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About working for People Tree (2010): "I haven't had any fashion training but I am an artist. I paint, I draw and I had a great team to work with. I designed the collection for myself and my friends; they're the sort of thing we wear - the difference being they're ecologically sound. I became completely engrossed. I tried on the clothes, I worked on the catalogue and my friends and I were models. We all worked for free."

More New Pictures!!! // 12 June 2007

Hey EW.netters, we have some wonderful pictures of Emma for you today. Isn’t this a great time to be an Emma fan? 😆

Thanks to Maria! When I find out more about where these are from I’ll update the post. And hopefully we can get some larger versions.

Update: the pictures are from the Bulgarian Bravo and, thanks to Елизабет, we have scans from the magazine for you!

[ dook ]

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162 Responses to “More New Pictures!!! // 12 June 2007”

  1. KiNk! says:

    Sweet Emma! She's losing her shyness and is showing a little more leg. Yummy! Oh my word, what a hottie! Peace….! 🙂

  2. Rui says:

    Wow! She's stunningly beautiful! She's always been, I supposed.

  3. Rui says:

    Wow! She's stunningly beautiful! She's always been, I supposed.

  4. vikki says:

    I really don't see what the big deal about Emma not being Emma. She's always struck me as someone really into fashion. I'm her age and would wear the same things if i could. I really like her shoes in pic 6.

  5. Sam says:

    Brooke: Emma has always been familiar with high end fashion designers. did you already forget? just as one example, do you remember the outfit she wore to mtv's trl. she wore double c chanel earrings and a marc jacobs red military jacket. those are two of the most reputable names in the fashion industry. and she wore this all way back when she was only promoting POA. Emma has always had a good sense for fashion and her style will constantly evolve. she still has integrity. shes just growing up and learning more about what is expected of her from the celebrity realm. emma is rock n' roll. thats my peace

  6. wolftrof says:

    just amazing i dont have words they are so beautiful maravilloso 🙂

  7. EMMA W RULZ says:

    wow the pics are truly awesome!!!!!! 🙂 😉

  8. Marie says:


  9. Navya says:

    Perfect!!!utterly professional dont you think?I feel she has grown up into a true professional actress to a cute little kid

  10. Keana says:

    Ah I'm so happy all of these new photos are out of Emma! I was getting a little restless from not seeing any until now! She is so amazingly gorgeous, and if she doesn't carry on with acting after Harry Potter, modeling would suit her amazingly well. I've always wanted to be one…but lately my butts been getting bigger, lol. Honestly though, she has the amazing body and facial structure for it…I'm jealous! She's grown up so fast and beautifully, it feels weird saying it when I'm only 15, but it's true!!!

  11. Mint says:

    Breath-taking dress in Photo 1. Emma looks much better in the nude/pink Chanel dress (images 2 and 3) than the model in the photos below. I love the shoes and headband in the 2nd photo. My favourite outfit is in photo #6. Very classy, elegant, and shows off her figure perfectly. Wicked shoes, too! My favourite photos are 2, 3, 4 and 6. I also quite like 9 and 13. Overall, this is by far my favourite photoshoot that Emma has ever had. The stylist and make-up artists should both get enormous pay-rises! Emma looks perfectly lovely, not a day older than seventeen, and she truly looks like the girl-next-door, the kind of person you'd like to be friends with. The only thing I have to complain about does not have anything to do with Emma (that's a first!) – in pics 11 and 12 we catch a glimpse of a heater and its attachment. I guess they might have wanted to give the photo an old-fashioned, vintage feel, but I think it's a bit ugly. In my opinion, heaters are things that should be used and not publicly displayed. But that's just me. All in all, a FANTASTIC photoshoot! Well done to whoever did it!

  12. Kitty says:

    omg!!! this the best emma photoshoot i've seen. she looks soooo gorgeous and grown up. altho, some of her poses make her look a little like hilary duff except ten times better!!!

  13. amy says:


  14. Julie says:

    i like the pics..are really great,but i don't agree with the fact that emma is turning into a 'woman',cause she's only 17…and they put her all those high heals shoes, i don't think that she can walk with those… anyway, i like the 4th and the 6th pic, she is really natural there. i also like the one with glasses..funny 😛

  15. Julie says:

    ups! not the 4th, the 5th and the 7th… 😆

  16. Julie says:

    oh god i like the 5th and the 7th 🙂 srry about posting,and posting again 🙂

  17. marie says:

    wow these are so nice! number 2 and 6 are so pretty, and in number 6 she kinda reminds me of keira knightley..

  18. Emily says:

    Emma is very very beautiful~~~~ I LOVE these photos very much!!!!

  19. ronny says:

    in the first picture she looks like a princess, verry cool!

  20. Rodo says:

    [Watch your language] I ALMOST PASSED AWAY WHEN I SAW THE PICS. she definitively is a goddess… if someone can be her b-friend he\’d become my idol, i can assure you that

  21. btram says:

    OMG. So many many pics. Love all of them. 😛

  22. Daria says:

    WOW! It's lovely!!!!

