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About Hermione in GOF (2005): " I think in this one she's not quite in the action as much, she's kind of watching, which in a way she hates more because she just wants to be in there with Harry, helping him all the way through it. I think, for her, this is just basically feeling concerned for him a lot of the time. I'm surprised she's not having a nervous breakdown, she's so worried that he's not gonna make it. "

Australian HP stamps and subtitled videos // 24 May 2007

Hello everybody,

Did you ask your question to Emma (see yesterday’s update)? 😛

Anyway, received a scan of the HP stamps that are to be released by the Australian Post on June 14th. And of course, there’s a Hermione stamp!



Also, for the French fans, posted subtitled versions of the six TV spots that we posted yesterday: you can download the videos here (special thanks to the person who spent his/her night doing this!)

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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17 Responses to “Australian HP stamps and subtitled videos // 24 May 2007”

  1. emma! says:

    :lol:Yay im FIRST! 😆 Lovin the stamps x

  2. EMMA W RULZ says:

    2nd!!! kwl stamps 😆

  3. Gus says:

    awesome updates like the stamps!

  4. Dristoperdejnik says:

    Yeah!!!! They are great!!! EW rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzz/// 😆

  5. Imene says:

    Hi everyone ! Thanks guys for this great videos u'r awesome 😉 ! I just love them and can't wait to watch the movie. Bye, have a nice day 🙂 ! ! !

  6. Obi says:

    nice 😀 🙂

  7. Andy says:

    Except that the subtitles are not really good.

  8. andrew says:

    wow, awesome stamps 🙂 :razz:. They are really fancy.

  9. btram says:

    The stamp is great. But it would be better if there are some promo pics of Emma. 😛 Thanks anyway.

  10. *hpfan* says:

    luv the stamps…

  11. XRespectMeX says:

    cool.. 😉 😆 😛 🙂 kisss

  12. Maryan <Poland> says:

    Super!!! 🙂

  13. Silvia says:

    I can't realise how many stuff is coming up!!brilliant!

  14. catherine says:

    ohhhh!awesome stamps!i think that's Grawp in the top left corner in the back ground! he's so cute.and Voldamort and the death eaters look so freaky!:cry: 😆

  15. Italian boy says:

    the stamps are cool, but i agree with btram, m ore pics of emma would be awesome, but the site is still ultra cool

  16. Rodo says:

    Ok, I didnt see that coming