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About Dan (2005): "Dan is... Where do I start? He is a fireball, he's got so much energy that guy, I don't know where it comes from. He's a fantastic entertainer. One day, there just needs to be the Daniel Radcliffe programme, you just need to film him, you know, just film him, he is so funny. He is very very into music, very very strong opinion in music front. He is very kind of stand up comedian guy, so he'll be very entertaining on your show."

OotP on Set, and New Scan // 13 June 2007

Today we have a new picture of Emma on the set of Order of the Phoenix. Thanks to Laura for the tip and Fred for the picture.

And thanks to Siena we have a new scan from Tiger Beat.

[ dook ]

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60 Responses to “OotP on Set, and New Scan // 13 June 2007”

  1. Keana says:

    Yay I'm finally first! Lol. I love the pic of Emma, she's so naturally beautiful, and it doesn't seem all enhanced or anything! And on the TigerBeat quiz…I got Emma! I feel so happy lol 😀

  2. Abby says:

    Emma looks cute in that picture. Her shirt reminds me of the one she wore in those chair pictures that came out with GOF.

  3. Anne says:

    Wow she looks really pretty!

  4. Paulo Henrique says:

    OMG, she is soooooooo beautiful 😆

  5. Helen says:

    OMG…I'm amazed by the pics in the last post…THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! She's a young lady now, not a kid anymore..

  6. kiakkia says:

    she is sooooo lovely 😛

  7. Chris says:

    I just love all these updates. She looks fantastic. Great job guys. 🙂

  8. Tina says:

    Oh, I love the new on-set pic! So cute 😆 And I LOVE her hair in this picture!

  9. Kate says:

    Yeah, guys, I do also really like her NATURAL beauty and not-fake look. Like her casual 😛 I think she is sort of more real and comfortable in this pic than in all those "high-fashion" photoshoots, though she still looks gorgeous there. It's just my opinion 😉 TNX for posting! Have a nice day! 🙂

  10. ~Roni~ says:

    Love the new set pic. But why is she blonde??

  11. Light_Dementor says:

    I don't like her hair in the set pic, but she is still beautiful as always :P…

  12. lala16... says:

    in the set pic how short is her hair ! is it just me or is the hair nearer to a bob then anything else? x x x

  13. XRespectMeX says:

    cool pic…emma looks beautiful…

  14. Betty says:

    Emma's wearing a mic on her shirt. I wonder if we'll see any interviews of her while she is wearing that outfit.

  15. *hpfan* says:


  16. kety says:


  17. yvonne says:

    that is sooo cute. She looks beautiful^^

  18. Kate says:

    It's rather old pic, or I just can't understand anything – look: SHE"S STILL WEARING BRACES at the pic! really! But, as we know, she took them off befor all GoF premieres… Dunno… But still she looks fantastic, so naturaL AND SO …Emm-ish 😆

  19. andrew says:

    she looks great in both of them.

  20. vadersfist says:

    Gr8 Pic! I've already downloaded it and put it on my iPod 😆

  21. .#.Ahlam.#. says:

    amazing :smile:she looks great

  22. just me says:

    Wow, I love her hair in this pic!!! I think it's so pretty! She looks so comfy and cute in casual clothes. (And I got the Emma thing on the Eye-Q scan!)

  23. lala16... says:

    Betty yeah she is ! maybe this is from when they do the interviews on set, for the DVD x x x

  24. Kat xx says:

    cute xx

  25. Kim says:

    Hey!!! Does anyone see that she's wearing braces in this pic or is it just me??? She's still pretty 😉

  26. Kat xx says:

    Kim: nope she aint wearing braces

  27. Evie says:

    Shes got straight hair…wierd. Lol! But good wierd! I love that shirt… Wish I had a figure like hers…*hmph* Lol!

  28. Kat xx says:

    pics in last update scream new banners and background!!!! 😆

  29. Jeanne says:

    ok, is anybody else but me thinking that the pic looks like a manip? first, the "Emma" doesn't blend in with the picture, and second, have you EVER seen her with that kind of hair? if it's on set, that means that she is Hermione; do you see any curls there or brown hair for that matter? the face seems like something from BAFTAS 2005, but it could also be a photoshopped GoF NY Premiere, though, knowing me, it's probably a real pic though I disagree with that. other than that, cute. but the quiz soo isn't Emma; never leave home without lipgloss? 😡 Emma's not like that, she has said she's a bit tomboysh and doesn't always wear makeup though thinks about how she looks. then, she's NOT afraid to ask questions or step up in class, she does debating for crying out loud! also, I don't think that everything in her room is pink, even though her favourite colour is pink.