  23. bec says:

    Heidi, lol i know she looks sooo gorgeous, so unfair. but hey, if we had a professional makeup team, stylist and photographer and some photoshop maybe we would look that good? then again she naturally beautiful lol.

  24. Imene says:

    Emmmmmma is So bEauTiFuL 🙂 !!! You'r the best Emmaaaaaa 😉

  25. shaheen says:

    She is looking Supercool!!! 😆

  26. shaheen says:

    She is grown so beautiful n sexy!

  27. shaheen says:

    I like in dat short dress! she looks fabulous!

  28. ~Roni~ says:

    I think that if you look up the word "BEAUTIFUL" in the dictionary you'd find: "See- Emma Watson." 😉

  29. Nastar says:

    I do agree with all EW.neters that this photoshoot is great. I also fully agree with Tina: not all pics reflect Emma's character. The task of photoshootmakers is to surprise, somehow to shock people. They don't really care about truthfulness. I must say they managed with this task perfectly. I just love pics number 3,4,5,7. But the rest…awful sitting positions…Indeed she is not like herself. Of course, I don't blame Emma too, cuz I'm sure it wasn't her desicion to sit like that. We, fans, know who she is, how sweet, modest, clever she is, and we will not be messed about! 😕 😕 😕

  30. Nastar says:

    Roni, you are sweeeeeeeeeeeet!You are right! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  31. Janine says:

    Those photos are amazing! I like the sixth one best. Emma looks extremely gorgeous on this one. And yes, it's an incredibly great time to be an Emma fan 😉 Love, Janine

  32. lala16... says:

    awww shes pretty ! I absoutley love the fourth pic…. its my fav ! i like number 7 aswell. Tina I agree with what you said though, and Catrena I agree kind of, because she sometimes does seem a bit spoilt. In the 1st one she looks like a fairy lol ! x x x x

  33. tiffany says:


  34. *hpfan* says:


  35. kety says:

    she is soo beautiful!!!

  36. Natalie says:

    She is gorgeous. This is my favourite photoshoot ever, and the Elle Girl photoshoot second. She looks like an angel in the first one!

  37. liz says:

    OMG How come she's so GORGEOUS????

  38. moi says:

    "and i dont understand how anyone can say someone is trying to change emma into something shes not. you dont even know who she really is for one and secondly, its a photo shoot so shes not going to wear her usual clothes and she may not even have much say in what she gets to wear." I totally agree with you Sam. And… Emma looks so beatifull! 🙂

  39. Julia says:

    I only really see Emma in the 3d, 4th and 7th picture, (and the sunglasses are so cool :razz:), the rest is a bit boring..not like her at all. But 3, 4 and 7 are immediately my favorites of all time 🙂 😛

  40. black_angel says:

    wooow!!! Emma is….so,so,so beautiful,natural and cool!!! This are the thingz that i like at her!! And in this pics, she's like an angel…and the clothes are so gorgeous!!!!! and she defines the natural and pure beauty, with her make-up and her clothes.EMMA ROCK 4 EVER! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  41. black_angel says:

    *rocks spelling mistake…. 😆

  42. vadersfist says:

    Wonderful fabulous pics!!!!!!!!!! I especially like the 3rd, 5th and 10th ones, which I downloaded already 😛 😆

  43. just me says:

    I agree with Tina too. But there are some of these that I like: #1 (she looks like a princess), #4 (she just looks so pretty), and #7 (she looks young & cute). But as always, she looks really pretty!!

  44. Casia says:

    I am sorry for my english firstly I don't agree with Tina! I was bored with the her old style. She always looked kind of funny 'cause the things she wore weren't matching. But in those pics her look is complet and perfect. I think she just wanted to try something else, something not soo childish or bohem just simply elegant. And the article was trying to show how much Emma is grownig up and pics are just support this. 🙂

  45. Kat xx says:

    i love all these pics she looks awesome – love everything except pic 1 as she looks like a 10 year old! where are these pics from? wat are the designers of the dresses?? is this the channel collection u were talking about – cus its pretty cool! love the hair em! lol love 2, 4 and 6 – dont like moody em-em! 😛

  46. Kat xx says:

    btw – dont these pics just scream NEW BACKGROUND!!! 🙂

  47. Evie says:

    Shes TOO beautiful, her hair is TOO lovely, her figure is TOO good and I would like HQ pics TOO!! Lol. All stunning.

  48. Krum says:

    LOL at all these comments about Emma "changing into something she's not". Y'all have to realize that Emma's all grown up now!!! She's gone from "cute little girl" to "full-blown hottie" right before our eyes, and I for one am all for it…she looks incredible! GO EMMA!!!

  49. Yassi says:

    i think i agree with TINA. she just looks too hollywood, dressed up in all that, but i gotta say, she looks stunning x