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About getting drunk (2011): "Yes, I have tried spirits, we drink at 18 in the UK but I'm actually legal to drink here now, it's worth mentioning. Yes, yes I have. I got very very drunk once in my life as everyone does. Fine I got drunk, I have been drunk - and I'll bow to that!"

Emma going to Cambridge? // 6 June 2007

Just a little update… Sinead and Solo just sent us a very interesting article from The Independent in which Emma is mentioned:

“Daniel Radcliffe’s naked West End debut in Equus jolted fans of the Harry Potter films with the realisation that the 18-year-old cannot realistically prance about in a boy wizard’s cape for much longer. His co-star, Emma Watson who plays Hogwarts girl wonder Hermione Granger, has now spoken of her hopes for an ivory tower degree.

Her next plan is to study philosophy at Cambridge,” says Tatler editor Geordie Greig, after interviewing the actress with his eight-year-old son. Watson, 17 and worth a reported

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56 Responses to “Emma going to Cambridge? // 6 June 2007”

  1. EMMA W RULZ says:

    1ST YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😉 😆 😛

  2. emmafan1 says:

    ohh yaya secound, thats soooo exiting for emma! i cant beleive her grades are so good, when does she have time tostudy so much!? 😕

  3. EMMA W RULZ says:

    i used to live in Cambridge 🙂

  4. superG says:

    i no that place ;D

  5. EMMA W RULZ says:

    im very happy for em 🙂

  6. emmfan1 says:

    She'll probably major in english right?

  7. Stephanie says:

    I think she'll probably start in 2009 and take a gap year (very common for young British students from what I hear). University needs your full commitment and if she's shooting Harry Potter 7 in 2008/2009, she proabably won't have the time to be a student.

  8. Sam says:

    I thought that Emma was studying art, literature and dance for a-level, not geography. I mean, isn't that what it said in her interview in teen vogue's issue? 😕

  9. btram says:

    Well, good luck, Emma! 🙂

  10. Jackie says:

    Yeah, what stephanie said. And especially with a place like Cambridge, they won't appreciate a student taking long breaks to film, even if you are a movie star. Funny though, I'd always thought she would go for Oxford, since both her parents went there. I guess she's lived in Oxford for so long, she wants a change.

  11. Joan says:

    I thought a Brit student was supposed to 4 or 5 AS-levels and then drop down to 3 or 4 for A2.

  12. Chris says:

    I have no doubt that Emma will achieve the passes needed to attend University. Just a little surprised that she may have already chosen Cambridge. Good luck to her wherever she goes.

  13. joanna says:

    :smile:She did it well and i beleive they have to accept her in Cambridge.Well done EMMA 😆 🙂 🙂

  14. Sam says:

    'Joan' that's right. I have to say I was surprised when I heard that Emma's only taking 3 AS levels, cause if she is than it's not really possible for her to go to either Cambridge or Oxford, cause they take people in who have taken 4-5 A levels subjects and achieved A grades in, well, all of the 4-5 subjects. It's really kinda confusing 😛

  15. *hpfan* says:

    i luv emma shes pretty, a good actress, AND smart!!!

  16. jane fairfax says:

    good 4 u Emma! though she did mention she did wanna go 2 oxford cuz it's near home n she wanna study french or literature..several articles 2007 n 2006 but dunno whr.. 🙂

  17. hermione says:

    :wink:way 2 go emma,be someone like me ok>> lol..u r smart..cuz u play me in movies.. 😛

  18. Jaana says:

    Hmmm… That sounds a bit fishy, don't you think? I mean, how can she go to Cambridge with 3 AS-levels if they require students to have 4-5 A-levels subjects? 😕 Well, I have to admit that I don't know that much about British school system as I live in Finland, but anyways… 😀 I thought she'd pick Oxford, too! o_O Well, I'm sure she'll do great wherever she goes. She's such a smart young girl, bless her! :'))

  19. Nimy says:

    I'm not surprised, she's clever and inteligent! 🙂 I just want to say good luck and good work Emma! She made a wise choice and phylosophy is very good I like it 😉

  20. andrew says:

    well, she's a smart person, so I'm not surprised if she goes to a very good college or university. Besideds, she takes A+ anyway 🙂 :smile:.

  21. liz says:

    omg she's so smart… why can't I get so many A* and A ???? unfair! Anyway, congrats emma. And good luck.

