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About shopping (2007): "I love clothes but I'm actually such a bad shopper. It totally stresses me out."

June Calendar // 04 June 2007

Hey EW.netters  🙂

Sorry the calendar is a bit late this month but the downtime put us off schedule. Congratulations to Kim for this months winning entry!

We had a huge number of entries this time, more than ever before, so I’m also going to give four honorable mentions. In alphabetical order we have calendars from Anna Karolina, Elizabeth, Sarah and Taty. Congratulations! And thank you to everyone who entered.

Update: don’t forget to check this link for new pictures of Emma at the Raisa Gorbachev Fundation party. There are now 62 pics of the event – thanks to Fred!

Have a nice day!

[ dook ]

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42 Responses to “June Calendar // 04 June 2007”

  1. Jessica says:

    First??? \o/ byee 😛

  2. Jessica says:

    Raelly nice calendarss Congratulations girls!! Good jobb! 🙂 See u 😉

  3. Rodo says:


  4. Rodo says:

    Oh, i forgot… nice calendars, nice work

  5. Claire says:


  6. XRMX says:

    nice calendars…cool 🙂

  7. superG says:


  8. EMMA W RULZ says:

    wow awesome calendars 🙂

  9. Silvia says:

    Simply awesome!!Thanks!

  10. Kat xx says:

    the one by anna is better the one u picked! its fab – actually all the runner ups are fantastic – i cant do it – so i salute y'all! lol looked at fred new pics – im actually lovin the dress – but i understand why she does her ultra cool smirk because she, much like myself, cannot smile nicely with her teeth! lol xx

  11. R/Hr fan22 says:

    Love the calendars!

  12. mery says:

    hi¡ The calendars are perfect bye

  13. mery says:

    los calendarios estan muy chulos, buen trabajo….i'm the before mery…bye 😛

  14. andrew says:

    great calendar, like it

  15. XRespectMeX says:

    i have one question…. does emma read this comments and stuff what you write about her? please…answer…

  16. katie says:

    great calendars! i loved them all!

  17. .#.Ahlam.#. says:

    wooow great calendars i loveed all!cool 🙂 😉

  18. andrew says:

    and the pictures are great to :smile:.

  19. andrew says:

    and good job Sarah, I'm sure you did an awesome job!, as well as the other people who entered the contest.

  20. andrew says: If you want to post the interview, I found it on

  21. Rodo says:

    hmm… that interv is a lil bit old, but it's nice. XRespectMeX: i'm pretty sure she doesnt

  22. r♥a says:

    congrats calendar people! lol I like the winning one, Anna Karolina's, and Taty's the best.

  23. Belgian_Dude says:

    the calander is very nice but i've got a question des anyone knows when Emma Is comming to belgium ?? For the release of the fifth movie

  24. Belgian_Dude says:

    Never mind my english

  25. Sandrine says:

    Thanks a lot for the pics! 🙂 And congratulations for the calendars!

  26. karinaki says:

    oh my gosh!! we never had so many lovely calendars!!!! 😆 😆 congrats to everyone, honestly the work you've done is amazing!!! 🙂 ps. just a question: the premiere of the movie in london, is on 2nd July???

  27. Neve says:

    To Karinaki: the UK premiere will take place at London\'s Odeon Cinema in Leicester Square, around 6 PM on Tuesday, July 3rd. Are you planning to attend? If yes, send us an email: 🙂

  28. karinaki says:

    oki doki! am planning to attend the premiere, and i just send the email.. what's the purpose of sending it?

  29. Kat xx says:

    need to change potd – again 😕

  30. emmafan4life says:

    congrats kim! i love the pic she used 😉 and the honorable mentions were great too. i'm glad to see that you guys have more pics from the fundation, buti'd like to see a little bit more of emma smiling- there weren't a lot of those

  31. frederique says:

    all the calendar are amazing! wow!

  32. Leila says:

    Hey guys! Maybe i'm a lil bite late on news, but i juste learned that Emma Watson would play in HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2? Anyone knows about that? is it sure or is it a rumor? Tell me i wanna Know!!!

  33. A.v says:

    GOOD EFFORT EVERYONE! ( Yes, i finally reformated my computer, superfast now..)

  34. emma's#ONEfan says:

    Nice job everyone, I love them all 🙂

  35. Nimy says:

    Congrats to all :wink:!!!! I'm so happy that now we will have more pics of Emma from last Saturday, because I bealive that there are much more to come for the next days 😛

  36. btram says:

    i have a new pic of Emma. She looks strange. 🙂

  37. dook says:

    btram, I believe that is a fake.Leila, that was just a silly rumor about High School Musical.

  38. Tiago St says:


  39. priya says:

    these calendars are AMAZING!!!! 😆

  40. Inmaculada says:

    Los calendario muy bien echo y bonito.Me gustan mucho. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  41. Evie says:

    =O =O!! Actually loving all the calendars SO much! They are all so lush!

  42. leila says:

    Thanks dook !