to?

  23. emmafan4life says:

    UK people are sooo lucky! i wish i didn't have to wait an extra day 🙁 and i thought there was gonna be a premiere in NY again this year, i was planning on going

  24. Silvia says:

    Blimey!I miss the UK premiere! 😥 I'm going to London the 15th of July, so I won't be able to go to the premiere and watch it in my country either! 😥 😥 At least I'm going to oxford!

  25. Imene says:

    Hi everyone, very cool news 🙂 !! Have a nice week-end 😉 ! ! !

  26. Cecilly says:

    I think the posters are not so good… I don't knok how to say it in english but it's too "retouch

  27. Susan says:

    Cool, Grauman's Chinese Theatre! I wonder if there will be any pictures of Emma with the other actor's hand and foot prints.

  28. Louisa says:

    so there won't be a NY premiere this year?? and i was going to go to. 🙁

  29. Kelli says:

    awweeesssooommmmeee! =D

  30. Kat xx says:

    cool videos (although kinda bad quality) – though there isnt much new stuff of hermione – love the new poster and HA! thank god an actual use for living in england! we get to see hp a day earlier! and woohoo about premier cant wait! nearly 60 days to go! u know it said it will be the 12th of uk premeier – will that change the IMAX date????? xx

  31. Brad says:

    Good videos, especially the first; I haven't seen that one anywhere else, and there's lots more of Emma and the DA in it! A pity I don't know a way to download videos from iklipz :sad:. And it's fairly low quality. Still good to see, thanks!

  32. mandy says:

    this is lame i want to go to one of the premieres…australia never gets premieres for all the good stuff i mean thats really gay its no fair…though its funny because australia was always set to start having OotP out on the 12th and i was like should UK be first? but now its better…thank god we're one of the first countries though! cant wait!!!! btw i cant view either of the videos is there a problem with my computer??? s2 mwa

  33. Taylor says:

    Cool footage!!! 😉 Are there going to be screen caps of it because some of the Emma parts go by really fast. I can't really tell what she is doing. 😥 Please, I hope you guys will! 🙂

  34. Lewis says:

    Nice! 😉 What does Lupin say?? I can't really understand because of the quality. Hopefully a better quality soon!!! 🙂

  35. Evie says:

    Aaaaah! The trialers just make me want to scream!! I want to watch it soo bad… 🙁 Lol. So going to the premiere

  36. william says:

    Do you know if they're going to sell tickets for the L.A premiere? its gonna be cool i live in L.A so i am so there. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