  22. brandon says:

    Emma is a pretty and smart woman. I bet since she makes a loads of money, I bet she gets help in studing. Do you think she will still move on to the Harry Potter films or move to another movie? Personally, I think she should do another movie other than Harry Potter fils. She has the talent to be an real actress, but rumors say that she just wants to have a normal life. So, I can see that she wants to have a normal life, but I bet she doesn't want to be remembered in the movie Harry Potter… Please forgive me in saying all that, but I believe that's what she'd do. Well if Emma is reading any of this at all, good luck to you for whatever you choose to be and want to be. Congrats…

  23. raluca says:

    hey, it`s a litlle bit strange because she said she doesn`t like geography, you even had that quote several times at the quote of the day, and now she wants to study it? and about the AS levels…maybe she will take the rest of them in the future(if she can, i don`t know, i`m not british) but anyway….good 4 her that she wants to study at such an important university.

  24. Punk Boy says:

    This is just a rumor….

  25. Punk Boy says:

    they write these articles just to catch the attention of the readers…

  26. Punk Boy says:

    Belive in Me….

  27. Sia says:

    I think she is taking the required 4 AS-levels…where is says art history, i believe there should be a comma so it is art AND history. And we all know how much Emma loves art :]

  28. Maas says:

    Yeah, I believe you Punk Boy. To sum up what others have said,it's really strange she takes only 3 subjects. And Geography? Did she like geography? I remember otherwise. I do believe she could go to Cambridge. But I don't believe this article.

  29. qqq says:

    Where is the cambridge university-uk or us???

  30. andrew says:

    TO qqq: Cambridge is in UK, and is one of the oldest univirsities :wink:.

  31. lala16... says:

    im from the UK taking my gcse's at the moment and english literature and art history are classed as double a-levels, so she is doing 5 really… most AS students drop one to go on for a-levels, but A-A* students (like emma) sometimes continue all of them. I think that if emma really wants to go to Cambridge then she should go for it, but it's really hard work (one of my mums friends went there), so she might not be able to act AND go to uni ! x x x

  32. jacksgirl says:

    if she goes to Cambridge i bet she would do really well! i hope she does do some more movies after Cambridge…if not..i'll really miss seeing her..'cause i think she's a really talented actress, and i would love to see her get a major part in a movie!(not harry potter) i think she would do great having a part in a movie were she doesn't have to be Hermione..what ever she decides to do, i will always be her fan! good luck Emma!!

  33. kristo says:

    😡 emma dont act in the last movie?

  34. kristo says:

    😥 😥 😥 😥

  35. Mia says:

    hey u said that wen new emma apperances will show up, u'll make a new layout. i mean this layout is good but it's been on for too long. u have new pics, y not use them for a new layout?

  36. Kat xx says:

    how sterotypical! oh an oxford born smart teen wants to go to cambrige – orginal! i live in england and am in year 12 (much like emma): Fact: u take 4 AS levels Fact: you take 3 Alevel (probably the ones stated) Fact: not many kids take a year off as you loose momentum and they arent encouraged – Stephanie and i agree with sam – weird 🙂

  37. dook says:

    kristo,Yes, Emma will be in the last movie. She has signed contracts to do so.

  38. XRespectMeX says:… 🙂

  39. lixanna says:

    :lol:LOL the second article is funny! I always says those glasses make them look like bugs too!! Somany young celebrities pop into my mind when I think of bug like glasses, I'm glad emma is not like that!!

  40. Brandon says:

    Agree with Punkboy…

  41. Mia says:

    Hey, we reli need a new layout!!!! ppl ask for one!

  42. Lou Lou says:

    yeah kinda agree with Mia!!! but DONT use the pic of her in the feather gold dress cus that wasnt her prettiest outfit!

  43. Stephanie says:

    About the layout: I like this one, but I think it's time for a change. Maybe when some new photos come out from the various premieres Emma will be attending, someone from can use one and make a layout. The only new photos are ones from the movie, and since this is supposed to be an Emma fansite (with only a small percent Hermione), I don't think they want to use them.

  44. dude says:

    i h8 cmabridge. but bcoz i live in oxford, it's natural of me to support oxford uni of course. we are big rivals, but if you want some adventure like philosphy, then cambridge is the best place. oxford is more achaidemic, like business and finance.

  45. Cartman says:

    Hi, guys! My name is Red. I'm from Russia. I just wanted to know some last news about Emma. Can You help me?

  46. Cartman says:

    There is so quite here. 🙁 Yo, guys, do You hear me? 😥

  47. .#.Ahlam.#. says:

    it is cool emma will go 2 cambridge 🙂

  48. r♥a says:

    I don't know much about cambridge, b/c I live in the US, but I'm happy for Emma wherever she chooses to go!! She's so smart. 🙂

  49. Eric says:

    Emma will go 2 Cambridge!:lol: COOOOOL!!! 😆

  50. Lou Lou says:

    youre not meant to do that on here cartman