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About being like Hermione (2007): "Obviously I'm a bit geeky, a bit nerdy like she is, underneath it all - we both love school. I love to learn."

Tatler pictures again // 10 June 2007

We have a couple more pictures from Tatler. They’re not new, just different versions of the ones in the magazine that appeared in an article in the Daily Mail, one without the words, and the other the full picture. Thanks to Nanda on the forums.

Have a great day!

Update: many thanks to the French site for letting us know that it’s been confirmed that there will be an OotP premiere in Paris on July 4th and that you can win a chance to attend this event if you’re French and a member of the FNAC by just clicking here. We don’t know yet if Emma will attend this event, though there have been rumours that she might, but we’ll definitely have an event correspondent for this premiere anyway!  πŸ™‚

[ dook ]

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51 Responses to “Tatler pictures again // 10 June 2007”

  1. hehe says:

    aweeeesome πŸ™‚

  2. dimethylmercury says:

    Cool!:smile: Thanks for posting them up! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. Amanda says:


  4. WiTchCraFt90 says:

    Very nice pictures! Thank you for it :smile:!

  5. maggie says:

    i love these pics! but is it just me,or is her hair alot darker here? πŸ˜•

  6. ew is #1 says:

    she looks great!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  7. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    i love this pics im so happy 4 all the 1s were getting ! thanx EW.NET πŸ˜† πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰

  8. moi says:

    I love the dresses that she is wearin here. πŸ˜‰ She is so beatiful. πŸ™‚

  9. bhtp1 says:

    This pics are awesome!!! πŸ˜†

  10. Kat xx says:

    love the pic on the left – and the times artical is a total exagerationo f her becoming a model(!!) – she just is doin sum photo shoots – i would if i was as famous and as pretty as emma – gd for her!

  11. KaT XX says:

    lurrrve potd!

  12. Nicola says:

    WOW how breath taking does our lil emma look or not so lil now! Growing up soo fast! she a beauty, a stunner! xxxxx

  13. kiakkia says:

    beautiful pictures πŸ˜†

  14. Inmaculada says:

    sale moderna y guapa como es ella. cada vez mejor. πŸ˜† πŸ™‚

  15. Maryan<Polen> says:

    πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  16. Martinka says:

    the pics are so lovely! she's a real beaty…. πŸ˜† butwhat happened to her hair?? has she coloured them or is it done by computer????? πŸ˜•

  17. Claire says:

    She looks amazing… And I want those Chanel dresses πŸ™‚

  18. *hpfan* says:

    wooooooooow wowwowwow

  19. hermia lou says:

    Honestly,I prefer rather her with her blonde hair. bUT she's also very beautiful in brunette. I'm like Claire! I want those Channel dresses! Quelle chance elle a de porter des v

  20. liz says:

    ok, I'm confused, dose she has her hair now brunette and long, or blonde and shorter? πŸ˜• (I mean now, at the moment)

  21. just me says:

    i like her hair in the 1st picture and the outfit in the 2nd picture! i like her hair better as a brunette.

  22. sarah says:

    hello! Great update and pics…thanks about the info. about the premi

  23. Sandrine says:

    Thanks for the pics! πŸ™‚ I played for the game to go to the premiere in Paris! I hope I'll will for once! πŸ˜‰

  24. cristy says: and needs your uport viset them today πŸ™‚

  25. emmafan4life says:

    i love the first pic, emma looks so beautiful in it

  26. Jaana says:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Emma looks gorgeous! That dark brown haircolour suits her very well! :> She is so beautiful. ^^

  27. Charlie says:

    She's grown up, and we all know it. The thing I love about Emma is that she doesn't just want to pursue the film career. She wants to go to University (Cambridge *gasp* ) and live her life. She's an intelligent, ambitious, gorgeous girl who will defy what ever judgement anyone has/had placed upon her.

  28. Ruben says:

    Love the haircolor!

  29. Thayse says:

    She's so beautiful oO I need know if the magazine is only to England or another countries too =/ Anyone anwser me,please? I wanna know too who going to go to premiere in Paris ;P

  30. A.v says:

    ZONG! OMG, June 26th iam going to Paris, France then Frankfurt, Germany for vacation. I AM 110% GOING TO THE PREIMIER!!! IN FRANCE! THIS MADE MY DAY!!!! (hope to see Emma)YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰

  31. A.v says:


  32. debbie says:

    I love her hair πŸ™‚

  33. Pete says:

    Yeah, debbie, me too! Speaking of those pictures, I tried do draw one of them yesterday. If you guys feel curious to know how it turned out: What do you ppl think? Should I send it to the staff? What are the odds of it getting added to the Watson Weekly art section? Adeus, Adi

  34. EMMA W RULZ says:

    @pete your drawing is really good! πŸ™‚ i wish i could draw like that you should send it in to go in to ww not sure of your chance though ive never sent any thing in so im not sure πŸ˜• πŸ™‚

  35. Firebolt chick says:

    hi i live in new zealand and i really want the new teen vogue ive looked every where whitcoulls, take note but i cant find it any whetre do they sell it over here? if so where? could someone please help me out thanks

  36. Chathura says:

    She'S So Beauty!

  37. rudy says:

    great pictures, she's more beauty when she looks older πŸ™‚

  38. Anonymous says:

    [ English only please. ]

  39. Anna says:

    She is the most beautiful cute girl in this whole wide world no one can look like ……these pics are very beautiful πŸ™‚ NATURAL BEAUTY GOD loves emma thats why she is very beautiful

  40. Anna says:

    no one can look like her***

  41. Anonymous says:

    Why only in English? This is not fair. We live in Russia and too very much frequently we are on this site, but the English language we do not know unfortunately.

  42. Joy says:

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ :smile:What pics!!!!!!!!!!! whooooopie Ilove This pics The Best Till Date . She is getting beautiful secon by second .

  43. moi says:

    I'll be at the french premiere!! I could be your correspondant if you like

  44. Brandon Ramsour says:

    Emma if u read this id like to say that you are totaly hot and im wondering if you could e-mail me your e-mail

  45. Anne says:

    πŸ˜† i like the first picture… second pic she looks ugly and stange!!! πŸ™‚

  46. jaina says:

    She looks again really hot and pretty. She looks so beautiful that I soon die or somwhere.

  47. Caio says:

    You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful You always Beatful

  48. Caio says:

    I love you.

  49. Caio says:

    You have orkut

  50. Hanna says:

    Doesn't it looks like this pics are faked? i think it does.. and does she really have that long hair? or is't hair extensions?