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About doing some theater (2007): "I would love to do some theatre but it is hard to fit in with Harry Potter and my studies. I am waiting for the right time and I am thinking about next summer after my A-levels. A period drama maybe, and it doesn't have to be a main role, it just has to be something I believe in."

High Res Hermione Banner // 30 May 2007

Thanks to St

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16 Responses to “High Res Hermione Banner // 30 May 2007”

  1. Irene says:

    Nice banner!!!!

  2. Nimy says:

    good quality 😉

  3. lily says:

    2nd. Cool banner!!!! I can't wait 4 the movie!!! 😆 😆 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Nimy says:

    I like the messages that each one of them have.

  5. lily says:

    oops i meant 3rd 😉

  6. Jaana says:

    Emma looks gorgeous. :>>> And I have to say… The clothes Umbridge is wearing… xD Absolutely hideous! But they're exactly as described in the book. Great! 😀

  7. andrew says:

    wow, cool galleries.

  8. Kat xx says:

    i always thin kthe big promotional pics make all the charcters look really distorted just remeber GoF promo posters and how computer manipulated they were!! 🙁 even though these arent doin anything for her – shell look fab in the real thing!! xx 😛 😉 😛

  9. Ruchira says:

    Can't wait for the movie.Emma is looking very pretty in this banner

  10. Unknown says:

    does anyone know why the video of the week has been the same for over a month?

  11. Kat xx says:

    Unknown: Because its an aweome video – duh?? lol xx

  12. Emma says:


  13. Emma says:

    She looks like me 😉 🙂

  14. Damien says:

    oh oh oh !!!!! beautiful !!!!

  15. emmas#1fan:) says:

    Emmas so cool! ROck on !

  16. emmas#1fan:) says:

    Ps.. lily , this movie coming out will be the 5th ….not the 4 or 3…..