  30. big boss says:

    wow emma just seems to get prettier as the days go on. 🙂

  31. Janice says:

    she looks so beautiful. She looks awsome. I'm not to crazy about the shoes though. But still.

  32. Mika says:

    Please, don't kill me, but don't you think Em's a bit fat in this pic? well, maybe it's just an angle.. Anyway, she's really naturally cute 🙂

  33. Pete says:

    For everyone complaining about last post's photoshoot, I have one thing to say: 17. Yeah, just that: 17. That's an interesting age, isn't it? The age when KEIRA KNIGHTLEY was too busy playin' Orlando Bloom's romantic-mate on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean to be worried with people saying she was acting too mature for her age. The age when Evan Rachel Wood was going to the premiere of "Thirteen" (extremely srtong film) wearing a very ellegant embroidered shirt that she wouldn't have worn when she was younger, because she was now 17 and turning into a woman. 17 is also the age when Emma Watson starts to appear in grown-ups' magazines such as Tatler, in photoshoots were she wears high (yet very discreet and sophisticated) heels, because, you know, she's UNARGUABLY turning into a woman. And also, chill out folks! It's just a photoshoot. She's not supposed to translate herself through it. It's ART! Just like acting.

  34. Pete says:

    Sorry if I was too rude and spoke too long. I was (and I am) upset. Nice update, by the way, Dook. Thank you very much.

  35. dook says:

    Jeanne, It\'s not a manip. It\'s from a reliable photo agency.

  36. Sam says:

    maybe the reason she has straightened hair and braces because she doesnt have to be in the studio for shooting scenes but for a different reason. it looks like emma was cut off from the rest of the pic. maybe she was posing with that dying boy that got his dream to be on the harry potter set? remember that?

  37. emmafan4life says:

    emma looks great in that pic! i think it looks like it was from a while ago, because she looks a lot different from the pics we've been seeing of her lately. i like the scan too. the only good issues of little kid magazines like tiger beat are the ones that mention emma!

  38. Jaana says:

    The picture from the set is so cute! ^^ I love how she looks very down-to-earth and comfy in this pic. Although her pose is a bit funny. 😀 And yes, Emma definitely is a natural beauty. She looks very pretty in this picture and she's hardly wearing any makeup. ^^ Oh, and the scan had mistakes in it. Oh, and one more thing. I have to say, I agree with Pete about the last post's photoshoot.

  39. daniel says:

    She looks very natural, I love it. 😆

  40. Wendy says:

    Wow, she's spectacularly beautiful. For her age, she's so much cooler than Hilary Duff. I just love the way she looks in the clothes in the photos. I turned out to be Ashley Tisdale in the silly Tiger Beat thing.

  41. Wendy says:

    That comment I just posted goes for the 12 June 2007 news. 🙂

  42. Michelle says:

    She looks sooooo pretty! Now I can't wait to turn seventeen. 🙂

  43. bhtp1 says:

    I just love the picture. She looks beautiful in it

  44. Michael says:

    @Mika: Fat? Are you crazy? She looks GORGEOUS. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

  45. Kat xx says:

    now i fink about it Jeanne – i agree with you- it looks a bit fake! hmmm but if its from a reliable source then i guess that okies xx

  46. ew is #1 says:

    she looks awesome as always. I got emma on the Tiger Beat quiz!!! 🙂 😉 😆

  47. ew is #1 says:

    also i love her hair. also i can't tell if she braces in the 1st pic.

  48. Cool4ever says:

    Hey! wassup? BTW: liking the hair. the shoes…okay.

  49. Dan says:

    Emma is always lovely . Girls change a lot in just a year . Any new pics are appreciated .Shes so down to earth just have to love her .Must be breakfast ……juice and toast her fav so I read. This girl loves shoes does she not ? lol

  50. Rui says:

    Dan, I believe so. 🙂