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About seeing herself on screen for the first time (2002): Absolutely like, the scariest moment of my whole entire life. I mean, it doesn't happen everyday that you see your face like 10 feet tall on a screen. It was unreal. I think it doesn't matter who you are or how many films you've been in or how good or bad you are, you're always really critical of yourself. Like me, for example, "Oh my God, my hair looks so bad", "I could have done that better" or whatever it is. Just, you know, really embarrassing."

Emma’s dress (Entertainment Thailand pic) // 11 June 2007

Hello everybody!

We thought we would start this new week by letting you know that the awesome Mensa from the Sassy! boards found the exact match for the dress Emma wore in the recent Entertainment Thailand picture. And it is by Chanel (again)! 😆

Here are a couple pictures of a model wearing it.

Oh and don’t forget to check our YouTube account! 🙂

Have a nice Monday and a nice week,

[ Neve ]

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44 Responses to “Emma’s dress (Entertainment Thailand pic) // 11 June 2007”

  1. EMMA W RULZ says:

    1st! yay! 🙂 😛 😆

  2. EMMA W RULZ says:

    1st link doesnt work it says page not found 😕

  3. liz says:

    3 rd 🙂 the links dosen't work you guys 🙁

  4. superG says:

    awesome as usual

  5. Chathura says:

    WOW !

  6. kiakkia says:

    beautiful dress 😉

  7. andrew says:

    great dress, but it looks like the same dress that Emma wore during the GOF premiere movie :smile:.

  8. XRespectMeX says:


  9. .#.Ahlam.#. says:

    11th……lol 🙂

  10. eliza says:

    the dress looks better on emma than on the model 🙂

  11. Verka says:

    OMG! That model must have anorexia! In the secon picture she looks like skeleton wearing a skin.

  12. KaT XX says:

    cool dress – v cute xx

  13. ew is #1 says:

    the model looks ok,but emma looks GREAT!!!!!!

  14. andrew says:

    Mr. Dook, I found some news on about harry potter book: Check it out if you want to post it.

  15. just me says:

    Yes, that model is waaaay too skinny!! And the dress looks better on Emma.

  16. hehe says:

    hey guys is the jessica alba's dress, check this link out 😉 …beautiful, what? 😉

  17. Helen says:

    Ya..I recognised that dress. Jessica Alba wore it to the Chanel resort fashion show!! xPPPP It's beautiful = ))

  18. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    wow beautidul dress ! 😛 😆 😉

  19. andrew says:

    great POTD 🙂 🙂 😉 :wink:.

  20. Kat xx says:

    wow grand potd!

  21. Marion says:

    I had the same thought as you…the model is way to thin…Emma looks fabulous in that dress. way better than the model… Marion

  22. Marion says:

    sorry, to dubble comment…her arms and legs look quite alright but her upper body is way to skinny like her shoulder and she is really not curvy

  23. Sandra says:

    The dress looks way better on Emma.. Well the problem is with alot of models now days they gotta be so thin. They can't be eating like chips, chocolate stuff like that. But gotta live on stuff that ain't just good.. Which is sad, I think people who wanna model shouldn't be forced to be thin like I don't know what =S It's really sad.

  24. andrew says:

    Yep, totally agree with Sandra. It is kind of sad, they are not allowed to be eating stuff they like, like junk, or dougnuts, oh well. Hopefully, they won't starve to death. 🙁 🙂

  25. Evie says:

    Ewww….I feel so sorry for models…it just looks gross, well to me!! I want pictures for this event! Are there some on the site? *looks*

  26. Mia says:

    Well Jessica Alba looks best in this dress…no offence

  27. ew is #1 says:

    I love the POTD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. cristy says:


  29. Keira says:

    Hi! Yeah, I di also agree, that the model is TOOOOO skinny. Still we haven't seen Emma in whole in that dress, but I consider that it suits her much etter 🙂 😛 BTW, thank u for the video, but still it's not that new 😉 I do also stand for those miserable models! OMG, they have their life and they have to live it. And still giving up eating almost everything is horrible… 😥 Em's really good that she keeps her fit! She looks great and has a splendid figure! 😛 Best wishes to everyone!! 😆

  30. Josie O'Brien says:

    I have 2 admit, that I kinda don't like this dress she is wearing….Srry, it just dosen't real seem cool & flashy, even though it really looks silked & nice, But I mean, did u see how long it is. Just saying. ttyl, Josie

  31. Tara says:

    Emma looks way better in that dress. Especially because the model wearing it is so sickly thin.

  32. Someone says:

    OMG!! You can't even see how the dress looks on Emma! It's just a pic of her face!

  33. hehe says:

    1. Well Jessica Alba looks best in this dress…no offence 🙂 2.OMG!! You can't even see how the dress looks on Emma! It's just a pic of her face! – THAT'S BIG TRUE

  34. Pete says:

    In first place, guys, clearly we can assume that the dress fits better someone with a perfectly moderated body, with discreet curves and proper body-mass-index ("cough"Emma"cough"), than a pale-skin-covered set of bones, IN ANY CASE. Besides, I can see exactly how the dress follows the shoulders, models the thorax and marks the waist in Emma's thailand mag picture.

  35. Helen says:

    The model is beautiful, but yea she's quite thin…It's a pity that many of the beautiful models are forced to be really skinny.. 🙁

  36. dimethylmercury says:

    The dress looked better on EMMA(:(:…And I'm not being biased or anything(:

  37. Grace says:

    This model needs some serious HELP!! She is wayyyy anorexic looking!!

  38. Shelby says:

    🙂 It looks much better on Emma.

  39. hermia lou says:

    Beautiful dress! I want the same! Now! Otherwise, I agree wth Shelly .I find the dress suits more to Emma Than the top model who is wearing on this 2 pics. Bye PS :Sorry for my bad english!

  40. Anne says:

    😉 😕 What it is????? who that girl??

  41. astronomius says:

    it looks waaayyy better on Emma

  42. dani says:

    ugly dress!!!